This day marks the third year without you by our side physically, never have you ever leave our thoughts... our heart... Till today, i still can remember the smiles that you never fail to wear on your face... The jokes you used to tell us in our poly days... The actions you always did in front of us...
It is strange, i must admit, that i think of you whenever i am having half chicken western meal. It will reminds me the incident in Swensen's... what Jocelyn said about you and me... I will be reminded of you whenever i read news about dragonboat or hear people talk about dragonboat. I will be reminded of you when i see people doing silly expression... haha...
On 20th Nov, we went down and pay respect to the guy who had left us while donning national colours. You are still so popular even till today... Fresh flowers can be seen at your 'place'. It is a pity that a few of us were not able to come down due to work commitment or other 'auspicious clashes'. But I am sure you know your position in their heart.
Hope that you are doing well wherever you are... having fun and bring laughters everywhere =)
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