up neXt
Its time to get my hair cut again. But due to the heavy rain yesterday and the need to bring home my bowling ball, i did not go. Aching all over, i guess i need to beef up my hands etc. *laugh* i begin a little small step of my 'Keeping Fit' program... *laugh* Hey~ at least i start...
i eat slightly lesser and chose to eat. *smile* i will never go on diet. That's hard on me *laugh* i try to excercise too, so that i can bowl better and last longer. NAPFA and MIW checkup are up soon. Must prepare myself. I have not booked it yet as i am not ready yet. *sigh*
This week is going to be a slightly more busy week. Project Presentation on WED, start work on WED too... Have to remember to book MIW Check up too... What a week?! Thinking of having a hair cut and dying my hair, but i scared that it will screw up my presentation. Hmm... should i or should i not?!...