movie, bad outing
Pirates of the Caribbean, a movie that includes a little bit
of scary element, a little bit of love element and laugh element, is lack of a
story line. Not a very interesting story line but is enough to make a person day
better and attract enough attention.
A much awaited movie outing with Aris and Twins. It was postponed for a few weeks since and i was looking forward to it. *sigh* Recently, not feeling very good and a little down and depressed, i hope this outing can lighten my mood. Unfortunately, it did not and make me feel worse. I did not enjoy the movie due to lots of interruption from the handphone. Never really get to enjoy the movie, even though i know what's going on...
A friend of mine need my help in terms of financial help. For those who know me well, will know that i will help IF i can. But unfortunately, that was not what happen last night. i am rushing throughout from Final-Year Project (FYP) to Swensen's interview to Orchard. i totally have no time to do a transaction and of course, i have assured my friend that i will transfer the money right after the movie.*frown* She know that i am in the movie, yet keep messaging during the movie.
This interruption spoiled my day, or night to be exact. i expected myself to enjoy the movie and get better over the bad feeling i had in the past few days. Instead, i'm feeling let down by friend. No matter how urgent the need goes (not mentioning the reason to me)... i believe i do deserve a break for movie isn't it? It really struck me after that, am i really too nice? i transfer the money even before i took a leak which seems to be more urgent.*sigh*
No matter how good the movie is, it is wasted that i did not enjoy the movie as much as my friends do. Swensen's job was, of course, a successful one. Get the job with a very low pay. But i guess i need more exposure in different line. In Swensen's, there are chances for me to be a runner, a waiter, a cashier or even the 'ice-cream man', the person who scooped and arranged the delicious ice-cream for us. To achieve all these, my performance there must be good. Now waiting for calls on which day to go for work. Next week, i will no longer be as free as now, which i think is a good think for me. *smile*