turning of life?!
What a night?! i missed the band concert last night but it seems to be worth it... *smile* Hanging out with 4 of my friends, we chat and 'shop' even though i was not in the mood to shop *laugh* No lah, i'm just not those shopping freak that is why my clothes seems the same all these while.
We are chatting and chatting but i also not very sure on why the arrows begin to point towards me. All of the sudden, all topics was on me. They noticed a change in me or should i say they think i do possess with a problem. So, they keep asking me and in the end, have a talk. Believing that my mindset is not correct, they try to correct me.
i know that they care, and i'm very happy as usual *smile*, but this things cannot rush. i need time to change. i will try and i am trying hard, maybe just not hard enough. But trust me, i will not let you people down... i will listen to you guys, listen to Siang. But the past behind and change the future and not wait for the future... Once again... Thank you!