Tuesday, December 28, 2010
And i miss you so
But, of course, you had grown up a lot. Though still jovial or fun-loving, you are more mature now. All those hard times you went through must have shape you well. You sang with more emotions now, too. This is not going to be the last time i see you though i do wonder when the next time will be. Till then, i will miss you... Take care of yourself, bro =)
Monday, December 27, 2010
5th Annual Ec0118 Gathering
As the title of this post suggested, it is the 5th time we had our annual gathering since 2006. This excludes other smaller gatherings or visiting our late friend, Jeremy. We even met twice last year as some find it better to meet more often, but trust me, its never been easy. But december gathering is much easier, especially since all of us wanted to meet up! Unlike some other group of friends, its rather easy to organise as most wouldn't back out at the very last minute. That is what i called real friends.
What's so different between this year's and past year's? This year mark he first time we held it outside Yiliang's place. First time we had non-BBQ food. First time we had a non-chinese organiser. First time we actually had gift exchange! *applauds* Like last year, Jian Long brought her girlfriend. But John's partner changes her status. Girlfriend no more, she is his wife now! We held this year's event at Fika - a halal swedish cafe & bistro. Man, the place was cool! (apart from 40% of their furnitures from their swedish counterpart, IKEA)
I guess we are too loud and fun loving, the waiters serving us laugh at us when we are joking and doing the gift exchange. The service was great. The place is spacious yet cosy and homely. We simply love the kitchen and the fireplace! Price of the wood was above average but comparable with Swensen's (Swensen's service is one of the worst among other restaurants in Singapore). The taste of the food was ok but their beef patties tasted rather similiar with IKEA's meatballs. We joked that theyare affliated! Lol.
The gift exchange was the highlight of the night. We had lots of fun. 5 of the 12 bought Bodyshop's products. 2 of us bought Espirit's towel! Haha, I did not know we have such 'mo qi'. I am sure there will be a ban on Bodyshop's product in 2011. The most unique gift was from Yiliang. He get a remote "Control Ur Babe" controller. John became the lucky person to get that unique gift. I am sure he is VERY happy with it. He began to try the buttons and we all laugh at the various sound the controller made. Now you know why the waiters are laughing as well?
I shall not go and talk about the movie here. In short, i had LOTS OF FUN!!! =)
Trying to decide which present goes to us |
John with his handy 'controller' |
Welcome to the Family! (I love this pic!) |
We are in the 'Kitchen'! |
Sunday, December 26, 2010
lonely lonely xmas (eve)
Despite lonely eve, my weekends have been packed with events!!! I will be watching at least 3 movies over the long weekend! I spent my x'mas watching 2 movies - Rapunzel & Tron! I also went for ktv! Lol! Now on my way to Photonics Annual Xmas gathering. Annual EC0118 gathering will be held tonight too! Woohoo! That's when the third movie is going to take place. =) Jack Black's movie is in our plans...
Rapunzel is a Disney tangled tale... the drawings are so beautiful that i thought that it is real! The music was ok but the happy ending is what drawing us back to Disney classics. Honestly, this is the first time i saw or know about this classic fairytale. I only know that there is one long hair princess among Disney's Princesses! Nice to meet you, princess! =)
Tron, on the other hand, is a little disappointing in their story line. Many profound word and, pardon my poor grasp of English, i could not understand what they are talking about or calling. I always thought the 'Clu' they are calling is 'Clone'. Nonetheless, the effects is way too cool! I like all the lightings, clothes, effects etc... 'Sam Flynn' looks great in the movie too! Suave. This movie does not starr any chio bu.
Alright, shall end the post here. I reached my destination!
Saturday, December 18, 2010
一到花莲站,马上就上巴士前往Shabu Shabu餐馆,享用晚餐。虽然味道一般(雪糕味道不够),但至少我们吃出乐趣来。告诉大家,我吃过王子面了喔!我还蛮喜欢!
哇!已经12.40AM 了!该休息了.新加坡和台湾的朋友们,大家晚安!
Wednesday, December 08, 2010
O Holy X'mas
Its 8th December... 12 days to Christmas Day...
After receiving encouraging feedbacks and 'likes' in Facebook, i decided to go around the small island of Singapore to capture the captivating lightings and decorations of various malls and streets. I realised that most places like the colour combinations of purple, white and blue. Personally, i love the color combinations of this three colours, especially purple and white. It gave me a romantic, sweet and warm feeling.
I had travelled to Raffles City, Changi Airport, The Central et cetra. From these trips, i took a minute to capture the image that capture my eyes' attention! Hope that you can feel the warmth Singapore can offer this year =) enjoy!
@ Harbour Front Center
Check out the photo albums:
2009: Have Urself A Merry Little Xmas [click here]
2010: O Holy X'mas [click here]
Busy December
December is a busy month for me. I will be heading to Genting on Friday night, returning on Sunday night. On Monday, i will be doing my recording with Replugged. On Tuesday, I will be having my dinner with JH & XY. On Wednesday, i will be heading to Esplanade for my music mentor-cum-instructor, Juliet's album launch before heading home to prepare my tour to Taiwan with family. When i returned from Taiwan on 22nd, I will have to attend a project visit to Microcast on 23rd dec. I will also have 2 events on 26th December! haha Busy? This schedule excludes the training i will be attending at workplace!
December is my birthday month, but i did not have much plans for my Birthday. It is ok for me. I will be celebrating my birthday in Taiwan for the 2nd consecutive years! Cool, huh?! haha!
It's 0128Hrs now! I am going to rest after doing my project halfway. I am too tired to continue. =( Hope this project can move smoothly! Then, all the hardwork will be worthwhile! =)
Tuesday, December 07, 2010
surprise surprise
On Sunday, after the tiring run, i met up with a group of friends for KTV celebrating Edwin's birthday. We bought a cake for him and treat him the KTV since we do not know what to get for him. To my surprise, they celebrate my birthday too! I received my first ever birthday gift in 2010! haha! Yes, caught in surprise... who will buy a cake for himself? Haha, actually, Edwin shared the cake with me for the celebration, the cake was not meant for me! We enjoyed our time & happy enough that we enjoyed our time. The zhi char doesn't taste good but we enjoyed each other company.
Thanks to Edwin for choosin the gift and Ashton (did not come), Jq & Dingze for sharing the gift! It is an awesome top & skinny jeans.... YES ! SKINNY JEANS! OMG! i will never ever get myself slim enough to squeeze into it! but hey, it definitely will serve as a motivation to me. The top fits me well but doesn't look too good on me. If only i have a better bodz. In face, i had a friend who wore this and i almost got one top looking something like that. It is unique design and not what i usually wear. Will i wear it? Maybe, when i toned up a little... or i will look too gayish!

SCMS 2010
Despite all these, i am happy with the results. Very happy indeed. I wasn't running non-stop or was i in the mood for running. A night before the run, my friend told me he is not going. When i woke up that day, i received another sms from another friend, telling me that he is not going. Thankfully, Stephanie contacted me on SAT to ask if i want to travel to the start point together. On the way there, last friend was uncontactable! (He is still sleeping!)
The run signified my health condition! My knee did not fail me, but my fitness did! I was almost out of breath during the run, having stitch and even black out (almost) when i finished the run! I was very well hydrated after the run, not before. I got to drink mineral water after the run, collect the finisher medal before getting a cereal bar & a can of 100-plus... Ermei even treat me to the free food offer by the title sponsor to their staff (Ermei's sis is working there). Hence, i got myself free lunch with 2 ice-cream! Now you know why i never slim down despite the run...
If my knee allows me... i aim to complete 3 races next year. Adidas Sundown, Nike Run & SCMS 2011! Of course, my standard can only go for 10k. In fact, I already had friends who are willing to run with me for Adidas Sundown! Hooray!
Thursday, December 02, 2010
Youtube: Jason Chen
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
完美之旅 | the perfect journey is a collection of original compositions (music/lyrics) by singer-songwriter Juliet Pang 冯欣慧. Music for her is a wonderful medium for a storyteller, and each song that writes her stories and those about whom she holds closely to her heart, adds a new color to her creative palette.
She would like to invite you to the launch of this full-length debut album, as she closes a long chapter of this season in ...her life, only to embark on the next adventure.
The concept and making of this album, offered opportunities for her to undertake production, arrangement independently, of which 4 of her originals had been fully arranged and recorded in her humble 'studio'. of which, 'hey you' is an intimate acoustic number written out of a loss of words for the sudden departure of many this year, many too young, too soon. she looks forward to sharing these raw bits of her with you.
Finally, this album though completely and ironically 'independent', is truly a collective effort and contribution of dear friends who have generously shared their time, amazing talents, and most importantly their hearts. they are these stories.
Album sales will take place on both the days, 15th and 16th Dec.
15th Dec Band Setup: James Yeo(bass/piano), Daniel Purnomo(guitar), Shawn Kok(percussion)
16th Dec Band Setup: Clarence Yeo and Juliet Pang (Uncanny Sounds setup)
Time: 15 December at 19:00 - 16 December at 21:00
Location: Concourse, Esplanade.For more info, visit: [click here]
The Final Battle 2010
Currently, i am in the midst of having exam. Yesterday marked my first battle this semester. I do not think that i did well but i believe i did enough to pass overall. It is just about the grade i get and the impact that i will have on my GPA. I expect that to drop this sem. No one to blame but myself.
On Thursday, i will be having my 2nd and last exam papers. It is my weakest subject area - Statistic. Lack of interest and lack of motivation is the main reason why i am not prepared for the exam yet. Mainly due to the fact that i do not wish to take many leaves. Tomorrow, i will be heading to somewhere more suitable for me to study... away from home. Hopefully, i am fresh enough to absorb all the information like a new SPONGE!... I wanna be spongebob square pants for the next two days!
Wish me luck these days =) Thanks in advance...
Friday, November 26, 2010
Happiness in a Nutshell
When you were on your knees - after disasters, after knock-backs, when you've been kicked in the head.
That's when we say to ourselves:
"I'm sick of being broke,
sick of being kicked around.
I'm tired of being mediocre.
I''m going to do something."
We learn our biggest lessons when things get rough.
-Andrew Matthews
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
3rd Anniversary
This day marks the third year without you by our side physically, never have you ever leave our thoughts... our heart... Till today, i still can remember the smiles that you never fail to wear on your face... The jokes you used to tell us in our poly days... The actions you always did in front of us...
It is strange, i must admit, that i think of you whenever i am having half chicken western meal. It will reminds me the incident in Swensen's... what Jocelyn said about you and me... I will be reminded of you whenever i read news about dragonboat or hear people talk about dragonboat. I will be reminded of you when i see people doing silly expression... haha...
On 20th Nov, we went down and pay respect to the guy who had left us while donning national colours. You are still so popular even till today... Fresh flowers can be seen at your 'place'. It is a pity that a few of us were not able to come down due to work commitment or other 'auspicious clashes'. But I am sure you know your position in their heart.
Hope that you are doing well wherever you are... having fun and bring laughters everywhere =)
Leave a comment @: http://rememberingjerbroni.blogspot.com/ Friendster Profile: http://profiles.friendster.com/4882469
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Friday, November 05, 2010
Polkadot + Moonbeam: Hari Raya Special

Presenting their duo sparkle in Singapore for the first time, Polkadot + Moonbeam ( Juliet Pang + Didi Mudigdo ) will share their original compositions as well as new arrangements of familiar tunes on Hari Raya on keys, ukulele and bass. Juliet Pang will also share a sneak preview into her originals to be released in her upcoming debut album in Dec 2010.
Didi Mudigdo, based in Sydney, is a jazz singer/pianist who’s done some globetrotting especially in Asia, happily sharing his love for jazz music whilst enjoying the colorful cultures in various countries including Jakarta, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Japan (Sapporo Jazz Festival) etc. A wonderful musician and recording artiste, Didi has released 3 cds till date and also recorded with other artistes, including TJ Eckleberg, and Debra Blacquire.Juliet Pang, is a local singer-songwriter, fascinated with jazz, folk, stories and everything organic. She is the familiar voice on Eating Air’s Theme Song, 《痴风》, on 《冲着你来》 (100.3FM), and “Smile (Charles Chaplin), her latest single release on Absolute Voices, a collection of jazz vocalists. She is also the lyricist behind the COMPASS award-winning song, 《被风吹过的夏天》, a happy collaboration with local singer/songwriter/pop artiste, JJLin. She’s looking forward to sharing her debut record to be released in Dec 2010, and the many new adventures and stories that await her everyday.
Come to sit by them on 17th November 2010, and witness the evolving fresh chemistry of this quirky duo. Seats are limited!
Catch Juliet on:
Facebook: click here
Youtube.com: click here
ReverbNation: click here
Saturday, October 30, 2010
新加坡金曲奖 2010 荣誉榜
蔡健雅的幽默言语,Auntie Lucy与蔡琴(Michelle Chong)的逗趣交谈,青峰(苏打绿)用新加坡试的中文回问Auntie Lucy, 方炯镔对Auntie Lucy 与蔡琴的不知所措的表情等, 都替这典礼增添了不少气氛!各位海外嘉宾的演出,更让人叹为观止!尤其久违的黄小虎,深情的方炯镔,以及让我惊讶的田馥甄,让我又喜又悲!特别喜欢田馥甄在她演唱‘寂寞寂寞就好’时的态度,神情,简直太棒了!
年度专辑大奖 - 跨时代(周杰伦)
全方位艺人奖 - 蔡健雅
最佳专辑制作人奖 - 王治平 (感官世界\林宥嘉)
最佳本地作词奖 - 小寒 (抛物线\蔡健雅)
最佳本地作曲奖 - 蔡健雅 (若你碰到他\蔡健雅)
最佳本地歌手奖 - 蔡健雅
最佳演绎男歌手奖 - 林俊杰
最佳演绎女歌手奖 - 黄小琥
最佳组合奖 - S.H.E
最佳乐团奖 - 苏打绿
最佳创作歌手奖 - 苏打绿
优秀新人奖 - 龚芝怡,魔幻力量Magic Power, 严爵
亚洲传媒大奖(男歌手)- 周杰伦
亚洲传媒大奖(女歌手)- 蔡健雅
亚洲传媒大奖(乐团)- 苏打绿
亚洲传媒大奖(组合)- S.H.E
海外杰出歌手奖 (中) - 张靓颖
海外杰出歌手奖(港) - 陈奕迅
海外杰出歌手奖(台) - 张惠妹(阿密特)
海外杰出歌手奖(马) - 方炯鑌
最受欢迎男歌手奖 - 罗志祥
最受欢迎女歌手奖 - 杨丞琳
最受欢迎团体奖 - S.H.E
最受欢迎新人奖 - 龚芝怡
Y.E.S.93.3FM醉心龙虎榜年度顶尖金曲 - Shero (S.H.E)
Y.E.S.93.3FM醉心龙虎榜榜上风光奖 - S.H.E
Y.E.S.93.3FM醉心龙虎榜停榜最久奖 - 没那么简单 (黄小虎)
新进组合人气奖: Y2J
传媒推荐最具潜力歌手奖 - Olivia Ong
传媒推荐最具潜力本地歌手奖 - 郑可为
F&N 大跃进歌手将 - 黄鸿升(小鬼)
Bioskin 最前卫造型奖 - 张芸京
Thursday, October 21, 2010
Monday, October 18, 2010
Despite late Friday night and waking up early in the Saturday morning, the fun keep me energise throughout the day! I only begin to feel it when i left the group. Yes, i am refering the ever fun-loving Xinyi, ever laughing-only-when-she-is-with-us Nat & getting-lamer-and-lamer Bernard! haha. Who cares, love their fun loving attitude! That is what make me feel young! Hmm.. sounds like i am alot older than them, but i am NOT! haha.
We had our games at Play Nation. Other than UglyDolls card game, we had a taste of chair-stacking fun and Cluedo. I had the classic Cluedo at home. The newer version includes some power cards, better-looking weapons, floor-plan & 'Intrigue' cards! But the general rules sticks. Never had i enjoy Cluedo so much! Maybe due to my competitive nature, i remember me trying to track down the 'murderer', weapons & locations as fast as i could! This time round, i played with more wit! haha. Feeling good to make Nat believed that the "candlestick" is the weapon!! I'm good. But due to poor luck, i did not win despite being the first to have all the answer! Unlike last time, we need to enter the swimming pool in the center to solve the mystery!
It's a pity that i had to leave for my vocal lessons. Something i hope not to miss as there are limited lessons left and i really love singing. My friends would have know that! I do have a love of photography too. Honestly, i am happy with the photos i took during our lunch at Tea Cosy. I was treated with poker-dots cup of hot chocolate! It is so not me and i was being teased by the rest as the hot chocolate usually served in plain cup! haha. Maybe i am cute? haha.
Miso Dory seems to be the best food i ate there, despite being a little bit salty. the desserts we ate weren't that impressive. But the decorations there are great. That is why i took lots of photos there. Everywhere, we can see little angels =) Hope you like the photos i took as much as i do! =)
Monday, October 11, 2010
emcee debutant
I must really thank all those who have been very supportive to me on taking up the job. Being someone with stage fright, i need lots of courage and encouragement to be able to stand there unfazed. I am glad i did pretty well for my standard but definitely not a professional one. I am my own critics that night. Hence, i really glad to have so many people behind me. I even received sms-es from a few people before and during the show... Thanks guys!
Frankly speaking, parts of me are pretty excited with the fact that I DID IT! I thought of doing it again if any chance arises. More probably that i could sing too... haha... The feeling is undescribable! I had a great co-emcee to keep me chill too. But i guess i should give myself some credits on handling the unexpected hiccups of the events. FYI, the show did not goes as planned, if anyone saw the flow on our script. Hence, i think i could be proud of myself and give myself a pat on my back =) Thanks Elaine, for sharing the 'spotlight' with me! haha
Anyway, i wore a blazor and look extremely smart for the first time in my life. Hopefully, i look good in suits! haha... Will upload some pics if i have them =)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Other songs that caught my attentions are '慢慢等' & '因為愛'. Definitely a singer to look out for... and will go and listen to more of his songs... If you are bored with the chinese market nowadays, listen to him may spur some interest and hope in chinese music scene. =D
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
unlucky day
First, i woke up knowing that one of my favorite long sleeve Tee was dyed by another Tee of my sis. Then, in a foul mood, i forget to bring my wallet to the company. The only lucky thing is... Eugene drove to work today. Hence, he is able to drive me back during lunch time to get it, or i will give up my lunch. I have no appetite anyway. So, Thanks Eugene.
I didn't had a good sleep due to doing some assignment for a friend. Hence, get tired and cranky easily. Poor health conditions do contribute to my crankiness too... lol! Anyway, the main reason of going back and get my wallet is because i am suppose to meet up with my friend after work. But in the end, the meet up was cancelled. I was supposed to pass him his assignment but he didn't even bother to contact me until i smsed him before i leave the company. This leave me disappointed... I called him and he told me to scan and send him instead. When sms-ed him after that, he apologised that he had something on "emergency". This obviously does not satisfied me. I refused to reply him via msn and has not been contacting him till now.
At work, i got my request for net access for my school email to keep myself updated with the school timing and projects. The request was rejected! duh! What's up with the stupid company? My manager did not even approve or let me submit an official request! This is the spark that starts the fire! I seriously should consider what i wanted and don't give a damn shit about the company! By the way, my manager rejected my request as it was deem "more of a personal reason and not job-related" reason!!! F**k!
Wanting to let off some of my anger, i prepared myself for a swim... But i realised before leaving my house that its MONDAY! and the pool was closed on every Monday! Plan changed and i went Gym! Just as i thought nothing could gone worse, my earpiece was severely broken during exercising! Yes, till now, i am still feeling angry, sad, fustrated, disappointed and IN NO MOOD OF STUDY! Should i skip my lessons, AGAIN??!!!
Monday, August 30, 2010
你不会知道 我的喜悦,
你不会知道 我在生气,
你不会知道 我的悲伤,
你不会知道 我在开心,
你不会知道 我在期待,
你不会知道 我的心情,
你不会知道 我在等待,
你不会知道 我的想法。
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
你不知道的事 - 王力宏
蝴蝶眨几次眼睛 才学会飞行
夜空洒满了星星 但几颗会落地
我飞行 但你坠落之际
很靠近 还听见呼吸
对不起 我却没捉紧你
你的泪滴像倾盆大雨 碎了满地
多的是 你不知道的事
蝴蝶眨几次眼睛 才学会飞行
夜空洒满了星星 但几颗会落地
我飞行 但你坠落之际
很靠近 还听见呼吸
对不起 我却没捉紧你
你的泪滴像倾盆大雨 碎了满地
多得是 你不知道的事
我飞行 但你坠落之际
你的泪滴像倾盆大雨 碎了满地
多的是 你不知道的事
Friday, August 13, 2010
难过可能是因为玩了很久, 是因为笑了太多, 是心理起了作用。
没有欢乐, 哪来的悲伤?
没有玩乐, 哪来的寂寞?
没有接触, 哪来的伤害?
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
east coast park
Monday, July 12, 2010
rough time
I had a rough time today... I could not get a cab despite trying to go for the exam... Waited for 40minutes to no avail. It leave me no choice but to visit doctor for my sickness... Hopefully my appeal will be granted... For now, i could only sit and pray...
I cried... i laugh... i even went crazy for a few minutes. Its been a long time since i behave this way... I remember the last time was in 30SCE during my night jog... i cried when i feel helpless at getting a cab... and when i reach home, i got another hit... salt on my wound... when i know that i made it to the Dean List. its an acheivement that i am suppose to be happy... I should be proud... i should boast around... but i couldn't as i was now at the bottom of my mood...
But thanks to xiao ming who is available to accompany the whole day... i feel so much better walking around... exploring Kampung Buangkok! =x I also want to thank all those who saw my fb & tweets... consoling me via all mediums... Thank you.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
new experience
IPT is a totally new experience for me. It helps my body to condition and get ready for tougher activities like the upcoming Mizuno Mt Faber Run 2010, and annual IPPT! I may participate in more runs this year like Nike Human 10k Race, Yellow Ribbon Run (SEPT) and even Standard Chartered Run (DEC)! Oh i forgot to mention the part II of my Mizuno Duo Wave (place yet to confirmed). I would have been to Adidas Sundown if i did not wait for company =x. Its great to get my body up and running. I am still far from being in good condition. My Muar trip concluded this.
Last Thursday, i went with WeiPing & XiaoMing to Gunung Ledang & Muar. Despite the fact that we only moved up to CP4 (due to time constraint) of the 2nd most difficult mountain in Malaysia - Gunung Ledang (Mt Ophir), our legs could hardly support our body. We ended aching and needed a body massage to relax our muscles(slightly). Its exciting and for the first time, my legs are shaking unintentionally during an activities. Trekking is fun! but we need to be better prepared before we head for next trekking trip. At Gunung Ledang, we had great fun at the Puteri Waterfall & Kolam Gajah (CP4). Will post more about the trip at a later time!
I can't have thought that my life will be so exciting. Its a little late for my age but hey, who cares?! More importantly i enjoyed my life and feel excited about my life, isn't it? After tomorrow's mid-term test, i will prepare for KL trip over next weekend. More trips are in the planning =)
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Making My Debut
I was at Simei Care Center performing together with a group of singing enthusiasts from Replugged Music. We enjoyed ourselves despite some hiccups. Those were the minor ones and its great to see some stand/sit and listen to us... singing along with us... The feeling is simply undescribable! haha. Anyhow, that marks my debut... first time singing with Kelly. Feel comfortable singing with her. And great to know the rest like Kokseng, Wayne, Donald, Darryl, Vivian, Angeline, Meixian, Kristen, Fion and of coz, Kelly =)
This marks the end of my May events... Finally can take a rest for singing and concentrating on my fitness (IPT) and overseas trip (Muar & KL) before ending with a family event (Chalet!).
Sunday, May 02, 2010
So Close
You`re in my arms
And all the world is calm
The music playing on for only two
So close together
And when I`m with you
So close to feeling alive
A life goes by
Romantic dreams will stop
So I bid mine goodbye and never knew
So close was waiting, waiting here with you
And now forever I know
All that I wanted to hold you
So close
So close to reaching that famous happy end
Almost believing this was not pretend
And now you`re beside me and look how far we`ve come
So far we are so close
How could I face the faceless days
If I should lose you now?
We`re so close
To reaching that famous happy end
And almost believing this was not pretend
Let`s go on dreaming for we know we are
So close
So close
And still so far
Thursday, April 29, 2010
april = expenditure
I had reaches the peak of my weight over the last 5 years! I can't believe it!!! i gonna exercise my ass off... Pardon my rough words! I forced myself to go for swimming & gym... and i hope it do helps... but only time will tell.. Must really save $$ for my studies... Hence, i guess, i will not be having expensive good food any time soon!!!
Ganbateh Wee Liang! in the name of Metrosexual!!! haha
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
Kelly Clarkson 'Live' in Singapore
The stage was a simple one. It seems to be more like a gig than a concert. She had with her 2 vocalists and a band, which includes a DJ. To perform in front of a rather small crowd (for a concert), i must salute her for her professionalism. She perform every song with equal enthusiasm, attitude and high energy! I certainly feel her sincerity! I wonder why the organiser did not pack us nearer to the center of the seats (facing her). Since most of the time, she will be singing towards the front.
Frankly speaking, i actually mistook Clarkson as an opening act. The main reason was that i could hardly recognise her. She had grew rather plump (but her vocal still rather powerful). My last impression of her was in her "Never Again" music video. Where she was still (seems to be) a beautiful, slimmer lady. Her outfit could have been better though. My friend commented that she looks like someone who going to our heartland mall shopping. Or, maybe, she just want her voice to stood out and be the main attention?
I am not a Kelly Clarkson's die-hard fan nor even considered a fan. I like her voice through classics like 'A Moment Like This', 'Breakaway', 'Since You've Been Gone' etc. Newer hits like 'Never Again' and 'Already Gone' sounds pretty good too. To be there in the indoor stadium, my job is to sit back and enjoy her performance. She did, in fact, impress me with her songs and covers. If you ever had a chance to catch a glimpse of her concert, this is surely all you ever wanted!
Here’s the setlist if you’re wondering:
1.All I Ever Wanted
2.Miss Independent
3.I Do Not Hook Up
5.That I Would Be Good (Alanis Morissette cover)/Use Somebody (Kings of Leon cover)
7.If I Can’t Have You/Can’t Get You Out of My Head (Kylie Minogue cover)
8.Never Again
9.Lies (The Black Keys cover)
10.Acoustic Medley (Just Missed The Train, Low, Addicted, Gone)
11.Behind These Hazel Eyes (Acoustic)
12.Save You
13.I Want You
14.Don’t Let Me Stop You
15.Because of You
16.Walk Away
17.Since U Been Gone
1.Already Gone
2.Seven Nation Army (The White Stripes cover)
3.My Life Would Suck Without You
*Special Thanks to Rickified's Review [Click Here]
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Officially, i am selected as one of the performers for the charity event. Will upload the details of the event soon. Can't remember who are the patients too.Before i could sing Karen Mok's song, i was emailed and asked to sing "你是我心内的一首歌" instead, a duet between Lee Hom & Selina. Beautiful duets... a tough song for guys i guess. if you know the song, you would have noticed how much different Lee Hom need to sing with Selina as the main singer. Hence, i have lots to improve on! What's more, i am asked to have some simple movements with my fellow partner, Kelly.
The audition went rather smooth. Juliet "passed" during the audition. And today, just checked my email to see that we had another song to learn - "Can't Smile Without You" by Barry Manilow. Its gonna be a ending song, i suppose, where the whole group of us singing and dance with the music.
How would we fare? I totally had no idea! Here's song with the lyrics:
metrosexual: me?
If someone wants to categorize me under metrosexual or a wannabe, i would admit right away! *laugh* why wouldn't i? Hey, who doesn't wanna look great and enjoy the compliments from people all around you? Even if i am not suave or drop-dead gorgeous (if there are people who describe guys as this), i would still want to look good in pictures! I would love to have all the memories of my youth or post-youth in photos and when i grow old, i still can sit on a rocking chair and think about my beautiful memories...
Opening up my wardrobe, i realised that i have not been spedning on clothes like how i used to be. i had not been shopping for clothes... all my money have been spent on food & gatherings, recently... Not forgetting, i had a monthly insurance bills, thrice yearly school fees etc. But i am just glad to spend some on my singing lessons & facial. My face had been rather bad due to late night and not having enough rest... who to blame? no one! i can't be that discipline even though i love to... haha... i had to force myself for early rest i guess! since i don't like to be nag or forced by others! lol!
Had been gaining lots of weights and have been complaining here and there. Have occassionally went for jogs but no much improvement though! No thanks to the lack of discipline in my food control! haha... I want to look good! i want to look great! i want to look SUPERB! and YES! i am a metrosexual!
Sunday, April 11, 2010
what does 'blog' meant to me
Its been a long time since i last sit down and do some decent posting. Alright, i guess i wasn't that enthusiastic in blogging anymore. This does not mean that i gave up my little space here. In fact, i do have plans of changing this blog outlook to a more simple one. Hoping that little maintenance is required and it can make me come back more often to post. Fine, i had to admit, i am lazy. *laugh*One of the main reason of not wanting to give up here is the fact that i can blog freely in both Chinese or English. Back in poly days, this little corner provide me with the space to share my views or at times, some rants... I have to thank blogger.com for improving my writtne english standard, back then. I passed the following year in 'O's as a private candidate. The only other web where my friend could see my articles was Yahoo! groups. Those were the days... *Smile* Sweet memories...
After enrolling into National Service, i began to use Chinese language more often and listen to more Chinese songs, as compared to Poly days. Soon, my verbal Chinese is much better than my English (though this has always been the case before Poly). Working in a Chinese oriented department doesn't help much. I am not saying that it is bad for me to be eloquent in chinese. It is just that i am greedy and wanted the best of both world! *laugh*
When i suffer huge blows in writing some posts in facebook.com, i had totally stopped my writing (apart from tweet or plurk). Now that i am back at 'Square 1". Personally, i do hope that i could have time to blog or motivated to come back and blog. =)
Tuesday, April 06, 2010
我, 哭了
而孤独是什么 心冷又是什么
情是什么 而你是什么?
我不要再想了, 我已经倦了
我不想再唱了, 我已经哭了
我想知道我值得, 以为我们还爱着。
我把窗户都开着, 风也是凉的,
我一个人唱着歌, 声音也变成冷的。
而孤独是什么 心冷又是什么
情是什么 而你是什么?
我不要再想了, 我已经倦了
我不想再唱了, 我已经哭了
雨, 又在下了。
Friday, March 05, 2010
shOut Out
Recently, have been busy with school work. Projects, assignments, labs etc... all the deadlines are drawing closer... i had became alot more busier after CNY. There was once where i merely slept or napped for 40mins in 2 days in preparation for a test. In the end, i guess i did not perform well enough. But yesterday, i was impressed by myself by finishing the whole assignment almost single handedly! There was a sense of acheivement... haha
Mentioning about CNY - Chinese New Year aka Lunar New Year. I enjoyed this year's edition as more gatherings, mingling around etc. Its enjoyable and we took alot of photos... especially with my mother side's cousins... haha. Not to forget, our TABOO session was great... Best performer must be Clement. He is great! haha... Look forward to have more such session!!!
K lar.. its late... i will update soon again =)