L O V E... A four letter word that had make all people living in peace,but it can also create jealousy and hatred among human. Causing riots... arguements... fights... So can you handle Love? Do you need Love? or more specifically, do u need BGR at the moment?
What is actually Love? Is it a feeling? Or is it a need? It is still an unexplainable feeling to many people. No one can explain why they love someone... Why they are not ready for it but still wanted it so much... There is only a thin line seperate Love and Friendship. When someone is very close to you and treat you good, u will begin to think... Is this Love? Is he/she falls in Love with you? But that person may just treat you as friend. To him, he may feel that there is nothing between you and him but to you, its a different story. He may treat eveyone or girls equally. But in your eyes, he treat you better than the rest. You think you fall in Love. So, it's pretty hard to differentiate Love and Friendship, especially in Singapore. Traditional mindset still alive, when a guy and a girl play together, they are in Love.
Of course, as i said before (accidentally deleted *sigh*... ), if you think you like the person, tell him/her. No point keep on thinking of the person and not knowing if the person like you or not. Yes, you might face rejection, but isn't it better to know how the person feel for you? If he loves you too, Congratulation! If not, let him go... Treat him like how you treat your friends. There are definitely someone better out there. If you keep hanging on to it, maybe one day your friendship will be at jeopardy and you might just lose a friend you don't wish to lose...
Its important for us to let go when there is a need to. Its not easy, you will say. But as the chinese saying goes, "Chang Tong Bu Ru Duan Tong". Get hurt now and stand up again. If you drag on, who know whether you can take it next time. You might love him more deeply and will get more hurt.
If they return, they are always yours.
If they don't, they never were..."