Guess what, after 5 days at Swensen's, now then
i find out that Giant Earthquake does not have 16 scoops of ice-cream, but 3
ounces instead of 2 per scoop. *laugh* Not too bad, the people there are pretty
friendly as long as you did your job. That's the way. i am happy with that.
Pretty tired, i must say but i am cannot-sit-still kind of person. So, i love to
be busy. *laugh*
Tomorrow will be Week 8 and i am suppose to finish my Flash. But i only do 2 part (out of 5). Pretty disappointed of my progress. i will strive hard and finish it as soon as possible. My supervisor should be back in school this week after his re-service. Receive good comments on my design *smile* but i somehow feel that there are something short in my flash. i can't find out the reason yet. Maybe, one day, i will.
i just now saw an ex-colleague of mine at SSMC (attachment). Somehow i felt very delighted to see him. I do miss the place and somehow, i want to see them but i know i will not know how to communicate with them when i see them. They happen to be on my mine these days and its a coincidence to meet him. Glad that they are all doing great. *smile*