Sunday, October 12, 2008

a busy week

      Its a crazy week. Apart from A*Mei's concert on SAT, there are other events that keep me busy this week. The three main ones:

  • Mum & Dad Birthday Dinner
  • HR Presentation
  • AFPD Retro Night

    Birthday Dinner

          My sister do up a small 'poster' for my mum on SUN and i decided to do one for my dad too. Or else, it seems 'unfair'. *laugh* But it is hard to do one just as good as my sis. I am known to be 'copier' & 'modifier' than 'creator'. Hence, i went online and search for ideas.

    The two 'posters' on fridge

          But i guess my parents really enjoy that night, since we seldom had a chance to sit down to have a dinner, not to say go out and have one. We went JUMBO in East Coast. i wasn't a seafood lover, so the food was just ok to me...

    HR Presentation

          We went for a FINAL rehearsal on Thursday to see how much time we took and to get everyone get the flow of the presentation. Unfortunately, Ning Yi couldn't make it, again. Yes, she was the one we all worried most. On the actual presentation, we all panic and she appears to be the least prepared one. But still, overall seems pretty well-received. What makes me most happy was being mentioned in one of the peer-feedback form and was praised for my part in closing the presentation. I was so happy the whole night. Now left the actual report to submit.

    Retro Nite 2008

          My company dinner was held yesterday at Downtown East's ballroom. Food was bad, ambiance was so-so, service was bad. But still, we did enjoy ourselves. I was being sabotaged to go on stage to be one of the 6 "Most Theme-dressed". 3 male & 3 female. To win the big prize, we had to do a little catwalk and dance. I missed out being the best but i'm glad i didn't. I was a little shaking on stage before my turn.

          Wanna see my photos of all these events? Visit

  • Sunday, October 05, 2008

    张惠妹 A*Star Tour

    张惠妹简直是太棒了!无论是声音,舞蹈,舞台美丽,感染力,或是她与现场的粉丝 们的交流,没有一点可以让我挑的。一等一的视觉与听觉的享受。从我开始听他的 歌后就一直想去现场看她的表演,但种种原因而都没去。这次的演唱会,我完全没 有后悔,真是一个五,不,是六星级的演唱会。现场的气氛,感觉,真的很难用言 语完完全全的形容出来。当她演绎劲歌热舞时,身体不知劲的动了起来。当她用她那沙沙但动人肺腑的声音 唱慢歌时,眼眶变湿湿了,整个人起鸡皮疙瘩。现场所有的人的心跳,都跟着她的 声音而起伏。当时的我真的有一点感动,全场的观众竟然能唱出她所有的歌曲。唱 的很大声,连A*mei都忍不住想哭了。有一首歌她甚至坐在舞台的中央,听现场的观 众高声唱。如果我有她五成的魅力,那该多好啊!哈哈!好啦,不做白日梦了。

    A*mei也是继张学友后,第二位歌手因循众要求,以安可的方式,一年内两度回到狮 城开唱。距离上一场演唱会还不到一年时间,但演唱会门票依然卖得火红,约一万 个观众席上,依然座无虚席。一些两度捧场的热情歌迷,还投入地站起身来,随著 阿妹奔放的歌声摇摆。星期六的狂热和忘情,响彻了新加坡室内体育馆。
    我一生只去了两次演唱会,上回是林俊杰的。很遗憾,我看了JJ 的表演,特别的失 望,宁可听他的CD算了。因为我完全感觉不到现场的气氛,他似乎太做作了,即使 声音再完美,他没有带动现场的能力,我差点都睡着了。比起林俊杰,A*mei根本是 不同等级的表演。下次若A*mei再次回到新加坡,我一定买进一点的坐位来欣赏她无 法抵挡的光彩。