My knee were required to be placed in an awkward position, which made me felt uncomfortable with some aching after that. Nevertheless, it is great that i am able to scan my knee successfully. Now, its all down to the results from the scan... Good or bad, please tell me how to recover!!!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
CT Scan a success, finally
Wednesday, January 26, 2011
second opportunity
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
2o11 Resolution
Only 3 weeks into 2011, I am already involved in one of the annual celebrations/parades in Singapore - Chingay 2011! Special thanks to Ermei for giving me the chance to participate when I asked him. Its a great start to 2011! I will be one of the 'Gods of Fortune' and will also be the Umbrella-bearers in the Finale. Sounds great? May fortune comes to people around me this year!
Back to the topic, 2011 Resolutions! This year, I came up with the list of things i wanted to acheive. Here they are:
- Learn 2 songs of different language (e.g Cantonese, Korean)
- Learn at least 1 upbeat song.
- Learn a musical instrument (hopefully piano)
- Record at least 1 video (for youtube account: JWeeTV)
- Aim for B+ and above for FYP
- Take a set of photos on 'Donuts' (my flickr account: mini_donuts)
- Capture more captivating photos using my perception!
- Complete 3 short Marathons (Adidas Sundown, Nike & StandChart)
I also have a short wish-list:
- Able to slim down (I AM REALLY HOPING FOR IT TO HAPPEN!)
- Recover from my knee injuries
- Have a chance to perform?
Alright, shall get back to work...
Signing off
Monday, January 24, 2011
Keirsey Temperament Sorter®-II
Idealists, as a temperament, are passionately concerned with personal growth and development. Idealists strive to discover who they are and how they can become their best possible self -- always this quest for self-knowledge and self-improvement drives their imagination. And they want to help others make the journey. Idealists are naturally drawn to working with people, and whether in education or counseling, in social services or personnel work, in journalism or the ministry, they are gifted at helping others find their way in life, often inspiring them to grow as individuals and to fulfill their potentials.
Idealists are sure that friendly cooperation is the best way for people to achieve their goals. Conflict and confrontation upset them because they seem to put up angry barriers between people. Idealists dream of creating harmonious, even caring personal relations, and they have a unique talent for helping people get along with each other and work together for the good of all. Such interpersonal harmony might be a romantic ideal, but then Idealists are incurable romantics who prefer to focus on what might be, rather than what is. The real, practical world is only a starting place for Idealists; they believe that life is filled with possibilities waiting to be realized, rich with meanings calling out to be understood. This idea of a mystical or spiritual dimension to life, the "not visible" or the "not yet" that can only be known through intuition or by a leap of faith, is far more important to Idealists than the world of material things.
Highly ethical in their actions, Idealists hold themselves to a strict standard of personal integrity. They must be true to themselves and to others, and they can be quite hard on themselves when they are dishonest, or when they are false or insincere. More often, however, Idealists are the very soul of kindness. Particularly in their personal relationships, Idealists are without question filled with love and good will. They believe in giving of themselves to help others; they cherish a few warm, sensitive friendships; they strive for a special rapport with their children; and in marriage they wish to find a "soulmate," someone with whom they can bond emotionally and spiritually, sharing their deepest feelings and their complex inner worlds.
Idealists are relatively rare, making up no more than 15 to 20 percent of the population. But their ability to inspire people with their enthusiasm and their idealism has given them influence far beyond their numbers.
Idealists at Work
Idealists, as a temperament, are passionately concerned with personal growth and development. They are naturally drawn to working with people and are gifted with helping others find their way in life, often inspiring them to grow as individuals and to fulfill their potential both on, and off, the job.
Because you live in anticipation of an exciting future, in your ideal job you will be asked to stretch your imagination on a continual basis. Existing ideas, individuals and groups of people, products, services, and the relationships between these things can trigger flashes of insight about how "what is" might unfold into "what might be." You feel rewarded where you feel free to share your insights with people who encourage your creativity and who support the unpredictable process by which you narrow down the stream of ideas into innovations that are meaningful within the scheme of your personal values. You are likely to be comfortable taking on a leadership role, so long as it doesn’t place you in an arbitrary hierarchy.
Keirsey Temperament Sorter®-II : [click here]
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
RECOUNT : 2004 Savvyzone Award Ceremony
The 'reward' was increased by Yiliang as winners have to have a 'sip' of alcohol... and the alcohol increased over the awards... so you can imagine how the last winner felt...
This is the top 3 that you chose for the various award...
Best 'Butt' Award
1st Jannah
2nd Wee Liang
3rd Jian Long
Best Hairstyle Award
1st Aris
2nd Jeremy
3rd Jian Long & Wee Liang
Most Helpful Award
1st Wee Liang
2nd Phyo
Most Horny Award
1st Jian Long
2nd Koon Ek
3rd Shun Li
Most Hottest Person
1st Jeremy
2nd Aris & Koon Ek
Most Kiasu Award
1st Koon Ek
2nd Han Keong
Big Mouth Award
1st Jian Long
2nd Koon Ek
3rd Shun Li
Most Respectable Person
1st Wee Liang
2nd Phyo
3rd Mr Liaw Sze Wong
Best 'Slacker' Award
1st Jian Long
2nd Jannah
3rd Jocelyn
Most Stylish Award
1st Aris
2nd Jeremy
Most Versatile Award
1st Wee Liang
2nd Aris
3rd Phyo & Jeremy
Classmate of Poly Life
1st Wee Liang
2nd Phyo
***many awards' third placing were not mentioned due to too many nominees having same votes...
Editor's Notes:
This was posted in savvyzone on May 17 (Mon), 2004 7:17 pm... I missed those days =( This was the only ceremony out of the 3 years of "virtual fantasy award"! It was held in Downtown East then... i still have the awards in my cabinets!
SavvyPoint : The moment we all have been waiting for...
This year's edition saw many records broken. First and foremost, it's the number of winners. This year, we had a total number of 15 winners from 10 awards, which means many winners had shared the honors together. So who is the biggest winner of the night? He was none other than Jian Long.
This was the third time Jian Long won the most number of awards at the presentation ceremony. He shared the fame with Koon Ek and Jeremy for "Most 'Unbeatable' Lamer". He was also re-crowned in "Most Prominent Laughter Source" and "Most Prominent Laughter Source". He also won "Most 'Irritating Quote' of the Year" for the first time. These award shows that he is really an irritating lame Ah Beng who can bring laughter to the rest of his friends and fans. Ms Jocelyn needs to learn more from him in order to gain more fame as, perhaps, Ms Lame, the Ah Lian?
Biggest surprised was to be Wee Liang's second placing in "Most Slacker of the Year" and "Best Dance Act". The revival of these two awards saw previous winners, Wandi and Aris won again in their respective categories. Once a contender in "Most Studious Award", he came close to knock Wandi off his crown. It came no surprise as he jokingly told sAvvyPoint, "I really slack a lot this time round, just that I did not slack enough to win the award".
Many had expected dancing queen Jannah, known to be the next J-Lo, to get the second place behind the King, Aris. Wee Liang won the second place. sAvvyPoint managed to talk to Jannah at the interval of the ceremony, "I guess that they just love to see Singapore having another her very own William Hung? I wouldn't be disappointed. Singaporeans will regret for not seeing me dance." Wee Liang also won back his "Most 'Promising' Change" from Han Keong and "Most 'Merr-ler-dious' Voice 03/04" from the 3 Js (Koon Ek, Jannah, Jian Long).
For the first time ever, 4 winners shared one award, which is the "Most Studious Award". Siew Ching, the only winner from Photonics Technology shared the honors with Wireless's Koon Ek, Shi Hui and Tiet Chin. SavvyPoint approached Koon Ek and asked him about his feelings for winning 2 awards and 2nd in one.
"I do not really care about fame but I think its great to be part of this huge ceremony where great food are served. Erm… I am sorry but I need to go over to my friends". He moved towards the buffet and starts his "food tasting".
"Most Unexpected Event of the Year" was added to this year's list of awards due to the amount of events that happened last year. MingHui's withdrawal from polytechnic came to be the biggest surprised, over SARS Outbreak. But good news is Ming Hui will return to his specialization, Internet Technology, next semester.
"I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my friends for showing supports and care for me.", Ming Hui said with tears in his eyes. We calmed him down and went on to join Koon Ek.
Results (Top 2)
Most Studious Award 03/04
#1 Siew Ching (Photonics), Koon Ek , Shi Hui, Tiet Chin (Wireless), 4 votes each, 11.76%
Most 'Promising' Change 03/04
#1 Wee Liang, 8 votes, 33.33%
#2 Han Keong, 5 votes, 20.83%
Most Slacker of the Year 03/04
#1 Wandi, 6 votes, 46.15%
#2 Wee Liang, 4 votes, 30.77%
Most 'Irritating Quote' of the Year 03/04
#1 "Ice-cream ah?" - Jian Long, 7 votes, 33.33%
#2 "S.H.E ! Ella is so cute!!!" - Jannah, 5 votes, 23.81%
Most Prominent Laughter Source 03/04
#1 Jian Long, 8 votes, 32.00%
#2 Aris, 5 votes, 20.00%
Most Un-glamourous Beng/Lian 03/04
#1 Jian Long, 9 votes, 30.00%
#2 Jocelyn, 7 votes, 23.33%
Most 'Unbeatable' Lamer 03/04
#1 Koon Ek, Jeremy, Jian Long, 6 votes each, 13.33%
Most Unexpected Event of the Year 03/04
#1 MingHui's withdrawal from poly, 9 votes, 52.94%
#2 SARS Outbreak, 4 votes, 23.53%
Best Dance Act 03/04
#1 Aris Mohd., 9 votes, 36.00%
#2 Wee Liang, 7 votes, 28.00%
Most 'Merr-ler-dious' Voice 03/04
#1 Wee Liang, 9 votes, 30.00%
#2 Jannah, Jian Long, Koon Ek, 4 votes each, 13.33%
Editor's Notes:
This was posted in savvyzone on May 07 (FRI), 2004 11:10 pm...
The hosts for this ceremony were the 4 popular and talented ex-City Beats hosts, Sharon Au, Kym Ng, Lina Wong and Bryan Wong. This marked the 1st ever co-hosting event from the two rival media companies. Even though this was their first hosting together since 1999, they put up a good show and bring lots of laughter to the audiences.
The guest for the night includes Mr Liaw Sze Wong and Mrs Hazel Leong. There was also an unexpected guest for the event. Have you guessed who she would be? Yes, she was the pop-idol for the vocalist award, Mendy Moore and dancer-singer, Aris 'BRITNEY'. Not many people have guess her attendance for such a so-called 3-star event. She personally proposed to ZOMBO RECORDS to arrange her to fly all the way here.
There wasn't any upset in this 3hrs-long event. In the Best Dance Act, Aris managed to claim the gold award. FHM's j-To-Tha-NAH came behind him to take the silver with bronze being shared by Koon Ek and Hank. In the 'Studious' Award, Charmaine beat Vincent and Phyo to silver and bronze respectively. Hot favorites, Rick and Summer failed to make the mark to emerge as a top 3 winner.
Most 'Irritating' Quote, of course, were won by Yandi's 'Break'. Most Prominent Laugher 'Source' gold award went to (info gone)... The most prestigious award, Most 'Mer-ler-dious' Gold Award, went to the pre-ceremony favorite, Joseph T. The Medias' Choice nominee of the year goes to J.Long for his effort of having a two minutes 'poem' during the event. Even though it sounds so-called logical, yet stupid, the special guests still like it and voted for him. Ms Hazel was overheard saying, "Wasn't he a loveable boy?"
J.Long, who won the most award in the night, lost the Most Beng/Lian award to Jocelyn, the 'lian' who leads the standing till last night... It was another one horse race in the Most Promising Artiste Award. J..Long clinched the title with his role as Singapore's Beng in the popular serials "Where I Belong". Aris also won the award with magnificent performance for "War @ Office" as the chairman, Sugar.
Other awards being given out includes:
Most Improvement Award - John Liew
Most Fashionable Award - Jeremy
Most Indeispensible Duo - JunHao & JunWen
Colours Award - Aris (Orange)
Couple of the Year - Suresh & J.Long
Personnel of the year - Vincent Sutedy
more information at polls...
Past Award Winners:2002/2003
Most 'Promising Change - Skyver
Most 'Merr-ler-dious' Voice - Skyver
Most 'Irritating Quote' of the Year - Koon Ek's "What Me Again??!!"
Most Studious Award - Tiet Chin
Most Un-gllamourous Beng/Lian - Jian Long
Most Prominent Laughter Source - Jian Long
[Judges choice]
Most Improvement Award - Koon Ek
Best Dance Act - Aris Mohd
Most Fashionable Award - Jeremy
Most Indispensible Duo - The Twingz (Hao&Wen)
Colours Award - Jenson (Silver)
Couple of the Year - J&J (J.Long & Jocelyn)
Personnel of the Year - Phyo
Media's Choce Nominee of the Year - Rajesh
Most Promising Artiste - Skyver
Editor's Notes:
Pardon my poor grammar or language. This was written long ago where my english is much poorer than now... posted in savvyzone in 2002 (the post had been removed since)
Monday, January 10, 2011
Black & White Masquerade Dinner
This year's edition was held over two days, instead of one. This is due to the company's operation pattern, two days of dinner may cater the needs of more employees. Unfortunately, the turn out rate is not high.
I went to Day 2 (9th Dec). Heard from Angie that the crowd on Day 1 (8th Dec) were not as sporting or fun loving as Day 2. Moreover, our host were way better than the one on Day 1!!! From photos of Day 1 (courtesy of Zin), i identified that the host is the lousy guy who host our D&D in 2oo8. The list of programmes are typically same as 2oo8, the same boring games.
Thankfully, our programmes are entertaining and the contestants for 'AUST got Talent' were better too. I am not pinning high hopes after seeing the photos that night. Hence i was surprised by the programmes and showmanship of the host, Wayne (if i remember correctly).
For the 2nd time running, i went up the stage as one of the best dressed. In case you are wondering, depending on how you see it, 'Best Dressed' can be a form of sabotage. Haha. And for the 2nd time, i was the runner-up for the events. Yuslie definitely gathered more cheers! Despite that i was having fun, i needed to act and dance abit with my female partner. Yes, she looked gorgeous too =)
Four of the eight seated at our table won prizes, big or small. Rick won a camera along the way! Cool huh?! Wanjun (other table) won a DSLR! I was praying to win a xbox360 Kinect! But nope, i didn't win in the draw!
The only turn off for the night is the service from Downtown East (i will check who is the actual company in charge) for the dinner. Minutes after every dish, they asked if had finished and wanted to clear away! Hey, the tables had enough space to put more than a dish! We did not even had time to slowly eat! Poor service. The manager even wore T-shirt while helping out his waiters and waitress.... Hello?! He should wore something more formal. Who cares if its their uniform? They should at least show some to respect the customer. We are having D&D and we are not even having beach/casual wear theme! Disappointed!
Congrats to SRC committee for their efforts in hosting such a great event! Looking forward to the next one! (rumored to be this year's october)
Friday, January 07, 2011
Genting de Tour 旅上云游
Having great & fun loving company, any boring place may turn up to be extremely fun!
I was organising some of my photos and realised that i had not been uploading photos for the two trip in December. My Genting & Taiwan trip. Hence, i spent the last few days editing & uploading photos from my Genting Trip. On 11th Dec '10, i went to Genting with my closer friends. In a single day, we went to French Village, Japanese Village, Strawberry Farm and, of course... Genting Highland.
Since the other two unique villages are situated at the other hill/mountain, we need to take a cab to travel to the other side. The uncle gave and estimation of amount of time we will spent at the places and the whole mini trip. I guess we did exceed his estimation and he do look rather unhappy... haha... Nevermind that we miss the temple visit because of that... What matters most is... WE ENJOYED OURSELVES!
First stop: The French Village - Colmar Tropicale
The 'first Teahouse in a tropical forest', what they called themselves, is well-situated up a steep slope. Apart from the teahouse, there are two small huts that rent out Japanese traditional costumes (Kimono) for guests to wear and take picture. I wanted to try it but we can't wait for the people to leave... Taxi uncle will be furious if i did that! Anyway, we managed to take some photos in one of the two huts of the Village.
Third stop: Strawberry Farm
Frankly speaking, the farm is rather small and looks plain. Hence, i am wondering why the three of us can enjoy ourselves and i am so mesmerised by the strawberries 'shining' under the sun. I am happy with the photos i had taken at the farm. I like most of the photos taken there. It may be the colors, it maybe be the sun! I guess this is the breaking point for the uncle. His smile wears off after that... By the way, we spent a little time walking through the shops and past one small mushroom farm! Last stop: Genting Highland
Back to Genting, we had a short rest after we checked-in the hotel room. Its true that there are nothing much in Genting since we are not going to the amusement park. Hence, we walked around the shopping center, play in the arcade and have dinner in a Viet restaurant, Vietnam House. The food and service have LOTS OF ROOM for improvement. Oh, forget to mention my first visit to the casino. It's not as grand as i thought it will be, but still looking good! Nope, we did not 'participate' in the 'activities' there. Doraemon was there with us in Genting to celebrate their XXth anniversary! The main characters are so cute! =)
Why do i feel a little sad when typing this post? Am i thinking too much? Nevermind, i just hope that we three can enjoy our times together again, after clearing the misunderstanding... *praying hard* p/s: more photos will be uploaded to here soon...
Sunday, January 02, 2011
2010 Review (II)
It had been a smooth beginning in 2010. I cannot really remember any unhappy incident that happened before June. This means that nothing major to note then. I had was happily busy juggling with school, work & music. Making my debut in performing at Simei CC is the highlight in the first half of 2010. Chalets and outings make my expectation for the year to be high and greater! Oh ya, that was when i began my touring of Malaysia with WP & HM! I enjoyed those times!
Things began to change a little in July. I missed my exam paper for the first time in my 25+years(then) of life. Despite getting into DEAN list, i have no mood to cheer about. Then, came the on-off friendship with Wayne. Maybe we enjoyed too much during our times together, making music, going out, hanging out. I even spent my time helping him in his school work. Soon, the fun ended. We did not hang out or sms or even MSN chat for months. Various reasons can be listed but i shall not list out. He is likely to be the fourth (or fifth) person to turn their back on me. I will take it too hard.
I think that it is likely due to IPT training that i went, my right knee begin to give way. The vigorous training weekly is not what my knee can cope. Moreover, i still went for 10Km runs... Even till now, my knees had not recovered. I missed Nike run but glad that i went for Standard Chartered run. Aim to go for 3 runs next year with Adidas Sundown being the first. May go to see sinseh tomorrow in hope that my knee can recover.
The last notable event will be what happened in Nov/Dec. Because some small issues, it snowballed into a rather big issue. Then came the outburst during my study week for semester 2. As i had slacked a lot during semester 2, it is crucial period for me trying to get the mood right to study. When i finally forced myself to the study place, i received an sms that destroy my mood. Yes, i was rather disappointed, unhappy and agitated then. Glad things were settled after that during genting trip. I know things will not be the same again, but at least the friendship was salvaged. It does not really matter whether it can get back to the good old times. Friendship and trust need to be built by all parties. As one old chinese saying goes, "One palm cannot clap!"
Annual gatherings with EC0118 & Photonics often make me feel blessed! Blessed with the friends around me. At least after so many years, we did not really make each other feel hurt. 2010 also saw my signal friends, aka Lounge 12, met up. Its a pity that i will never see all 12 get together, but i must thank Ermei for the efforts & the other 7 who tried to make it despite everyone's busy schedule. Those who doesn't bother? Its ok. I won't force. You guys just have to cherish your friends more...
Special Thanks to HanKeong. For allowing me become his wedding dinner emcee, i did not fare very well but its my 'virgin' show! It is really a great experience and i am willing to do more! A pity that i did not have much time to rehearse! I am to be a better one next time, if i have the chance! Or wedding singer =)
On a whole, 2010 had been a year of twist and turn. I am just glad indeed that all had been over... Hope a better year in 2011
2010 Review (I)
Before summarising what have been going on in 2010, let's take a look at what i set to do in 2010, my 2010 resolution checklist:
[ ] Lose >10kg?
[X] Get at least a B- in all my modules next 2 semesters,
[X] Get to go abroad twice,
[X] Able to control my mood better,
[ ] Make 10 different type of desserts,
[X] Make more friends of common interest,
[X] Have more adventures & MORE PHOTOS,
[ ] Get a job of a better pay,
[ ] Stay HAPPY in 2010.
Wow! I did 5 of the 9 items i set! At the end of 2010, i gained 5kg instead of losing! I did not exercise much. No thanks to my knee injury & poor control of diet during exam period. Yes, i am like a rubberband. I lost some, but rebounded back after that. Academic wise, i missed my exam in July. That's a big NO-NO! But i did surprisingly get into DEAN list in first semester and acheived at least a B- in second semester. I shall put a check to the item.
In 2010, i made numerous trips to Malaysia, including Ledang & Muar, Kuala Lumpur, Mersing/Tio-man, Kota Tingi... In December, i even traveled to Genting & Taiwan. Travelling to Taiwan with my family is something indeed special to me. Even there are small unhappiness during the trip, i can sense that no one is more happy than my parents! Their happiness make me happy too! Just like me, i am sure they are unhappy with certain things but my parents are too kind to us! They gave in to my siblings too. Nevermind, hope they enjoy the trip!
I can't remember when did i vent my anger on anyone in 2010. Alright, it wasn't me to do that! Though i do admit that i can be harsh with things i expect to be done in a better way! *laugh* I did not spend much time in kitchen in 2010. Have been busy with school, work & music. But i do admit that i am enjoying my short stint in learning music. I had a chance to go on stage, record a single track but had to end my lessons since my beloved instructor is leaving for her music studies. I hope that i will continue my interest if i am given chance. Be it vocal lessons or instruments, i will go for it! Through Replugged Music, i met a lot of music lovers and they are all passionate for music! Some went for gigs, some recorded MVs, some even released albums on their own!
Lots of adventure in 2010 saw me taking tons of photos. But i had not upload as often as i usually did. I still have not upload photos taken from Genting & Taiwan trip, or even Wang Hao's farewell. I will soon upload and will try to organise my photos before my semester get tougher again!
Despite numerous complaints about low pay, i have not make a change in job. One reason is that i am still schooling. The other reason is that i wanted to give the new company a chance. Hope they improve my benefits(not happening yet). But i really wanted to thank all who helped me by treating me in 2010! I really appreciate that! I will not forget that when my financial status improves.
Stay happy in 2010? Hmm....
(to be continued...)