Guess what, i won the weekly lucky draw from McDonald's. Have you heard 'The Dog'? McDonald's is now selling it at $3.95 with every purchase of Extra-Value Meal. Yes, i won one of it. No, not the small version, it is the BIG BIG version. Huggable-Cushion-like. i attract alot of attention on my way home with the Plushie with me. It is pretty big. i carry using one hand and was damn tired. :p
But of course it is worthwhile. Not everyone will get the chance to own it, isn't it? Do you know it is actually my first Lucky Draw Prize, even though i participate in a few Lucky Draws. Hence, this prize kind of important to me. I enjoy a benificial week. From the camp to the lucky draw, it seems that my luck is getting better.
In school, i managed to finish the stuff my supervisor asked me to do. But once again, i am not able to find him in his room. i waited for 15mins outside his office just now. Most likely will go and look for him later on, in the afternoon. Hope my luck can really change!!! *smile*