Ups & Downs
I guess i have somehow injured my arms 'a little'. 'A little' because the injury is not serious, just feeling some strain. But i guess i have some good news though, currently i am now getting more used-to the ball after re-plug. Although i have some complaints, bear with me *smile*... But as usual, i will just keep my mouth shut and try to solve it by myself. Its getting on me to be a rather quiet and not voicing my views.
Jenson celebrated his 21st birthday over the weekends in DownTown East and we (NYPians) went down on Saturday. Even though its not really fun since its pretty crowded. But i guess its a nice time to catch up with each other. Glad to know that they are currently doing fine. Oh ya, we also went for bowling. Very FUN! We play with a little competitive as we represent different CCA and came out with the 'CCA Bowling Challange'. I even said that we are the TOP 5 (finalists) *smile*. But as usual, i don't fair well. But friendships first. It bonds us a little more closer.
. Aris (F.B.), Koon Ek (ex-Sakura), Rajesh (Debates), Phyo (ex-Geo) and I (NYPBC) played one game each. Its a three-horse race at first, but became a two-horse race near the end with Raj and Phyo claiming 1st and 2nd.
That night, Glen and i stayed till wee hours. We awaits for Jannah who will be coming after work. In the end, due to the time, we decided to change the venue to Yishun. Nearer to Glen's and Jannah's house. This will save the travelling time and need not pay extra. Its also because Jenson, the birthday boy, was already sleeping.
i'm quite upset about the fact that Braddell-Westlake will once again merge, this time round with GuangYang Sec. We only can blamed M.O.E. for bringing in Miss Monica Quek (ex-Serangoon Sec.'s Principal). Its selfish if we don't let Mrs Song go, but at least they should bring someone that can match Mrs Song capabilities. Somemore, Mrs Song are only with us for less than 3 years. The changes she brought into Braddell make us once again proud to be Braddellites but the honor and glory were short. Choir started and supported by her also. But we can't do anything but to see BWSS goes under GYSS.