If Christmas means anything to me, it is a season of sharing the joyous moments and spending time with your closer ones...
Christmas Day had always been a normal Public Holiday for me even if there was some X*mas exchange over the last few years. In the past, i would sms or send out my well wishes via Christmas card. This year, i did not send any card by post. There was only 4 person who had received my card this year.
Alright, i admit that for the past few years, i had my fair share of time sharing with my friends but this year, it had been kind of different. How different? More games! New experience! More fun!
+ More Games
We used to stick around for a meal, some gift exchange etc. This year, we had more than meals. With Angelina joining in, we had more 'manpower' for fun! Xin, Nat, Ber, Angel and me was in for Skipbo, Sabotuer, Pictionary (Chocolate edition) etc! Ooops, i lost track! But I remember had fun till late night. I am sure tired that day! Imagine playing SkipBo in the void deck at wee hours! haha...
+ New Experience
I boarded the Hippo Lights Up Tour Bus with Nat, Ber & Angel. This was my first time experience, though it could have been better. I prepared bubbles to create nice effect for photo shoot! BUT the rain had spoiled everything! But still we enjoy ourselves since it was the first "Rainy" Hippo Tour during X*mas countdown! Little do i know that the annual X*mas light-up competition is still on-going! Why didn't the newspaper covering in a larger scale? I missed the good old days where every mall is competiting for the honour! =(
Hippo "Light Up" Tour
Elmo & ME~!
Teddy in Garfield - Pooky
Cuter Santa (Chocolates)
Nevertheless, Hopes everyone enjoy their Christmas!
Merry X*Mas!