Pretty busy indeed. With Industrial Attachment ending soon, our projects' deadline is getting nearer. i just finished rushing one database even though nothing is concrete yet as they have not try it out. So i might not have enough time to do the debugging. This is also why its been a long time since i last update my sites and blog. i do feel happy on going back, but a little sad to have to leave the people here and the pay, of course. They treat me nice, this only make me feel bad.
Recently, i don't seem to be able to sleep early... like 10.30pm ++. i not sure what the cause of it, but i just keep tossing on my bed. Even if i'm tired, it took minutes to hour to sleep. Understand? That's terrible. It makes me more tired and stressed.
Not really sure myself, even if i'm getting back to my usual self, i still have troubles and woes (as usual). Doubts about my life still exist even if i don't wish to admit. i know that i still can't let go some things which have always present in my head. But i will try my best to walk out of the past and move on in life *smile*