Arghh... Body is aching. *laugh* i guess its been a
long long while since i really exercise. Yesterday, i joined Aris & Rif
(don't know his spelling). "Intro to Hip-Hop". As usual, its simple to
them, but to me its... *stop* Anyway, its fun to me lar since it is the
first time i really dance, awkwardly. *laugh* i will definitely dance again, i
am kind of interested but maybe i do not have it in my blood. i am like a piece
of thick wood, due to my size. i must get away this love handle before i ever
tried to dance. Or else... God knows what will happen!!! *laugh*
i feel agitated yesterday when i reached home. Not because of the outing or what, as i say it was fun. My recording of Sunday's show, Golden Ball, was over-write by Holland V for my BROTHER!!! i really felt like shouting out loud. My mum say that i did not take the video out so she merely rewind it and record. i almost blow my head off. She was the one who say that rewind if you had finished the video. But i haven't even watched yet, of course i would not rewind it. Why did she do it on her own? Fine, if she do it, a simple apology will make me better. But it seems that she pushed the blame to me yet again. Why i say again? This is not the first time and i could do nothing but to endure.
i am not going to care much and i have not talk to her after last night's incident. i went straight to bed with my hair wet, woke up... played computer for a while before i leave home for school... came home late and here i am... Too tired for all these feud. One day, if i ever erupts, i wonder what will the world turn into.
But it seems that my world are not totally out of light yet. My supervisor asked me to see him this morning.
"It is very important to have people appreciate what you are doing and i am, appreciating your stuff."
i was like "*phew* Thanks". i really relaxed after that. He say i am doing fine and can just focus on my stuff and not the report. According to him, the report is not that important. He asked me to try and do as much as possible. I am finishing Topic 5.3 soon, coming to the interaction part. I was so afraid of changing a lot to my flash. As usual he make a little amendment, but simple one.
So somehow, i am more relaxed now even though with a little bit of 'mishap' in my life. i sort of thought of a way to make me de-stress. Whenever i am unhappy or stressful, i will go a few rounds down my neighbourhood, provided i am not tired of course.