for five days
Just received a news this morning, a rather sad news.
No, i'm fine. But my friend are not. Jannah's grandfather passed away last
Saturday. Its rather ironical or should i say bad that we had fun on Friday but
her kin died on Saturday. Still remember that we took Neoprints where i am
photogenic. *ehem* I'm sure she will get through it.
My job at Swensen's remained unchanged. Afraid of giving the wrong impression to that colleague of mine, i communicate with her very little. Refrained to only about work, even if we happen to be in the same station when our shifts overlapped. Overall, still a little bored since i am still the guy who only pours water and clear plate.
Recently i am not feeling too well again. Rather tired and seems like i do not have any good sleep. Last night, i am somehow awake in the middle of the night. Its not the first time but last night, i heard a scream from a lady. Not knowing whether she is human or what, i decided to pretend i heard nothing and try to get back to sleep. But i am still tired when i am awake. Attendances seems to be pretty bad, have been late for more than 20% of my project.
Last night, i also went to meet Siang, Yong Hao and Jeremy before meeting Qiang at his neighbourhood. Its been months since i last saw Yong Hao and Jeremy. i try to update myself with their news. *laugh* Not too bad, love to have nice chat with them.
Feeling that i can do better in school, i try to learn more ways of using Flash. Wait, do not ask me to read up books. i will fall asleep. 2 books on hand, not the first time, read none yet. i would rather read a story book. Seems like my friend like my design, which is somehow a consolation to the unhappiness i had with my work. i will try harder...