Short Music Reviews
After their great success in their debut... Fans can't wait for their second album to be out... Unfortunately, it does not live up to my expectation... Not that their vocal wasn't good enough but i expect slightly more power-packed songs... two of the more catchy songs should be their "Qian Nian Zi Lian" and "Wu Xian"... On whole, 2.5 stars...
I never really care about this album when it first being advertise... but due to friend's recommendation... i sort of giving it a try... Vivian to me was someone who can't really carry a song well... and i can't remember any songs from her that make a impression on me... but i guess "Hen Hen Ai" album change my view on her... One of the better release compared to the rest... She covered Jamelia's "Superstar"... It turned out pretty well... as i wasn't into Chinese version of English songs... so... im pretty impressed... Her "Hen Hen Ai" sounds a little similar to a Spice Girl song too... On whole, 4 stars...
After his "Haven" turning out to be a hit of the town... Local reputation was once again uphold by Wayne, better to be known as JJ Lin... His 3rd album was simply unique... With a wide variations in genre... he showcases his vocal well... The singapore edition includes one bonus track... i heard from Jin that it was a duet with his Shi-Mei... "Bei Feng Chui Guo De Xia Tian" is definitely a song not to be miss... "Mu Nai Yi", a fast track... & "Yi Qian Nian Yi Hou", a slow track showed that he can be versatile in his singing skills... Moreover, Sembawang Music is selling it at $12.90 with Poster (While Stock Last) or you can get it @ $12.50 in Chinatown Shops... Overall: 4.5 stars...
After almost 3 years of absence in the music scene, Coco came back with her second english album "Exposed" after her "Just No Other Way" release in 1999... This time round... her songs featured are fast pace... while the previous edition contains more ballad... Like Vivian, she project herself as a sexy lady... she works with Joon Park of G.O.D. and Blaaze for her album... The impact wasn't very big... Her songs are commendable but not WOW kind... On whole, 3 stars...
New.Z is a all-male group, or boyband... This album have a rather soothing song "Suo Ai Ta" but unfortunately... its a little too sweet sounding... very typical boyband material... all ballad... not much of showcase their vocal... making me doubting their vocal range... Not a very good album but listenable... If you need something smooth or alot of soothing songs... this might work for you... On whole, 2 stars...
Singapore Idol Runner-up, Sylvester Sim, finally came out with his own album... Instead of competiting with Taufik in the English Music Industry, Sly ventures into the Chinese scene... His "Take Flight" album wasn't that bad... he sounded pretty good... at least better than expectation... "Di Yi Ge Yuan Ying" stood out of his album which consist of a lot of ballads... and the song that made him a household name, "An Jing"... Overall, i'll give it 3 stars...