Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy V-Day! ♥

Love completes when you find the missing piece.
May you (single and available) find the missing piece soon!

Happy V-Day! ♥

2013: The Beginning

Second month into 2013. How has it been for you so far?

It had been an amazing 2013 for me, definitely.

Busy, but fulfilling.

I had become more organised after using iPhone 5's calendar to schedule my meet ups and stuff. It's been great so far. Let's see... I...
  • Went to TWO weddings... with ONE of them as a brother...

  • Been to TWO countries (Bangkok & Vietnam) for vacations (excluding Malaysia)...
  • Made ONE new dessert (Milo Panna Cotta) for a friend birthday cum gathering session... This is my first ever Italian dessert! =)

  • Made TWO D.I.Y gifts/cards so far and I love them!
  • Recorded and produced ONE mini album with my friends for another friend. We call ourselves... Traffic Light (紅綠燈) !

  • Made "Chip & Dale" and flower cookies (thought the turnout not as good as i hope it is!) for CNY. But really happy my cousins are so supportive of it! They say "Ok what" and "I prefer this type" Awww... =)

All these happens within less than TWO months! Imagine that!

A great start to a great year! More activities are piling up! Yeah! Can't wait to do more DIY & desserts =)