weak week
Getting fustrated and bad week. Since last week, my pc had been down till today. Trying to finish up my project, but to no avail. Tomorrow must see Mr Ong. Project supposed to finish by FRI, but still got one Topic to go... haiz... Then i try to do at home today, when my pc is back working. i found out that my Flash MX CD was in Eugene house. So i think of doing the presentation first. But MS Office is not installed. *sigh* what a week... Getting headache...
PC is finally back. Last week of attachment. But things aren't that smooth. Still struggling. Received many words of encouragement. But i still think i might fall soon... *sigh* Getting really stressed over these... maybe i should take things more easy... *smile*
At MySpace.com, a gay named "Bus" actually asked me to be his friend, i accept but of course, tell him that i am not his type. Some friends say that they look me up due to the boyish, gayish pic i upload. Who cares? i like the way the picture is taken and the way he posed. He is a Thai National just in case you don't know...