slightly better
Occasionally, i might fall from all these barriers. But
don't you worry for me *smile*, as i will still stand up and moves on.
Definitely, all these will going to affect my life and maybe slowed me down.
That doesn't mean i will stay there forever.
Blame it on my personality. *laugh* i am not going to be beaten so easily. All these will only be strengthening me, preparing me for a tougher battle coming soon in the future, who knows? *laugh* Vent out my anger... Curse this curse that... have a good sleep... wake up next morning.... i am still ME! *laugh* Just a little disappointed in myself, but i will strke back. Now concentrate on the rest of my project and report. This always been my strength. i will, i mean i WILL strike back. *laugh*
Online, offline, in school, outside school, through sms or even meet up. i have friends encouraging me along my way on recovering. Fine, fine, fine... i know you people are going to say boring, but i really happy for that. It really touches my heart. Thanks for the concern.
Well... enough said... Now... back to the battle field... *laugh*