Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thursday, November 27, 2008

One Down

     My first ever exam paper for my NUS degree ended on a low. Alright, may not be that low, still far from my expectation. My theory wasn't that good. Hence, i have a little problem with programming theory (Qn1). Things get slightly better on the section 2 (3 choose 2). Special thanks to my lecture mates for informing the lecturer that i missed out an important announcement while i went to the toilet. That could cause me alot of marks. So, THANKS~!

     Feeling tired, disappointed and low... Jun Hao tries to console me and make me believe that i will not be doing that badly. He also lost some marks but still brace himself for the next paper. My most confident paper, Employee Mgmt in Singapore. Programming was the 2nd more confident paper, yet some part of me is telling me that i may not do well in the rest of the papers as well. I decided to take whole week off to study despite having risk of losing my AWS. Heck~! who cares~! Study is my priority now.

     No one to be blame if i get bad results as even till now, i do not have the mood to study yet. A little fly that lost his direction, i guess. Not resting well, need to keep my body fit for my fitness test. Target date for IPPT is on 6th dec, a day after my maths paper.

     Now... time to go for a short run before i hit my bed... haha... or maybe an hour of study or two. ciaoz~!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


回话凌乱着 在这个时刻
我想起喷泉旁的白鸽 甜蜜散落了
情绪莫名的拉扯 我还爱你呢
而你断断续续唱着歌 假装没事了

时间过了 走了 爱情面临选择
你冷了 倦了 我哭了
离开时的不快乐 你用卡片手写着
有些爱只给到这 真的痛了

怎么了 你累了 说好的 幸福呢
我懂了 不说了 爱淡了 梦远了
开心与不开心一一细数着 你再不舍
那些爱过的感觉都太深刻 我都还记得

你不等了 说好的 幸福呢
我错了 泪干了 放手了 后悔了

你的回话凌乱着 在这个时刻
我想起喷泉旁的白鸽 甜蜜散落了
情绪莫名的拉扯 我还爱你呢
而你断断续续唱着歌 假装没事了
时间过了 走了 爱情面临选择
你冷了 倦了 我哭了
离开时的不快乐 你用卡片手写着
有些爱只给到这 真的痛了

怎么了 你累了 说好的 幸福呢
我懂了 不说了 爱淡了 梦远了
开心与不开心一一细数着 你再不舍
那些爱过的感觉都太深刻 我都还记得
你不等了 说好的 幸福呢
我错了 泪干了 放手了 后悔了

怎么了 你累了 说好的 幸福呢
我懂了 不说了 爱淡了 梦远了

你不等了 说好的 幸福呢
我错了 泪干了 放手了 后悔了

Sunday, November 16, 2008


今天,我花了几个小时绞尽脑汁,想办法完成我的Programming Lab3。从昨晚就一 直无法解决的三个问题,今天解决了两个。一个是昨晚深夜时分解开的,而另一个 是几分钟前刚解开的。你无法想象我所拥有的那种喜悦,无法用言语形容的成就感。 顿时间,激动的快要跳起来了,但快乐似乎是短暂的。

因为还有一个朋友跟我一样在想同样的问题,当我一解开了后,第一时间就SMS他。 表面上,我好像是那个比较强的那个,但看起来是我太高估自己的实力了。当我收 到他网上的回复时,我脸上的笑容刹时间转换成失望。这已经不是第一次了。我只 是以为能帮到他们些什么,一解决问题,第一时间就通知他们,结果往往是他们已 经解决了,我反而是比他们晚完成的。真的很伤人。为什么他做出答案不会马上告 诉我呢?害我还浪费许多时间去想。

也许我的职业是FA (Failure Analyst)吧,每当他们的程序出现问题时,都会请我 替他们检查。通常他们的失误都是些很小的问题,逻辑上的问题或因为对Programming的 写法不够了解。我常常得一个人帮两到三个人,搁下我自己的程序,帮他们在同样 时间内检查。有时一想到这点,还蛮佩服自己的,竟然真的能解决他们的问题,把 拥有不同问题的程序,都一一变成能跑的了。

虽然我常说我对Programming还蛮有兴趣的,但要把我脑里的逻辑写成程序,并非易 事。别担心,虽然沮丧,但我还是得把最后一个难题给解决掉,不是吗?对自己的程 度的确出现了质疑,只好加把尽,在考试时,证明给自己看,其实我也不差吗。


I had decided to give credits to whoever did their job during my course of study and penalise those who simply come and earn our money. Hence i wrote a description on why my Employee Management's tutor should be nominated. My english isn't good, but hope they understand what i wrote.

     Ms Siew Beng bring us a different insight on the topic of Employee Management in Singapore. She will not only make us think about the employee’s perspective, but also the employer’s perspective. She also encourage us to use our working experience as an examples in the numerous topics that we went through. This allow us to apply what we learn to the real world, bridging the gap between the academic and real working world.

     She will also share with us her experience, what she read from news or learnt from her students and friends. Because of her real life examples, i get to understand the module easily. Her timely choice of video also make her lessons much more interesting. She has the ability to make us think and discuss the different topics in different session, encouraging us to voice out our opinion and participate in class discussion. I feel that i had a better understanding of HR in Singapore context. She focus on local context but still did not neglect the global influence of the foreign countries, like USA.

     By making us do an essay write up on a news article relating to what we had learned, we get to read more newspaper. Most of the time, she will discuss with those students who reached before lesson time about the current affairs. This increases our interest in what is happening in the society today. She made the lessons more interesting and not as dry as many would have expected. This module was known to be more theory base and i usually find myself hard to cope with this type of module, hence credit must be given to Ms Siew Beng for making me enjoy her lessons etc. I look forward to every Friday's lesson.

     She offer her help whenever is needed and act more like a friend, rather than teacher. She is there to listen to us whenever we need to. She also leads by example. She present herself in a proper manner, speak proper language and able to manage her students adequately. Some students in our class tends to be loud, but she was able to control them and give other students a chance to speak up. She showed us what human management is all about.

     Due to work commitments, most of us did not revise our notes after each lesson. Hence, she make it a point to make us recap on what we had learnt previous week and create a linkage with the previous topic whenever we start a new one. Thus everything just falls into place so naturally. Her slides was made in a way that we will concentrate on her teaching rather than merely read through her slides.

     After the lesson, i feel that i am more capable of doing presentation or voice out my concerns/opinion whenever is needed. I also have a better understanding of my employer's views on issues and what is my role in my company. Hence, I decided to nominate her for this award that she deserves greatly.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

brain usage

Your Brain Usage Profile:

Auditory : 42%
Visual : 57%
Left : 33%
Right : 66%

Wee, you possess an interesting balance of hemispheric and sensory characteristics, with a slight right-brain dominance and a slight preference for visual processing.

Since neither of these is completely centered, you lack the indecision and second-guessing associated with other patterns. You have a distinct preference for creativity and intuition with seemingly sufficient verbal skills to be able to translate in any meaningful way to yourself and others.

You tend to see things in "wholes" without surrendering the ability to attend to details. You can give them sufficient notice to be able to utitlize and incorporate them as part of an overall pattern.

In the same way, while you are active and process information simultaneously, you demonstrate a capacity for sequencing as well as reflection which allows for some "inner dialogue."

All in all, you are likely to be quite content with yourself and your style although at times it will not necessarily be appreciated by others. You have sufficient confidence to not second-guess yourself, but rather to use your critical faculties in a way that enhances, rather than limits, your creativity.

You can learn in either mode although far more efficiently within the visual mode. It is likely that in listening to conversations or lecture materials you simultaneously translate into pictures which enhance and elaborate on the meaning.

It is most likely that you will gravitate towards those endeavors which are predominantly visual but include some logic or structuring. You may either work particularly hard at cultivating your auditory skills or risk "missing out" on being able to efficiently process what you learn. Your own intuitive skills will at times interfere with your capacity to listen to others, which is something else you may need to take into account.


连续两天吃好料,快胖死了~! 昨天,去了Cafe Cartel吃了一大盘猪排骨 和Zin给得鸡扒。吃腻了公司的食物,所以想出外吃些 不同的。最近胃口较差,若留在公司吃的话,我也许只吃水果而已。吃完后,肚子 好胀啊~!

今天而去了changi village吃些普通的食物。因为今天是Nicole的 最后第二天,所以便驾车到公司,好在午餐时能到外头吃,她请客嘛!是我们一直 叫她请,她才勉为其难的请的。哈哈!我相信她不介意的,我们对她还算不错吧。 在这短短的三个月内(她从Array FA shift member转到normal shift,和我一样是应 为在读书),我们挺照顾他的。

我们吃的都是些"sinful"的食物。都是些本地的食物,例如:Hokkien Mee和 蚝煎。吃得肚子很"满足"。哈哈!


Sunday, November 09, 2008

Food for thoughts

my HR tutor give us a small note on our last lesson by her. she was a great teacher and i really like attending her lessons. not once did i find her lesson bored, hope all my teacher are as good as her...

Do more than exist, live.
Do more than touch, feel.
Do more than look, observe.
Do more than read, absorb.
Do more than listen, understand.
Do more than think, ponder.
Do more than talk, say something.

- John Ho. Rhoades

Friday, November 07, 2008






现在的工作是看shift member所做的研究报告,如果他们做错或做不好,应该纠正。就因这样,感觉上,我变得很惹人厌。总是觉得我没kyu那么好命,有人帮忙和support。或许这就是男人与女人的区别吧,他们反过来希望我减轻他们的工作。我从来没真正的埋怨,把该做的工作都做好,就只希望我不是"只会说,不会做"的人。I always tried to lead by example. 但也许是我做的不够多,不够好吧,才会有现在这种 下场。

或许是我太敏感了,因为发太多的e-mail,对大伙儿的要求如对自己的要求一样高,搞到大家都不开心。最近觉得team c对我的态度欠佳,黄鑫对我说话有时大声了一点,phyu和我说话的语气更是气人。还好我忍的住,否则我一定直接讲回去了。



Tuesday, November 04, 2008


跑步的的确确是一项超棒的运动。数年前,我应为寂寞,孤独,而把那伤感转移到 跑到上。当然主要原因还是因为我太胖了,但每当我在慢跑时,脑海常会有很多画 面,问题。只有在这一个人的时候,我才会面对内心深处的另一个自己。常聆听别 人的怨言的我,总该听听自己吧!哈哈。


其实,了解我的人都应该知道我跑步的速度。我并非男飞人,也不是短跑健将。我 一向来都以慢跑来减肥。曾经看过某媒体的广告,里头说要减肥要跑得慢,但要久, 否则脂肪还没减,肌肉先出来了。这样一来,腿会变更粗的。这次的慢跑让我想了 我要的是什么,心里想什么。 其中一件事,既然是应为一个朋友。其实这并不是第一次发生的事情了,所以我这 次没以往的激动。我伤心,我难过,眼泪却往往没流出来。这次的我比较轻松一点。 所谓曾玩火被烫伤的人,哪里还敢碰火呢?在大家听了一头雾水之前,我先间说发生 了什么事吧。

进几个星期,有一位我一向来蛮重视的哥们,完完全全失去了踪迹。让我伤心失望 的那天起,便联络不上了。但他却常在facebook里,有updates,有新的朋友,等等。 也许友情的合约早已过期了,忘了更新。没关系。我不再难过。看以后咱们是否还 有做朋友的缘分吧。至少因为他,我认识了多一个会珍惜我的朋友。

再见了,这遗失的友谊。我相信我会过得更好。不会像上次Bryan那件事一样的难过 的。


Sunday, November 02, 2008

LOUSY SERVICE: Emicakes & Famous Amos

Singapore want to be a great tourism Hub? Its going to be a tough transition. We have to start from heartland. I went to 3 shops today, none meet my basic expectations from service line. Alright, maybe being in service line myself years ago, i am expecting something. But am i asking for a lot? I don't think so.

Smiles, Attention, Politeness. This are 3 basic requirement from service sector workers. Let's talk about Famous Amos first. The lady at the counter have the 'you-owe-me-a-life' face. i will not even think about patronizing this store if i see this kind of face. Honestly, this was the 2nd time i went there. Not for me, but for my sister. Last year, same thing happens and it is from a different person, mind you. We suppose to get the cookie at 12pm. We went and they don't even know where they put the cookie. When you expect them to find it, guess what, they did not do it at all.

The lady cashier did not even come and apologize, it was another guy who came and apologize, requesting us to return in 1/2h time. That lady cashier show the attitude to ALL customers. When we return to collect the cookie, her face is still the same. If i know the person name, i would lodge a complain to the office le.

Heart Cake in a Tin
Famous Amos's Cookie
(wordings are different from purchase)
Comics Connection
During the 1/2h, we went to Comics Connection to shop. When we ask for help, no help was offered but at least this guy politely say, "We do not kept any in the store." Then his attention immediately focus on another customer, who seems to be purchasing quite a lot. Then the cashier was very slow, offer no apology and no SMILE again. Lousy service, even if she is new, she should show some sense of urgency. She was like 'i-had-my-whole-life-doing-this' kind of attitude.

I have been eyeing on their mini-cakes for months. But due to the pricing, i was pondering about the idea. Today, i finally go and buy. Today, being the first, will definitely be my last time going there. I bought 4 mini-delights & 1 mini-oreo cheesecake. First the service, the whole store is serving one customer while letting others wait. 1 was writing a receipt, 1 was preparing the candles, 1 was hidden inside (don't know do what) while one is happily chit-chatting with the customer. I was waiting patiently, then one shock thing happens. This lady simply walked past me and talk to a indian lady customer and ask her what she want. I was standing there dumbfounded.

I don't blame this Indian lady, but i feel this is not the right attitude in service line. You make customer wait and then without offering any apology, cut away me and ask what another customer want. I swallow my anger and i did my purchase. So far, i ate 2. The Mini-oreo cheesecake, that taste like oreo-cream cake, and the Tiramisu, which have no alcohol taste but full of cream. Forget it, i am not going to buy from Famous Amos or Emicakes

Tiramisu Delight
Mini Oreo
Just for your information, i have not even start commenting on Swensen's & a saloon in Compass Point. One thing for sure, not all expensive things are good. At least, i am proud to say my cheesecake taste more like a cheesecake than the Emicakes and my service last time is way better than these stores. Uniquely Singapore? Ya, sure its unique enough. Tourism Hub? Dream on...

Sagittarius Employee Profile


The Sagittarian employee is head strong, cheerful, and willing to help. They exude self-confidence and take on tasks like there's no tomorrow. They are willing to tackle even the toughest of projects as long as it is challenging and gets them out of the routine. Lucky for them, their shining personalities and honest enthusiasm seem like a bright spot in the office otherwise co-workers might begin to build animosity towards someone so arrogant and extravagant.

Their tendency to exaggerate and take on more then they can handle usually results in missed deadlines and dropping the ball-not because they are lazy of procrastinate, but because their enthusiasm just gets the better of them sometimes. Don't let their nonchalance fool you-they really do care about what they are doing. They just have an easy-going attitude that allows them to keep on smiling even when they just messed up big time.

Just because they are flexible and easy-going doesn't mean they won't tell you exactly how they feel-what is working for them and what isn't. And they won't just blindly take orders - they need to understand the method and reason behind the process.

If you are trying to motivate your Sagittarian employee, be sure to feed them plenty of challenging new projects and hint that some business trips might be on the horizon once deadlines are met.

And whatever you do, try not to question their intentions- it is the quickest way to make them upset. They aren't capable of deceit.