Friday, December 30, 2011

小事 足以造成伤害

"对你们来说的小事,可能对我来说已足以造成伤害。 虽然复仇并非我的作风,但也不能因此而忽视我的感受。 或许坦白与解释是减轻罪名的最佳方案。"






Monday, December 26, 2011

blast x*mas

If Christmas means anything to me, it is a season of sharing the joyous moments and spending time with your closer ones...

Christmas Day had always been a normal Public Holiday for me even if there was some X*mas exchange over the last few years. In the past, i would sms or send out my well wishes via Christmas card. This year, i did not send any card by post. There was only 4 person who had received my card this year.

Alright, i admit that for the past few years, i had my fair share of time sharing with my friends but this year, it had been kind of different. How different? More games! New experience! More fun!

+ More Games

We used to stick around for a meal, some gift exchange etc. This year, we had more than meals. With Angelina joining in, we had more 'manpower' for fun! Xin, Nat, Ber, Angel and me was in for Skipbo, Sabotuer, Pictionary (Chocolate edition) etc! Ooops, i lost track! But I remember had fun till late night. I am sure tired that day! Imagine playing SkipBo in the void deck at wee hours! haha...

+ New Experience

I boarded the Hippo Lights Up Tour Bus with Nat, Ber & Angel. This was my first time experience, though it could have been better. I prepared bubbles to create nice effect for photo shoot! BUT the rain had spoiled everything! But still we enjoy ourselves since it was the first "Rainy" Hippo Tour during X*mas countdown! Little do i know that the annual X*mas light-up competition is still on-going! Why didn't the newspaper covering in a larger scale? I missed the good old days where every mall is competiting for the honour! =(

Hippo "Light Up" Tour

Elmo & ME~!
Teddy in Garfield - Pooky

Cuter Santa (Chocolates)

Nevertheless, Hopes everyone enjoy their Christmas!

Merry X*Mas!

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Crepe Birthday Cake

My birthday celebration came early as I celebrate my birthday with my section people with Angie's creation! I shared the same birthday with my section manager. Therefore, Angie get everyone together to celebrate our birthday in advance. This is my first birthday celebration in 2011, my first birthday cake in 2011 and my first crepe birthday cake...

Crepe Cake (Whole)

Though the cakes is a little dry and filling ('cos we had it after lunch), but i believe the effort is priceless. My first DIY cake from a friend. Hence, even though i am very full, i force myself to finish 2.5 slices of cake. Sad to say, this may be my first and only cake in 2011. Despite that, i am already thankful for whatever i have now. =)

Crepe Cake (Slice)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Abercrombie & Fitch

Do you still remember this controversal advertisement in Orchard Road?

Weeks after the sexy and saucy advertisement poster was removed, Abercrombie & Fitch (A&F) is back with much better offering to Singaporeans. Hey, for those who can't take such hot stuff? Just don't step into Orchard for the time being or simply walked the opposite street of A&F. A&F brought a legion of boys from all over the world, namely Italy, Brazil and, of course, Singapore. Their boys may not be drop dead gorgeous or with superb bods, they are all charming and definitely there is at least one for everyone's appetite.

These boys are not only eye-candies, they charm on-lookers with their cheekiness and poses. Ladies (and guys) are allowed to take photos with them real close! I am sure some even took the opportunity to 'touch' their favorite boy! These bods really put my body shape to shame. If only i can be as fit as one of them... =( On a positive note, they serve as a motivation for me. Strive hard and i may be fit, if not as muscular as them. Like others, I have personal favorites too. For Asians to stand out from the 'ang mos' is never easy.

He looks a little shy...

Charming the crowd...

The boys are having fun...

Above photos were from google search and fb (by Marcus Seng). Below are photos i took... =)

Charming Boys

Personally, I like the right guy. It sounds weird, but i guess it is ok. hahaha

Friday, November 25, 2011

Singapore Expo Performance

On 19th November, I finally stepped onto the 'stage' to sing publicly. Previous 2 performance were in Simei Care Center and Crazy World Cafe. This time round, I performed in Singapore Expo! *Yeah!* Despite not a superb performance, i am glad enough that i could still sing properly even i was SO SO NERVOUS.

This performance meant alot to me as i get to sing one of my favorite song by Hins Cheung, 只是太愛你 (translation: Because i love you too much). What's more, i received lots of 'Likes' in facebook! Cool huh?! Hell yeah! I felt so good when i receive constructive comments or praises. But deep within me, i hope one day to receive my cousin's or Juliet's 'Like'. That will mean A LOT to me! Nevertheless, i hope i will get more opportunity to perform! =)

Song #1 : 只是太愛你 (原唱: 張敬軒)

Song #2 : 傻瓜 (原唱: 吳克群)

Song #3 : 你那麼愛她 (with Darryl Quee)

Thursday, November 24, 2011







恭喜你。 你抵达下一站,希望你永远幸福。




v 或许大家都有对的地方。




Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Army had taught me one thing which i believe is very, very useful. I learnt to sleep anywhere, anytime as long as i am tired. Yesterday, I keep sleeping on road. =x

On my way to camp, i overslept on bus but thankfully, i woke up in time when the bus reached a landmark that i recognised! I missed two stops before alighting on the third. Imagine if i slept to other places, i would not know how to get back! Untill today, i still need a bit of time to recognise the bus stop to alight.

On my way home from camp, i slept all the way to the bus interchange. The bus captain woke me up politely! Thanks uncle. He even ask me to take my time, no need to rush. =)

On my way to Chinatown, i slept on the train and yes, i missed the station and reached Harbour Front. This time round, i am not really sleeping but i missed it as i was playing my games and i thought Chinatown will come after Outram Park. Ok, i wasn't myself yesterday! =x

On my way home from Yishun, once again, i slept and thankfully woke up on time to alight. But i was really shag and tired.

I am not sure why but i guess my body is really exhausted. I lie on the floor and i can go ZZZ. But thanks to the 'training', I can sleep while i am travelling from one point to another to 'recover' a little. haha... In short, Army can be really helpful!

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

hectic november: four quests

November is a hectic month for me. In the 2nd week of November, I shift my focus on FYP presentation. I am not sure if i should be happy or sad over my FYP presentation. I am happy as i finally get over the presentation and the presentation itself highlighted one area that is missing from my report. I was asked to amend and include one more chapter - the comparative studies.

Sad. I should not be happy since i did not do well in the presentation. I was dumbfounded for the first question, questioning the reason of using graph to show a data that should be shown in table form. I thought the usage is perfectly normal and fine. Isn't it better to display or show the results in graphical form? Isn't it more visual? Another reason why i am sad is that it is obvious my initial report is not good enough and I am not sure how much difference will my amendment to the report help me.

Now in the 3rd week of November, my body is taking its toll. Four on-going items. Four quests, i call. All had to be done by this week, before i head into the last week of Novemember preparing for my FINAL paper (THE VERY LAST ONE).

1. Study IE2010E Exam
Doing my reservist, i taking whatever free time i could squeeze to study for this examination. It is my fault that i did not wake up in time for the examination last year. One year on, the paper standard increases, lecturer had changed and i have lesser time to focus on my other stuff while my peers enjoying it. Exam Date: 21st Nov (MON)

2. IE5203 Term Paper
30% of my IE5203 module, i have to try and score whatever points i could after failing badly during the mid-term. I had no idea why but i am the bottom two of the class. The hurdle here is getting started. I had issue formulating my problem before i can perform the Decision Analysis Cycle. Deadline: 18th Nov (Friday).

3. Changes to FYP Report
As mentioned earlier, I hope to take this chance to improve on the score of my FYP. I am now doing Chapter 9: The comparative studies. 3 more sections to do and i can submit to my supervisor for comments. Hope he do give constructive comment and help me to score. So far, no much help from him. Deadline : Undefined. Hopefully by this week.

4. SAT performance.
I know, I know... i should not have taking up the performing chance in the midst of exam and reports. But performing chances are not easy to get, not for me. Thanks to Darryl. I am offered the chance to perform after CrazyWorld Cafe in Aug (or is it July?). Hence, i seize the opportunity and wanting to prove to those doubters that i can do it. This time round, i do get moral support from my friends. I just hope i do not let them down.

Monday, November 14, 2011




我失去了你 这是一开始就知道的剧情
我失去了你 也失去过去拥有的回忆
这样的改变 你怎么从来不知道

我失去了你 这是一开始就知道的剧情
我失去了你 也失去过去拥有的回忆
这样的改变 你怎么从来不知道

我失去了你 这是一开始就知道的剧情
我失去了你 也失去过去拥有的回忆
这样的改变 你怎么从来不知道

我失去了你 这是一开始就知道的剧情
我失去了你 也失去过去拥有的回忆
这样的改变 你怎么从来不知道

Thursday, November 10, 2011

新加坡金曲奖 2011 荣誉榜

经年可说是孙燕姿,林宥嘉和何维健的丰收年。国宝燕姿以《是时后》专辑荣获'最佳专辑制作人', '最受欢迎女歌手','亚洲传媒大奖' , 'Y.E.S. 93.3FM醉心龙虎榜年度顶尖金曲' , '十大金曲' 和 '榜榜上风光'等,六大奖项。林宥嘉则摘下‘年度专辑大奖’,‘龙虎榜榜上风光奖’,‘十大金曲’和‘飞跃大奖’。一向来被乐评看好的宥嘉,终于不负众望夺得‘年度专辑大奖’,说实在的,我很替他高兴。他也因为夺得这奖,变得很激动,甚至在表演时给与100%的表演,几乎忘我,超放的开!从没看过大这样的表演!赞!何维健爆冷的击败热门罗志祥,夺得‘最受欢迎男歌手奖’,证明他的人气一直在爆升。通过微波,Twitter,Facebook等管道和歌迷互动是管用的。
昨晚的演出阵容强大,精彩表演延续不断,可惜的是音响似乎没有那么好,多次听不到歌手的声音,令人失望。典礼也比往常拖得更晚。主要原因是每个环节的'set-up'都太好时了,拖得时间太长。但也因此,观众能看到前所未有的表演。Olivia, 林宥嘉和严爵在没有彩排的情况下表演了一小段的"Fly Me To The Moon"。严爵的急性实力不能忽视。除了"Fly Me To The Moon"的beatbox,他也和宇珩为当王主题”Music is Life"创作出一小段的音乐。一动一静的"Music is Life",让我十分享受。
Auntie Lucy 和 Michelle Chong (一炮而红的‘Ah Jiao’) 再度带来许多节目效果。 这次Auntie Lucy和Hossan Leong带来爆笑的对话,而AhJiao(和帅哥Tom Price)更让人轻松许多。值得一提的是胡夏和梁文音的粉丝。胡夏的粉丝即使声音已经变哑了,甚至走音,还是继续为偶像呐喊。梁文音的粉丝则为没有出席的偶像加油打气。因为节目拖拉的关系,整个典礼在多数时候让人想睡觉。
年度专辑大奖 - 美妙生活 (林宥嘉Yoga)
最佳专辑制作人奖 - 孙燕姿、KENN C、李偲菘、李伟菘 (是时候\孙燕姿)
最佳本地作词奖 - 梁文福 (倔强)
最佳本地作曲奖 - 林俊杰 (她说)
最佳本地歌手奖 - Olivia (Romance)
最佳演绎男歌手奖 - 萧敬腾 (狂想曲)
最佳演绎女歌手奖 - 张惠妹 (你在看我吗)
最佳组合奖 - SUPER JUNIOR-M (太完美)
最佳乐团奖 - MP魔幻力量 (不按牌理出牌)
最佳创作歌手奖 - 严爵 (不孤独)
最佳新人奖 - 胡夏 (胡爱夏) (前优秀新人奖)
亚洲传媒大奖 - 孙燕姿
海外杰出歌手奖 (中) - 丁当
海外杰出歌手奖(港) - 方大同
海外杰出歌手奖(台) - 田馥甄
海外杰出歌手奖(马) - 宇珩
最受欢迎男歌手奖 - 何维健
最受欢迎女歌手奖 - 孙燕姿
最受欢迎团体奖 - 飞轮海
最受欢迎新人奖 - 倪安东
Y.E.S.93.3FM醉心龙虎榜年度顶尖金曲 - 当冬夜渐暖 (孙燕姿)
Y.E.S.93.3FM醉心龙虎榜榜上风光奖 - 孙燕姿, 林宥嘉
流行乐坛荣誉大奖 - 伍思凯
Bioskin 最佳造型奖 - 何维健 (前最前卫造型奖)
Y.E.S. 93.3FM醉心龙虎榜十大金曲:
飞轮海 - 心疼你的心疼
罗志祥 - 拼什么
周杰伦 - 说了再见
梁静茹 - 你会不会
陈奕迅、王菲 - 因为爱情
方大同 - 好不容易
蔡依林 - 小伤口
倪安东 - 散场的拥抱 田馥甄 - 寂寞寂寞就好
王力宏 - 你不知道的事
孙燕姿 - 当冬夜渐暖

飞跃大奖 - 林宥嘉
新加坡金曲奖最受欢迎U频道电视金曲 - 我爱他 - 丁当 Ding Dang 【下一站,幸福】主题曲
F&N FRUIT TREE FRESH 新势力歌手奖 - 严爵

F&N 大跃进歌手奖

Sunday, November 06, 2011

here comes... Mr November

Had wanted to blog for quite sometimes... but due to lack of time... i could not sit down and think or blog... i wanted to share all about my life in blog. more photos =) more news etc! Soon... i am sure... will start to spam the blog...

With Mr October not being kind to me, Mr November doesnt seems to be that friendly too! But definitely better than Mr October! =x In October, i am rushing for FYP. No one to blame but myself. Now comes November, I will be back in green! YES back in reservist! This time round, i am just rounder! haha...

In the midst of reservist, i had to prepare for a performance, FYP presentation, DA Term Paper (or project), 2 module examinations. Boy, its gonna be a challenging month. Its do or die. May everything works with me and pass this tough period QUICK and EASY!

Its part of my plan to shift reservist to this period, hence i am not gonna complain but i just hope my family sleeps EARLY! haha i can't study with TV on... SUPER ANNOYING! I kinda look forward to reservist! Nah... i am not crazy... but i wanted to clear the annoying NS cycle soon! and at the same time, took a break off the work. Losing my direction at my workplace... supporting roles for everyone and busy only when people needed me seems to be working fine but it can get rather boring! I am sadly a workaholic! haha... Aiight, watch out for my blog soon!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

not once, but twice

For the first time in my life, i failed 2 common tests in a row and guess what, i am the bottom two in one of the module.

"Not something to be proud of, then why do you keep saying it", you might say. To me, it is something rather hurting. It is quite shocking. Not to my friends, but to me as well. I had to admit i am not as hardworking as i am this semester. Not when i am like a lost sheep in the large grassland.




These are just some of my feelings i posted on twitter when the shocking results sinking in. But no, i did not really shed a tear. I wanted to but... my eyes are too dry. I wanted to vent out my anger, wanted to blame the whole world! BUT, this time round, i am unable to do it. I had no one to blame on, but myself. I really become lost of emotions soon after. No longer sad, no longer helpless, no longer feeling anything. Totally blank!

Left 11 days for my FYP and nothing is done yet. I need someone to slap me, someone to bash me up, someone to make me feel pain before i can stand up once again. i need.... it...

Sunday, October 02, 2011

my first, my second

Today marks the first anniversary of Guan Jie & Wendy.
Today is the wedding day for Guan Jie & Wendy.
Today is the day where Guan Jie & Wendy went through the solemnisation.

I would like to take this opportunity to congrats this newly weds a blissful marriage and many kids to come. =)

Special Thanks to this couple. I gave my "first-time" away! This is the first time i am one of 'brothers' for my friend's wedding and i thoroughly enjoyed myself. But honestly, it is a tiring day! Though it should be more tiring for the couple. =)

It is an honour to be the co-emcee for the wedding dinner event. This is my second time being an emcee and first time handling the English portion. Of course, I also 'forced' to be the emcee for the solemisation. Thanks to my co-emcee and fellow brothers, they lessen my anxiety and the English speech is definitely easier than the Chinese portion. Even though, the Chinese portion is shorter. Previously, i was the Chinese emcee and i definitely not as smooth or confident than this one.

It is a pity that we could not spend more time taking outdoor photos due to the weather. But that's okay! Most importantly, everyone had fun! Hope the wedding couple too! =)

Photos: Coming Soon!

Thursday, September 29, 2011

听海 (我就是爱唱歌 Audition Clip) - 评语

我就是爱唱歌 (I just wanna sing) 的评语已经出来了。虽然还有很多人的录像还没接受批评指教,我知道应该不会是我晋级了。说实在的,看两位评审给的评语,我不禁会有些懊恼。他们给的评语感觉上似乎对我没有很大的帮助。朋友所给的评语比这两位‘专业’评审还来得详细,有建设性。当然,他们的评语不是错的,所点到的也是我一直都知道的问题所在。但失望总会有的吧,因为他们没提到唱歌反面的问题如tone, pitch之类的。

Judges' comments
Jeremy Chan: 咬字不清, did not really blend in with the piano.
Jay Lim: 不难看出,钢琴手比较into it.

Saturday, September 24, 2011

missing period

More than a month since i last updated my blog. Not that i don't want to but apart from not enough time. i actually don't know what to write, how to write, when to write etc. Not that i had nothing to write, but i am not sure how to put it. Many things happened. Good & Bad, Happy or Sad *started humming*

Apart from the competition "I Just Wanna Sing" as posted in my previous post, i had did spent some time taking photos. I created an photo album "Hey, You Got A Mail", after being inspired by my friend, Lynn. I also managed to capture some photos while bring my friend to Chinatown to test his new DSLR. The photos was uploaded to the renamed album "C H I N A T O W N 牛 車 水" . I am glad that the updated album received more likes and compliments! =)

C H I N A T O W N 牛 車 水

Apart from spending time taking photos, i am glad that i managed to get connected with my ex-school and classmates of Chong Li Primary School (Class of '96). Special Thanks to Facebook, Jinwei & Evin for pulling everyone back. Its great to see all of them again, see them doing well and having fun! CLPS '96 ROX!

Class of '96 (CLPS)

Recently, i had been hit with two crisis! No! Not mid-life crisis! It's Financial & Weight Crisis! Financially, i am very weak. No thanks to all the policies i bought last time and now becoming a burden. As i mentioned again and again, my weight hit the red light - 79+Kg and now... I am trying to control and shed those fats. Joining the facebook "Staying Healthy Together" page. I began to walk more stairs, take less lift. Eat cheaper & less fried food. Hopefully, i am able to get back to 75Kg before aiming to lose more. =) Wish me all the best! =)

听海 (我就是爱唱歌 Audition Clip)





一群支持我的新,旧,好朋友。。。 - CLPS (崇礼小学) ’96班次,
- Yaoqiang & Jackal
- AFPD (AUO) 工作伙伴
- Twitter friends/Replugged friends (including Viv & Fion)
还有那些我不知道或认识但还是支持我,还替我 "Rate" 的人。


Monday, August 15, 2011

Four and a Half

I had received the 3rd dinner invitation in October. This means that I will be attending one in September (BL), one in October (GJ), two in December (Mung's & Siang's). The half belongs to the soleminization ceremony for Belfred and JiaHui. I am happy for them and congrats to all of them. Some are closer friends, some treat me very well during the period we work/study together. Ang Bao? Definitely will not be stingy! But I must really save up a little for them!

I wonder if there is a chance for me to attend to Mung's dinner in Kluang. That will be my first wedding dinner overseas. Looking forward to it, subject to approval of my change in reservist since it hit my December reservist. The main reason of applying for deferment is due to the fact that I had a paper on the first day of my reservist. Imagine that! haha... May things go my way then! =)

Saturday, July 09, 2011

Overdue Updates

Had been a long time since i wanted to blog. But due to various reasons, i failed to do so... till now. Never had i thought that my next post will be via hp. Nevermind, at least i had some time to post my thoughts. There are a lot things i wanted to blog about... My Kuching trip, my job change, my projects, my feelings... The list just goes on and one...

I am now in Serangoon CCL waiting for Qiang ge to go to meet A-Jin. Still feeling rather lethargic due to the lack of sleep. I had slept late last night but woke up early for exam this morning. And yes, one more module cleared. I had to admit i was not well prepared for the papers and honestly, i do not know how to prepare. Anyhow, its over and i left my ongoing FYP, and two more modules to clear! This academic investment became a little bit of a burden to met as the years go by... Hopefully, i can get returns from this invesments.

I felt great when i met Hao for lunch in the afternoon. I had not seen him since our last papers in May. We both went into different modules for this special term. Until now, i am unsure if the decision was right for my GPA. i had to admit that IE4299 really give me an opportunity to explore MS Excel. In Excel vba/macros, i found my new interest and ways to show my abilities. As i have lots of opportunity and time to explore and learn excel at work and in school. I learnt and apply it to improve our daily job. Boss and collegues, hence, saw my eagerness to learn.

This open an opportunity for me to switch department and also a change in job scope. Good or bad, its up to one to decide... For now, i am still unable to conclude since i am not THAT affeced yet... i have to take a longer time to see about it. All i can say now, i am happy with my spare time to do excel/vba... With exam over, time to force myself back into FYP!

Thursday, June 23, 2011


终于,我有了第二次演出的机会。这次连同Nianwen和Darryl以DNW在疯狂世界(CrazyWorld )有20分钟来呈现4首歌曲。昨晚我们曲目包括了周杰伦的'说好的幸福呢',吴克群的'傻瓜',Baby的'爱情不能做比较' 和 倪安东的'散场的拥抱'。




Wednesday, June 15, 2011

中英雙語 = Bilingual?

中英雙語 = Bilingual?




若沒忘記﹐我的英文也是通過書寫的方式有所進步。我不敢說自己英文好﹐更不用說我精通雙語﹗若現在的我的英語很差﹐你可以想象當時的程度﹗But hey, at least I can convey effectively in English (ignoring all the grammar mistakes that I may make)! 呵呵﹗


Saturday, June 11, 2011

Boring Blog

He is a camwhore but his blog is colorful & yes, I vote for him... he is.... TypicalBen. His blog is full of Youth and definitely one of the key new gen blgoger. I will look towards his style and be more open or, in another words, thicker skin! Its good to be thick-skin at times. For me, i am too shy! Honestly! Do check out his bro's link in his blog too. They look like twins!

Another that caught my eye under the individual category includes 范的涂鸦空间 by F@N. Many cute comics are uploaded and post there. Though not a lot of post but i guess it is not easy to maintain a comic-style blog. Hence, that is a commendable effort!

This year's Singapore Blog Awards 2011 caught my attention and put shame to my blog... at least i find my blog dull and boring despite a change of colors and format had actually make my blog more lively. But still there is a lot of room for improvement. Though i have urge to create travel blog & food blog. I will stick to this personal blog first... but rest assure, i will try to revamp the site after so many years under "The Unspok3n Voice".

Who knows, i may get nominated in 2012 edition! =) Apart from the revamped, the business blog idea had been dismissed but there is a possiblity of creating a photography/travel blog or a food one that compliment my HGW account! Watch out my space here!

Guys Talk

we talk while we walk, we mock while we talk...
its just guys talk!

Never have i see this coming, never will i expect this to happen... but it just did. Nothing special but i just returned back from a guys talk that making me thirsty, tired, sleepy and sweaty! Gosh! How will guys talk ended up in sweat?

A friend of my whatsapp me up and asked if i am free. We stayed nearby and hence i agreed to meet him up. The rest are busy or wanna rest le. But its not a bad one, just tiring... Since both of us stayed in SK, we walked our way to Jalan Kayu! And guess what? I am like a tour guide to him for the westside tour of SK! Its my jogging route and i am very familiar with every corner of SK west. So yes, it is his first time to SengKang Riverside Park, SengKang Sports & Recreational Center, Anchorvale CC etc... The walk make us all sweaty! But guess that will help to burn away the sinful BOMB prata i ate just now.

The food and talk made me thirsty all the way. Its a great talk. I did not know that i shared so many common characteristic with him even though we may be seen as two different type of person. Deep inside us, we are almost the same. Almost, but not yet. One major point strike us apart and never same. A point no one will know! haha... That's a great but tiring guys talk!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Never Try, Never Know

I went for my first ever informal audition for a gig hours ago. Its informal as the guitarist that was auditioning me made the session a please one and more of a jamming session. He is a great dude, but of course, i am not up to standard. He is still very encouraging and positive. I'll 'wait' for his reply but expect the reply! Just hope that there will be more such session soon. Please do not give me false hope, GL.

Initially, i was hestitating whether to give it a try. Knowing that my standard is below par, i would not stand a chance against the rest. But still, i am having a slight hope that it might finally be a chance for me to 'shine'. haha. Honestly, i am going there for the experience. Never try, never know... isn't it?

One main reason for me to take up this opportunity is that i am losing confidence in music. Definitely not the money factor. There are many way better singer around me that sound great! Imagine i am living in this kind of world! haha... Its an honor to have them as friend, on a negative side, its a pressure and demoralising. On the positive side, i have to work harder... But as human, we tend to think abit negative first! haha. I know that i always have stage fright or crowd fright. If i don't even overcome the auditioning part, i will still face the same issue. I will not even have a chance to be afraid of stage/crowd!

For a split second, i did ask myself if i should continue singing. That is when i walk out of YAMAHA. Despite the fact that GL was very encouraging and positive, i still find my performance one of my worst! My voice is tired and sang too high without really warming up. Thanks to those people who encourage me when hearing that i am trying out tonight. Thanks guys.

Now i fully understand why i am always being missed out when there is an idea of organising a performance. why i am not in the list of possible candidate. I guess i am really not up to standard yet. Its demmoralising but i accepted the truth...

Not to worry, at the moment, i am not throwing my towel... YET! At least, i know, i took a huge step forward. Things can only get better, isn't it?

Tuesday, May 17, 2011


怎么那么的炎热啊? So So HOT!



Sunday, May 15, 2011

歌壇新舞王 - 小豬羅志祥 Show Luo


昨晚在新加坡室內體育館舉辦了羅志祥的第二場'舞法舞天'演唱會。Encore 演唱會。


先別管他所說的人數記錄﹐他在舞台載歌載舞﹐和觀眾互動與交流﹐所有一切的一切證明他是多麼的認真。原本以為自己很不懂他的歌曲﹐其實對他多數的歌﹐還挺熟悉的。快歌如‘精舞門’﹐‘嗆司嗆司’﹐‘撐腰’﹐慢歌如‘拼什麼’和‘搞 笑’等歌曲﹐都耳熟能詳。


羅志祥 舞法舞天 演唱之1万零1夜 演唱會 好看慘了!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Singapore General Election 2011

It has been the most talked-about election ever in Singapore history. Through this election, I can feel that everyone had their point of view on the governance of Singapore. Not everyone is happy with what had happened over the past five years. From empty promises to rising cost of living to influx of Foreign Talent, there are various topics being raised over this year’s election.

Personally, this has been the election that I am most involved in. For the first time, I attended 4 rallies (almost 5). With the 5th rally supposed to be PAP’s rally at Woodlands Stadium but was cancelled due to poor weather, I ended up attended 4 opposition parties’ rallies. They are namely Workers Party (WP) Rally at Ubi and Yishun Stadium, Singapore Democratic Party (SDP) Rally at Woodlands Stadium and Singapore People’s Party (SPP) at Bishan Stadium.

Though not all cases raised are fair to the ruling party, People’s Action Party (PAP), many of the issues raised are valid. What surprise me most were the replies of the ministers. Comments after comments reported by local and online media showed that the ruling party need to undergo some changes and evolution, soon. If it wasn’t their actions, I believed that this year’s election will not be more exciting than the past.

The hottest stars during the elections must be Tin Pei Ling and Nicole Seah. Both were candidates of Marine Parade GRD for PAP and National Solitary Party (NSP), respectively. Both are young but not equally eloquent. On one side, Tin Pei Ling was on the headlines for all the wrong reasons, from “biggest regrets” issue to “Kate Spade” issue. One thing for sure, she made Kate Spade very popular in Singapore. Before her “introduction” of Kate Spade, I had no idea there is such a mid-range brand existing. Even an online Pakistan’s News [click here] put “Kate Spade” behind her name, as though that is her Christian name.

Nicole Seah, on the other hand, made headlines for all the good reason. Eloquent speaker, she answered all media questions with composure and showed compassion and empathy for all the residents she spoke to. Of course, her beauty had helped her popularity to soar as well. She became the second most-liked candidates of the elections, after MM Lee, in Facebook. She had since surpassed MM Lee with 101,866 Likes. After the campaign or elections , she was seen actively reaching out to the residents in Marine Parade GRCs and younger generations via Facebook.

WP created history in both WP’s and local election history by winning Aljunied GRC and Hougang SMC. This is the first time an opposition party won a GRC. This election win saw 6 elected MP from WP in the parliament. WP will also have two more NCMP seats in the parliament, with the last NCMP seat went to Mrs Chiam of SPP.

The two casualties of the elections must be Foreign Minister, George Yeo and SPP’s Mr Chiam See Tong. Mr Chiam lost his Potong Pasir SMC that he managed since 1984 to PAP when he decided to put his wife in place of him, as he leads a team to Bishan-Toa Payoh GRC. His age is one of the main factors, from my point of view, of his losses.

George Yeo has been one of the most respected MP in Singapore. But after losing the Aljunied GRC battle to WP, he will no longer be part of the parliament for the next 5 years. Many felt that his loss is not due to his incompetence but because his opposition is too strong. His opposition was also known as the WP’s A-Team. Many suggested replacing Tin Pei Ling with George Yeo or even replacing Minister Ma Bow Tan.

Most disliked MP must be Ma Bow Tan, with many feel that Nicole Seah’s NSP team will beat Minister Ma’s PAP team if they are pitted against each other. Post election also see another new star’s popularity rising. He has songs, merchandises, fan page etc being created just for him. He is Mr Yah Ah Mee, the returning minister of the elections. Google him, if you are interested.

No matter if the decision of Singaporeans are correct or not, things will never be the same again.

Saturday, April 09, 2011

療傷系歌手 - 蔡健雅 Tanya



完全認同﹗超喜歡她的[紀念],[陌生人]﹐[無底洞]﹐ [雙栖動物]等歌曲。[若你碰到他]也讓我有不一樣的感動。她的歌﹐加上歌聲﹐讓我聽歌時充滿著畫面。很期今晚在新加坡室內體育館(Singapore Indoor Stadium)能讓我再一次的感動。

Sunday, March 27, 2011

J.Wee Photography

Inspired by Ozone Photography & Joseph's photography series, I finally came up with my own series. Under the name of J.Wee Photography, i will showcase my interest in photography and bring out the best in me. First album being uploaded to Flickr account is Bintan Resort. Hoping more people can enjoy and like my photos.

Up next, i will be putting 'watermark' to the MBS album. Enjoy

Album : Nirwana Bintan, Indonesia [click here]

夢想。現實 | Dreams in Reality

經過今晚的討論﹐感覺夢想真的有機會實現。與幾位兄弟(Bro1, Bro2, Bro3)討論著我從幾年前開始擁有的小小的理想。很高興﹐大家都蠻讚同我的建議﹐當然還是需要長期的計劃。不久的將來﹐我將把計劃書寫出來﹐把勢力加強﹐把能力擴充。我有信心﹐我能寫好計劃書。即使將來會有些落差﹐依然能從中修改﹐與現實掛鉤。

感謝Bro1 (Aris), 用心的給予建議﹐讓我認清現實生活的狀況。讓我慎重的檢討與策劃。真的非常感謝。

感謝Bro2 & 3 (Wen & Hao) ,二話不說的支持我。願意投資及幫忙﹐也同時提出許多建議。感激不境﹗

After the discussion tonight, i felt that my dreams may, indeed, come true. Had a small discussion with Bro1, Bro2 & Bro3 over our dinner/supper. I am so glad that everyone supports my plan and suggestions. But of course, more plannings are required. In the near future, i will come up with a proper proposal, improved my skills and standard of my food.

I am very confident that i can come up with a good proposal, a realistic one. Even if the details be incorrect when we are realising the plan, we can simply adjust the details to reflect the actual situation.

I would like to thank:

Bro1 (ARIS), for giving me suggestions and practical advice. It is really important that i have someone to pull me back from the fantasy world. Many suggestions are good and i believed that they will work! Thanks bro.

Bro2 & 3 (Wen & Hao), for supporting and agreeing to invest without second thoughts, at the same time, giving suggestions during our discussion. It is important to have money for business! =)

Once again, Thanks! Bros!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


我不想放棄 我無能為力
我只想努力 卻身不由己

我並非願意 我身不由己
我也曾努力 卻徒勞無益

海嘯來襲時 即使預測到﹐也未必能阻擋
地震發生時 即使預測到﹐又有和用處?

天災人禍﹐ 有時是避免不了。

現在的我﹐ 心情有如面對天災人禍。
一直愛跑步的我﹐ 可能要放棄。
只想在跑道上努力﹐ 卻身不由己。


Monday, March 21, 2011






在此想謝謝: 定澤﹐Aris, Hao, Wen, Tony, Xinyi, Teck, BJ, RK, Ashton, Elaine, Joey, JQ

如果沒有你我在哪里 又有甚么可惜?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Nirwana Bintan

After weeks of planning, on and off discussion, we finally set off to Bintan on 13th March and returned on 14th. Despite frustrating planning going on, we still managed to enjoy ourselves in the land of beautiful scenery!
My DSLR Camera's lens was spoilt when we were at the jetty. Knowing my love for photography, Rick passed me his camera and made me the official photographer! haha... Thankfully, I asked him to bring his, the night before setting off. With his camera on hand, I am still feeling bad and shy about taking control of his cam. But things changed once I stepped onto Bintan!
Mesmerised by the beautiful beach scenery in front of my eyes, I began to snap my way to our resort! Since we have almost half an hour before checking in, we took a stroll down the beach behind the Nirwana Beach Club. Man, I kept Rick’s camera working hard! But hey, the photos turned out to be amazing! I am so proud of my work and was inspired to take more great pictures! I am so happy that my friends ‘Like’ them after posting on to Facebook.
There is nothing easier to explain the beauty of the beach, other than using the photos I took.

Despite good service & beautiful scenery, the prices of the food are expensive! The total tax is up to 20% or more! The beach was also been dirtied by black oil that can stick stubbornly onto your legs… It’s a great trip as I enjoy the whole 2D1N stay with the bunch of people from my work despite doing nothing much but walking down the beach! Haha.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011














不要垂頭喪氣﹐ 不要輕易放棄。




不要心灰意冷﹐ 不要愁眉不展。


Sunday, February 27, 2011

Good Old Times

After days of sleepless nights to do Angie's Wedding Guest book, which was not used on that day, it is finally her wedding day. It doesn't matter if she did not use it. I find it a little inappropriate to use it but maybe it can serve as a gift to her lor. Anyway, I felt strange as I look forward to her wedding lunch. No, it is not that I have a thing for her. Her wedding lunch seems more like a company D&D or even a reunion lunch for me.

I believe that there are almost 70% of her guest list from AUO and former AFPD collegues. I was seated with a bunch of current and former FA members. Man, i missed this feeling! We had such a great fun joking around, eating great food. Oh yes, the food was pretty nice but service has lots of room for improvement. Back to the topic, as our table was the 'reserved' table, meaning that we were not even on the expected list of tables, according to the restaurant. We were placed right at the end of the restaurant, near to the newly weds' changing room.

It's kinda of a VIP room without VIP treatment. But heck care, we had the whole room to ourselves! Isn't it cool?! While everyone was seated like the usual wedding dinner, we are chatting, walking around, taking photos as if we are just there for a private lunch! Its great! It felt like we are back to the good old times when CELL FA was still a close-knitted family. The FA now is just a bunch of collegues. Yes, some of us are still close to each other, but on whole, it had changed.

I really miss the times we had last time. I am sure I am not the only one. We 'cleaned' up the whole plate of food everytime they served. Imagine that! Who cares if the black-faced auntie offered us desserts from other table, we just took and eat! hahahaha! Awww... when will i see them all together as one, again?!

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Chingay 2011

Its tiring, its fun and yet its EXPLOSIVE!

It is tiring as I volunteered to help the helpers in logistic part of the work, despite involving in participating as one of the "God of Fortune". We stayed till 1am or so to settle all the props & costumes before leaving for home. Of course, there are other people who stayed more days than me. Hence, it is not easy to be part of the Chingay.

Its FUN. I had lots of fun participating in Chingay. I get to know more friends too. To be able to participate in two segment of the Chingay is indeed great! How many people get the chance to do that? Though some aunties & uncles are grumbling, they withstand the long standing, walking and explosives.

Chingay = EXPLOSIVE? Yes, this year, Chingay 2011 introduced firecrackers in the first segment... firecrackers with 6 god of fortunes (财神爷) on the 12th Feb (there were 20 on 11th, but removed due to dangerous act!) & the longest firecracker dragon! My float of 50 god of fortunes was supposed to walk behind the 6 god of fortunes (from People's Association). Hence, there are supposed to be a safety distance from the firecrackers. Unfortunately, the 6 firecrackers god of fortunes threw the firecrackers in all directions, including at us and under the float. Some even slowed down to light up the firecrackers... Imagine the firecrackers 'cracking' by my side and near my ears? Yes, i was deaf for a few minutes before regaining my hearing... I seriously condemn the organisers for failing to see the danger to the participants.

Despite this, i enjoyed myself in Chingay 2011 with lots of laughter.. If there is other such enjoyable events and my time permits, i will join! =)

Oh ya, for those who do not know what Chingay is all about, Chingay is an annual parade in Singapore during Lunar New Year period. It is not about gay, even though Chingay sounds gay... It is a parade with lots of music, colours from all over the world. 2011 marks the largest Chingay ever with foreign performers and foreign media to air the parade on TV in their respective countries.

More info, Visit : The Official Website

Thursday, January 27, 2011

CT Scan a success, finally

Finally, the scanning of my knee was a success... After numerous MRI tries, CT scan save my trouble as i am able to endure theprocess without twitching my muscles for a minute or so. For those who think its easy, it is not! At least not for me... It can be an annoying process and demoralising when u keep f ailing the scan. Hence, even when the nurse entered and said 'done', i am lying down thinking, 'Really?' haha... Laughable, isn' it?

My knee were required to be placed in an awkward position, which made me felt uncomfortable with some aching after that. Nevertheless, it is great that i am able to scan my knee successfully. Now, its all down to the results from the scan... Good or bad, please tell me how to recover!!!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

second opportunity

I had been approached to be emcee for another wedding event! Alright, many may think that why should i be happy with that, but I feel that its another opportunity to outdo my previous 'show'! It is also an honor to be invited as an emcee for my friend's wedding. This show that he/she saw something in me to convinve them that I can do it. Let's just ignore the possible negative reasons.... Give them the benefits of doubt! Anyway, nothing is concrete. But one thing that is confirmed, is that i will assist in designing the 'unique' guestbook for my friend's wedding lunch buffet. Hope things turn up well =)

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

2o11 Resolution

What do I want to acheive in 2011? There are a lot! This explain why my New Year Resolution came only in the 25th day of 2011. 2010 had been a busy yet fulfiling year. But deep inside me, I feel that I did not really enjoy myself enough! Hey, we all wanted to have a better life every year, isn't it? Even though I enjoyed music lessons, performance or even emceeing in 2010, I still felt that my life is rather boring somehow. I am still not enjoying life to the fullest due to restrictions here and there. Hence, for 2011, I hope for a change!

Only 3 weeks into 2011, I am already involved in one of the annual celebrations/parades in Singapore - Chingay 2011! Special thanks to Ermei for giving me the chance to participate when I asked him. Its a great start to 2011! I will be one of the 'Gods of Fortune' and will also be the Umbrella-bearers in the Finale. Sounds great? May fortune comes to people around me this year!

Back to the topic, 2011 Resolutions! This year, I came up with the list of things i wanted to acheive. Here they are:

- Learn 2 songs of different language (e.g Cantonese, Korean)
- Learn at least 1 upbeat song.
- Learn a musical instrument (hopefully piano)
- Record at least 1 video (for youtube account: JWeeTV)
- Aim for B+ and above for FYP
- Take a set of photos on 'Donuts' (my flickr account: mini_donuts)
- Capture more captivating photos using my perception!
- Complete 3 short Marathons (Adidas Sundown, Nike & StandChart)

I also have a short wish-list:
- Able to slim down (I AM REALLY HOPING FOR IT TO HAPPEN!)
- Recover from my knee injuries
- Have a chance to perform?

Alright, shall get back to work...

Signing off

Monday, January 24, 2011

Keirsey Temperament Sorter®-II

Your Keirsey Temperament Sorter Results indicates that your personality type is that of the Idealist.

Idealists, as a temperament, are passionately concerned with personal growth and development. Idealists strive to discover who they are and how they can become their best possible self -- always this quest for self-knowledge and self-improvement drives their imagination. And they want to help others make the journey. Idealists are naturally drawn to working with people, and whether in education or counseling, in social services or personnel work, in journalism or the ministry, they are gifted at helping others find their way in life, often inspiring them to grow as individuals and to fulfill their potentials.

Idealists are sure that friendly cooperation is the best way for people to achieve their goals. Conflict and confrontation upset them because they seem to put up angry barriers between people. Idealists dream of creating harmonious, even caring personal relations, and they have a unique talent for helping people get along with each other and work together for the good of all. Such interpersonal harmony might be a romantic ideal, but then Idealists are incurable romantics who prefer to focus on what might be, rather than what is. The real, practical world is only a starting place for Idealists; they believe that life is filled with possibilities waiting to be realized, rich with meanings calling out to be understood. This idea of a mystical or spiritual dimension to life, the "not visible" or the "not yet" that can only be known through intuition or by a leap of faith, is far more important to Idealists than the world of material things.

Highly ethical in their actions, Idealists hold themselves to a strict standard of personal integrity. They must be true to themselves and to others, and they can be quite hard on themselves when they are dishonest, or when they are false or insincere. More often, however, Idealists are the very soul of kindness. Particularly in their personal relationships, Idealists are without question filled with love and good will. They believe in giving of themselves to help others; they cherish a few warm, sensitive friendships; they strive for a special rapport with their children; and in marriage they wish to find a "soulmate," someone with whom they can bond emotionally and spiritually, sharing their deepest feelings and their complex inner worlds.

Idealists are relatively rare, making up no more than 15 to 20 percent of the population. But their ability to inspire people with their enthusiasm and their idealism has given them influence far beyond their numbers.

Idealists at Work
Idealists, as a temperament, are passionately concerned with personal growth and development. They are naturally drawn to working with people and are gifted with helping others find their way in life, often inspiring them to grow as individuals and to fulfill their potential both on, and off, the job.

Because you live in anticipation of an exciting future, in your ideal job you will be asked to stretch your imagination on a continual basis. Existing ideas, individuals and groups of people, products, services, and the relationships between these things can trigger flashes of insight about how "what is" might unfold into "what might be." You feel rewarded where you feel free to share your insights with people who encourage your creativity and who support the unpredictable process by which you narrow down the stream of ideas into innovations that are meaningful within the scheme of your personal values. You are likely to be comfortable taking on a leadership role, so long as it doesn’t place you in an arbitrary hierarchy.

Keirsey Temperament Sorter®-II : [click here]

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

RECOUNT : 2004 Savvyzone Award Ceremony

15 people voted and the results was out... A night of fun and joy... History to be made, 12 awards up for grabs... Jannah begin her hosting after the welcome words from Wee Liang... (a bit redundant though)... Almost 16 people present for the award ceremony... Siew Ching and Mr Liaw managed to arrive late that night...

The 'reward' was increased by Yiliang as winners have to have a 'sip' of alcohol... and the alcohol increased over the awards... so you can imagine how the last winner felt...
This is the top 3 that you chose for the various award...

Best 'Butt' Award
1st Jannah
2nd Wee Liang
3rd Jian Long

Best Hairstyle Award
1st Aris
2nd Jeremy
3rd Jian Long & Wee Liang

Most Helpful Award
1st Wee Liang
2nd Phyo

Most Horny Award
1st Jian Long
2nd Koon Ek
3rd Shun Li

Most Hottest Person
1st Jeremy
2nd Aris & Koon Ek

Most Kiasu Award
1st Koon Ek
2nd Han Keong

Big Mouth Award
1st Jian Long
2nd Koon Ek
3rd Shun Li

Most Respectable Person
1st Wee Liang
2nd Phyo
3rd Mr Liaw Sze Wong

Best 'Slacker' Award
1st Jian Long
2nd Jannah
3rd Jocelyn

Most Stylish Award
1st Aris
2nd Jeremy

Most Versatile Award
1st Wee Liang
2nd Aris
3rd Phyo & Jeremy

Classmate of Poly Life
1st Wee Liang
2nd Phyo

***many awards' third placing were not mentioned due to too many nominees having same votes...

Editor's Notes:
This was posted in savvyzone on May 17 (Mon), 2004 7:17 pm... I missed those days =( This was the only ceremony out of the 3 years of "virtual fantasy award"! It was held in Downtown East then... i still have the awards in my cabinets!

SavvyPoint : The moment we all have been waiting for...

Rumored to be the last edition of the finest ever, most savvy Award, sAvvyAwArd was given out last night. A star-studded event where many people did not managed to get their tickets. International celebrities gazed the events with their music and style. These artistes includes Kimberley Locke, who had just released her debut album, Britney Spears, Justin Timberlake, Jay-Z, Beyonce and Sean Paul. Asian's list includes S.H.E., Energy, Jay Chou. You can definitely feel the night, don't you? If these are not enough, we had our very own-grown, Ms IVY with us.

This year's edition saw many records broken. First and foremost, it's the number of winners. This year, we had a total number of 15 winners from 10 awards, which means many winners had shared the honors together. So who is the biggest winner of the night? He was none other than Jian Long.
This was the third time Jian Long won the most number of awards at the presentation ceremony. He shared the fame with Koon Ek and Jeremy for "Most 'Unbeatable' Lamer". He was also re-crowned in "Most Prominent Laughter Source" and "Most Prominent Laughter Source". He also won "Most 'Irritating Quote' of the Year" for the first time. These award shows that he is really an irritating lame Ah Beng who can bring laughter to the rest of his friends and fans. Ms Jocelyn needs to learn more from him in order to gain more fame as, perhaps, Ms Lame, the Ah Lian?

Biggest surprised was to be Wee Liang's second placing in "Most Slacker of the Year" and "Best Dance Act". The revival of these two awards saw previous winners, Wandi and Aris won again in their respective categories. Once a contender in "Most Studious Award", he came close to knock Wandi off his crown. It came no surprise as he jokingly told sAvvyPoint, "I really slack a lot this time round, just that I did not slack enough to win the award".

Many had expected dancing queen Jannah, known to be the next J-Lo, to get the second place behind the King, Aris. Wee Liang won the second place. sAvvyPoint managed to talk to Jannah at the interval of the ceremony, "I guess that they just love to see Singapore having another her very own William Hung? I wouldn't be disappointed. Singaporeans will regret for not seeing me dance." Wee Liang also won back his "Most 'Promising' Change" from Han Keong and "Most 'Merr-ler-dious' Voice 03/04" from the 3 Js (Koon Ek, Jannah, Jian Long).

For the first time ever, 4 winners shared one award, which is the "Most Studious Award". Siew Ching, the only winner from Photonics Technology shared the honors with Wireless's Koon Ek, Shi Hui and Tiet Chin. SavvyPoint approached Koon Ek and asked him about his feelings for winning 2 awards and 2nd in one.

"I do not really care about fame but I think its great to be part of this huge ceremony where great food are served. Erm… I am sorry but I need to go over to my friends". He moved towards the buffet and starts his "food tasting".

"Most Unexpected Event of the Year" was added to this year's list of awards due to the amount of events that happened last year. MingHui's withdrawal from polytechnic came to be the biggest surprised, over SARS Outbreak. But good news is Ming Hui will return to his specialization, Internet Technology, next semester.

"I would like to take this opportunity to thank all my friends for showing supports and care for me.", Ming Hui said with tears in his eyes. We calmed him down and went on to join Koon Ek.

Results (Top 2)
Most Studious Award 03/04
#1 Siew Ching (Photonics), Koon Ek , Shi Hui, Tiet Chin (Wireless), 4 votes each, 11.76%

Most 'Promising' Change 03/04
#1 Wee Liang, 8 votes, 33.33%
#2 Han Keong, 5 votes, 20.83%

Most Slacker of the Year 03/04
#1 Wandi, 6 votes, 46.15%
#2 Wee Liang, 4 votes, 30.77%

Most 'Irritating Quote' of the Year 03/04
#1 "Ice-cream ah?" - Jian Long, 7 votes, 33.33%
#2 "S.H.E ! Ella is so cute!!!" - Jannah, 5 votes, 23.81%

Most Prominent Laughter Source 03/04
#1 Jian Long, 8 votes, 32.00%
#2 Aris, 5 votes, 20.00%

Most Un-glamourous Beng/Lian 03/04
#1 Jian Long, 9 votes, 30.00%
#2 Jocelyn, 7 votes, 23.33%

Most 'Unbeatable' Lamer 03/04
#1 Koon Ek, Jeremy, Jian Long, 6 votes each, 13.33%

Most Unexpected Event of the Year 03/04
#1 MingHui's withdrawal from poly, 9 votes, 52.94%
#2 SARS Outbreak, 4 votes, 23.53%

Best Dance Act 03/04
#1 Aris Mohd., 9 votes, 36.00%
#2 Wee Liang, 7 votes, 28.00%

Most 'Merr-ler-dious' Voice 03/04
#1 Wee Liang, 9 votes, 30.00%
#2 Jannah, Jian Long, Koon Ek, 4 votes each, 13.33%

Editor's Notes:
This was posted in savvyzone on May 07 (FRI), 2004 11:10 pm...


SINGAPORE - The first ever sAvvyAwArd ended in a glamorous way. What made it so special? Not only because of the performances from the star-studded group of artistes that were nominated for the voice category, Most 'Mer-ler-dious' Award, those performed artistes, including Joseph T, Aris, Jenson and Rajesh, who performed a BSB song, stole a lot of limelight from the other nominees.
The hosts for this ceremony were the 4 popular and talented ex-City Beats hosts, Sharon Au, Kym Ng, Lina Wong and Bryan Wong. This marked the 1st ever co-hosting event from the two rival media companies. Even though this was their first hosting together since 1999, they put up a good show and bring lots of laughter to the audiences.
The guest for the night includes Mr Liaw Sze Wong and Mrs Hazel Leong. There was also an unexpected guest for the event. Have you guessed who she would be? Yes, she was the pop-idol for the vocalist award, Mendy Moore and dancer-singer, Aris 'BRITNEY'. Not many people have guess her attendance for such a so-called 3-star event. She personally proposed to ZOMBO RECORDS to arrange her to fly all the way here.
There wasn't any upset in this 3hrs-long event. In the Best Dance Act, Aris managed to claim the gold award. FHM's j-To-Tha-NAH came behind him to take the silver with bronze being shared by Koon Ek and Hank. In the 'Studious' Award, Charmaine beat Vincent and Phyo to silver and bronze respectively. Hot favorites, Rick and Summer failed to make the mark to emerge as a top 3 winner.
Most 'Irritating' Quote, of course, were won by Yandi's 'Break'. Most Prominent Laugher 'Source' gold award went to (info gone)... The most prestigious award, Most 'Mer-ler-dious' Gold Award, went to the pre-ceremony favorite, Joseph T. The Medias' Choice nominee of the year goes to J.Long for his effort of having a two minutes 'poem' during the event. Even though it sounds so-called logical, yet stupid, the special guests still like it and voted for him. Ms Hazel was overheard saying, "Wasn't he a loveable boy?"
J.Long, who won the most award in the night, lost the Most Beng/Lian award to Jocelyn, the 'lian' who leads the standing till last night... It was another one horse race in the Most Promising Artiste Award. J..Long clinched the title with his role as Singapore's Beng in the popular serials "Where I Belong". Aris also won the award with magnificent performance for "War @ Office" as the chairman, Sugar.
Other awards being given out includes:
Most Improvement Award - John Liew
Most Fashionable Award - Jeremy
Most Indeispensible Duo - JunHao & JunWen
Colours Award - Aris (Orange)
Couple of the Year - Suresh & J.Long
Personnel of the year - Vincent Sutedy
more information at polls...

Past Award Winners:2002/2003
Most 'Promising Change - Skyver
Most 'Merr-ler-dious' Voice - Skyver
Most 'Irritating Quote' of the Year - Koon Ek's "What Me Again??!!"
Most Studious Award - Tiet Chin
Most Un-gllamourous Beng/Lian - Jian Long
Most Prominent Laughter Source - Jian Long
[Judges choice]
Most Improvement Award - Koon Ek
Best Dance Act - Aris Mohd
Most Fashionable Award - Jeremy
Most Indispensible Duo - The Twingz (Hao&Wen)
Colours Award - Jenson (Silver)
Couple of the Year - J&J (J.Long & Jocelyn)
Personnel of the Year - Phyo
Media's Choce Nominee of the Year - Rajesh
Most Promising Artiste - Skyver

Editor's Notes:
Pardon my poor grammar or language. This was written long ago where my english is much poorer than now... posted in savvyzone in 2002 (the post had been removed since)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Black & White Masquerade Dinner

After two years of haitus, Company's Dinner & Dance (D&D) took place over the past weekend. This year's theme was Black & White Masqurede. Interesting? Surprisingly yes, but not really 'cos of the theme.

This year's edition was held over two days, instead of one. This is due to the company's operation pattern, two days of dinner may cater the needs of more employees. Unfortunately, the turn out rate is not high.

I went to Day 2 (9th Dec). Heard from Angie that the crowd on Day 1 (8th Dec) were not as sporting or fun loving as Day 2. Moreover, our host were way better than the one on Day 1!!! From photos of Day 1 (courtesy of Zin), i identified that the host is the lousy guy who host our D&D in 2oo8. The list of programmes are typically same as 2oo8, the same boring games.

Thankfully, our programmes are entertaining and the contestants for 'AUST got Talent' were better too. I am not pinning high hopes after seeing the photos that night. Hence i was surprised by the programmes and showmanship of the host, Wayne (if i remember correctly).

For the 2nd time running, i went up the stage as one of the best dressed. In case you are wondering, depending on how you see it, 'Best Dressed' can be a form of sabotage. Haha. And for the 2nd time, i was the runner-up for the events. Yuslie definitely gathered more cheers! Despite that i was having fun, i needed to act and dance abit with my female partner. Yes, she looked gorgeous too =)

Four of the eight seated at our table won prizes, big or small. Rick won a camera along the way! Cool huh?! Wanjun (other table) won a DSLR! I was praying to win a xbox360 Kinect! But nope, i didn't win in the draw!

The only turn off for the night is the service from Downtown East (i will check who is the actual company in charge) for the dinner. Minutes after every dish, they asked if had finished and wanted to clear away! Hey, the tables had enough space to put more than a dish! We did not even had time to slowly eat! Poor service. The manager even wore T-shirt while helping out his waiters and waitress.... Hello?! He should wore something more formal. Who cares if its their uniform? They should at least show some to respect the customer. We are having D&D and we are not even having beach/casual wear theme! Disappointed!

Congrats to SRC committee for their efforts in hosting such a great event! Looking forward to the next one! (rumored to be this year's october)

Friday, January 07, 2011

Genting de Tour 旅上云游

Whether a trip is fun or boring, the place may not be the only factor...
Having great & fun loving company, any boring place may turn up to be extremely fun!
I was organising some of my photos and realised that i had not been uploading photos for the two trip in December. My Genting & Taiwan trip. Hence, i spent the last few days editing & uploading photos from my Genting Trip. On 11th Dec '10, i went to Genting with my closer friends. In a single day, we went to French Village, Japanese Village, Strawberry Farm and, of course... Genting Highland.
Since the other two unique villages are situated at the other hill/mountain, we need to take a cab to travel to the other side. The uncle gave and estimation of amount of time we will spent at the places and the whole mini trip. I guess we did exceed his estimation and he do look rather unhappy... haha... Nevermind that we miss the temple visit because of that... What matters most is... WE ENJOYED OURSELVES!
First stop: The French Village - Colmar Tropicale
Upon stepping down from the cab, we could not hide our excitement anymore. Our tiredness faded off immediately... The castle-like buildings surrounding the place is beautiful. The village is situated in the middle of a beautiful castle. The interior & exterior of the castle are astonishingly beautiful. Maybe, its my first time visit to this kind of place, i was totally captivated by its beauty! The village is similiar to 'Rapunzel'! It doesn't look like anywhere in Malaysia. Inspiration in photography began to pour in once we step on the 'bridge' towards the entrance!
Next stop: Japanese Village
The 'first Teahouse in a tropical forest', what they called themselves, is well-situated up a steep slope. Apart from the teahouse, there are two small huts that rent out Japanese traditional costumes (Kimono) for guests to wear and take picture. I wanted to try it but we can't wait for the people to leave... Taxi uncle will be furious if i did that! Anyway, we managed to take some photos in one of the two huts of the Village.
Third stop: Strawberry Farm
Frankly speaking, the farm is rather small and looks plain. Hence, i am wondering why the three of us can enjoy ourselves and i am so mesmerised by the strawberries 'shining' under the sun. I am happy with the photos i had taken at the farm. I like most of the photos taken there. It may be the colors, it maybe be the sun! I guess this is the breaking point for the uncle. His smile wears off after that... By the way, we spent a little time walking through the shops and past one small mushroom farm! Last stop: Genting Highland
Back to Genting, we had a short rest after we checked-in the hotel room. Its true that there are nothing much in Genting since we are not going to the amusement park. Hence, we walked around the shopping center, play in the arcade and have dinner in a Viet restaurant, Vietnam House. The food and service have LOTS OF ROOM for improvement. Oh, forget to mention my first visit to the casino. It's not as grand as i thought it will be, but still looking good! Nope, we did not 'participate' in the 'activities' there. Doraemon was there with us in Genting to celebrate their XXth anniversary! The main characters are so cute! =)
Why do i feel a little sad when typing this post? Am i thinking too much? Nevermind, i just hope that we three can enjoy our times together again, after clearing the misunderstanding... *praying hard* p/s: more photos will be uploaded to here soon...

Sunday, January 02, 2011

2010 Review (II)

In early 2010, i set to stay happy throughout the year. But i guess, there are bound to be ups & downs in our life. Things changed, things happened. What really matters are whether they ended up in a better state?

It had been a smooth beginning in 2010. I cannot really remember any unhappy incident that happened before June. This means that nothing major to note then. I had was happily busy juggling with school, work & music. Making my debut in performing at Simei CC is the highlight in the first half of 2010. Chalets and outings make my expectation for the year to be high and greater! Oh ya, that was when i began my touring of Malaysia with WP & HM! I enjoyed those times!

Things began to change a little in July. I missed my exam paper for the first time in my 25+years(then) of life. Despite getting into DEAN list, i have no mood to cheer about. Then, came the on-off friendship with Wayne. Maybe we enjoyed too much during our times together, making music, going out, hanging out. I even spent my time helping him in his school work. Soon, the fun ended. We did not hang out or sms or even MSN chat for months. Various reasons can be listed but i shall not list out. He is likely to be the fourth (or fifth) person to turn their back on me. I will take it too hard.

I think that it is likely due to IPT training that i went, my right knee begin to give way. The vigorous training weekly is not what my knee can cope. Moreover, i still went for 10Km runs... Even till now, my knees had not recovered. I missed Nike run but glad that i went for Standard Chartered run. Aim to go for 3 runs next year with Adidas Sundown being the first. May go to see sinseh tomorrow in hope that my knee can recover.

The last notable event will be what happened in Nov/Dec. Because some small issues, it snowballed into a rather big issue. Then came the outburst during my study week for semester 2. As i had slacked a lot during semester 2, it is crucial period for me trying to get the mood right to study. When i finally forced myself to the study place, i received an sms that destroy my mood. Yes, i was rather disappointed, unhappy and agitated then. Glad things were settled after that during genting trip. I know things will not be the same again, but at least the friendship was salvaged. It does not really matter whether it can get back to the good old times. Friendship and trust need to be built by all parties. As one old chinese saying goes, "One palm cannot clap!"

Annual gatherings with EC0118 & Photonics often make me feel blessed! Blessed with the friends around me. At least after so many years, we did not really make each other feel hurt. 2010 also saw my signal friends, aka Lounge 12, met up. Its a pity that i will never see all 12 get together, but i must thank Ermei for the efforts & the other 7 who tried to make it despite everyone's busy schedule. Those who doesn't bother? Its ok. I won't force. You guys just have to cherish your friends more...

Special Thanks to HanKeong. For allowing me become his wedding dinner emcee, i did not fare very well but its my 'virgin' show! It is really a great experience and i am willing to do more! A pity that i did not have much time to rehearse! I am to be a better one next time, if i have the chance! Or wedding singer =)

On a whole, 2010 had been a year of twist and turn. I am just glad indeed that all had been over... Hope a better year in 2011