Emptiness In Me
nbsp; What have I contributed to this world? What have I learnt all this while? Are those things I have learnt, enough for me to survive in this world? Will i
succeed in Life? Have i enjoy Life?...
Questions after questions... It seems to be endless... i begins to doubt my life. It seems that my life are pretty dull and i have wasted all my life doing nothing, learning nothing. i, somehow, seem to have 'dis-connected' from the on-going outside world. What has happen to Singapore recently? Don't ask me... i'll never get the answer... Which is the latest Nokia model? God knows...
These few days, i felt an emptiness in my heart, my life in fact. There are something missing that caused the emptiness. There must have something i have yet to fulfill. BUT, what is it? I don't know. My morale are now pretty low. I starting to think... "Who am i?", "Why am i in this world?", "Who i really want to be?", "Will i be noticed even IF i no longer live on earth? etc. In search for the real soul... MY soul... *daze*
This emptiness makes me feel guilty... feel bad... but also form the hunger to achieve something within myself. This emptiness came to me before and subsided. Now its here again. I tell myself, "i did it once, i definitely have the power to destroy it once again. I will not be defeated easily". At least i'll try to change all this emptiness from fears and depression to strength and changes. No point having fears and suffer from depression over this. If i felt that i have not achieve anything, achieve something. Yes! Hunger. Let this emptiness push me to another height of life.
Whine less, breathe more;
Talk less, say more;
Hate less, love more;
And all good things are yours."
-a Swedish proverb
This Swedish proverb somehow catches my eyes when i came to it. It seems to describe my feeling. I am trying to hope more and fear less. I normally say more than i talk, as far as i know. Hate will not be around me for more than, at most 2 weeks. Its too tiring to hate and of course, great to love... Of course, i'm not saying only BGR, but also love between friends, relatives, seniors etc. As who doesn't want to have all good things in life? *smile*