Through these years, we lived on. We continue to live and bracing our lives through thick and thin, wearing smiles wherever we can. But it is always during this period of the year that we realised, once again, he never left...
His smiles, his actions, his behaviours is deeply engraved in the memories of me, and I am sure many others too. I hope he is doing fine now, wherever he is. We will, on the day of his death anniversary, visit him again. He is still the pillar of EC0118. Thanks Jeremy. See you soon.
I was browsing through the blog site created in the memory of late Jeremy, wanting to take a look at the photos posted. Unfortunately, the photos are now dead link. I may log in to do some editing. (Hope his bro and him don't mind.) Here are some of the photos I gathered:
Photos are sourced from the blog site mentioned above, and ChickenSoup4Souls.