Tuesday, November 30, 2010
完美之旅 | the perfect journey is a collection of original compositions (music/lyrics) by singer-songwriter Juliet Pang 冯欣慧. Music for her is a wonderful medium for a storyteller, and each song that writes her stories and those about whom she holds closely to her heart, adds a new color to her creative palette.
She would like to invite you to the launch of this full-length debut album, as she closes a long chapter of this season in ...her life, only to embark on the next adventure.
The concept and making of this album, offered opportunities for her to undertake production, arrangement independently, of which 4 of her originals had been fully arranged and recorded in her humble 'studio'. of which, 'hey you' is an intimate acoustic number written out of a loss of words for the sudden departure of many this year, many too young, too soon. she looks forward to sharing these raw bits of her with you.
Finally, this album though completely and ironically 'independent', is truly a collective effort and contribution of dear friends who have generously shared their time, amazing talents, and most importantly their hearts. they are these stories.
Album sales will take place on both the days, 15th and 16th Dec.
15th Dec Band Setup: James Yeo(bass/piano), Daniel Purnomo(guitar), Shawn Kok(percussion)
16th Dec Band Setup: Clarence Yeo and Juliet Pang (Uncanny Sounds setup)
Time: 15 December at 19:00 - 16 December at 21:00
Location: Concourse, Esplanade.For more info, visit: [click here]
The Final Battle 2010
Currently, i am in the midst of having exam. Yesterday marked my first battle this semester. I do not think that i did well but i believe i did enough to pass overall. It is just about the grade i get and the impact that i will have on my GPA. I expect that to drop this sem. No one to blame but myself.
On Thursday, i will be having my 2nd and last exam papers. It is my weakest subject area - Statistic. Lack of interest and lack of motivation is the main reason why i am not prepared for the exam yet. Mainly due to the fact that i do not wish to take many leaves. Tomorrow, i will be heading to somewhere more suitable for me to study... away from home. Hopefully, i am fresh enough to absorb all the information like a new SPONGE!... I wanna be spongebob square pants for the next two days!
Wish me luck these days =) Thanks in advance...
Friday, November 26, 2010
Happiness in a Nutshell
When you were on your knees - after disasters, after knock-backs, when you've been kicked in the head.
That's when we say to ourselves:
"I'm sick of being broke,
sick of being kicked around.
I'm tired of being mediocre.
I''m going to do something."
We learn our biggest lessons when things get rough.
-Andrew Matthews
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
3rd Anniversary
This day marks the third year without you by our side physically, never have you ever leave our thoughts... our heart... Till today, i still can remember the smiles that you never fail to wear on your face... The jokes you used to tell us in our poly days... The actions you always did in front of us...
It is strange, i must admit, that i think of you whenever i am having half chicken western meal. It will reminds me the incident in Swensen's... what Jocelyn said about you and me... I will be reminded of you whenever i read news about dragonboat or hear people talk about dragonboat. I will be reminded of you when i see people doing silly expression... haha...
On 20th Nov, we went down and pay respect to the guy who had left us while donning national colours. You are still so popular even till today... Fresh flowers can be seen at your 'place'. It is a pity that a few of us were not able to come down due to work commitment or other 'auspicious clashes'. But I am sure you know your position in their heart.
Hope that you are doing well wherever you are... having fun and bring laughters everywhere =)
Leave a comment @: http://rememberingjerbroni.blogspot.com/ Friendster Profile: http://profiles.friendster.com/4882469
Wednesday, November 17, 2010
Friday, November 05, 2010
Polkadot + Moonbeam: Hari Raya Special

Presenting their duo sparkle in Singapore for the first time, Polkadot + Moonbeam ( Juliet Pang + Didi Mudigdo ) will share their original compositions as well as new arrangements of familiar tunes on Hari Raya on keys, ukulele and bass. Juliet Pang will also share a sneak preview into her originals to be released in her upcoming debut album in Dec 2010.
Didi Mudigdo, based in Sydney, is a jazz singer/pianist who’s done some globetrotting especially in Asia, happily sharing his love for jazz music whilst enjoying the colorful cultures in various countries including Jakarta, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, Japan (Sapporo Jazz Festival) etc. A wonderful musician and recording artiste, Didi has released 3 cds till date and also recorded with other artistes, including TJ Eckleberg, and Debra Blacquire.Juliet Pang, is a local singer-songwriter, fascinated with jazz, folk, stories and everything organic. She is the familiar voice on Eating Air’s Theme Song, 《痴风》, on 《冲着你来》 (100.3FM), and “Smile (Charles Chaplin), her latest single release on Absolute Voices, a collection of jazz vocalists. She is also the lyricist behind the COMPASS award-winning song, 《被风吹过的夏天》, a happy collaboration with local singer/songwriter/pop artiste, JJLin. She’s looking forward to sharing her debut record to be released in Dec 2010, and the many new adventures and stories that await her everyday.
Come to sit by them on 17th November 2010, and witness the evolving fresh chemistry of this quirky duo. Seats are limited!
Catch Juliet on:
Facebook: click here
Youtube.com: click here
ReverbNation: click here