Sunday, March 27, 2011

J.Wee Photography

Inspired by Ozone Photography & Joseph's photography series, I finally came up with my own series. Under the name of J.Wee Photography, i will showcase my interest in photography and bring out the best in me. First album being uploaded to Flickr account is Bintan Resort. Hoping more people can enjoy and like my photos.

Up next, i will be putting 'watermark' to the MBS album. Enjoy

Album : Nirwana Bintan, Indonesia [click here]

夢想。現實 | Dreams in Reality

經過今晚的討論﹐感覺夢想真的有機會實現。與幾位兄弟(Bro1, Bro2, Bro3)討論著我從幾年前開始擁有的小小的理想。很高興﹐大家都蠻讚同我的建議﹐當然還是需要長期的計劃。不久的將來﹐我將把計劃書寫出來﹐把勢力加強﹐把能力擴充。我有信心﹐我能寫好計劃書。即使將來會有些落差﹐依然能從中修改﹐與現實掛鉤。

感謝Bro1 (Aris), 用心的給予建議﹐讓我認清現實生活的狀況。讓我慎重的檢討與策劃。真的非常感謝。

感謝Bro2 & 3 (Wen & Hao) ,二話不說的支持我。願意投資及幫忙﹐也同時提出許多建議。感激不境﹗

After the discussion tonight, i felt that my dreams may, indeed, come true. Had a small discussion with Bro1, Bro2 & Bro3 over our dinner/supper. I am so glad that everyone supports my plan and suggestions. But of course, more plannings are required. In the near future, i will come up with a proper proposal, improved my skills and standard of my food.

I am very confident that i can come up with a good proposal, a realistic one. Even if the details be incorrect when we are realising the plan, we can simply adjust the details to reflect the actual situation.

I would like to thank:

Bro1 (ARIS), for giving me suggestions and practical advice. It is really important that i have someone to pull me back from the fantasy world. Many suggestions are good and i believed that they will work! Thanks bro.

Bro2 & 3 (Wen & Hao), for supporting and agreeing to invest without second thoughts, at the same time, giving suggestions during our discussion. It is important to have money for business! =)

Once again, Thanks! Bros!

Thursday, March 24, 2011


我不想放棄 我無能為力
我只想努力 卻身不由己

我並非願意 我身不由己
我也曾努力 卻徒勞無益

海嘯來襲時 即使預測到﹐也未必能阻擋
地震發生時 即使預測到﹐又有和用處?

天災人禍﹐ 有時是避免不了。

現在的我﹐ 心情有如面對天災人禍。
一直愛跑步的我﹐ 可能要放棄。
只想在跑道上努力﹐ 卻身不由己。


Monday, March 21, 2011






在此想謝謝: 定澤﹐Aris, Hao, Wen, Tony, Xinyi, Teck, BJ, RK, Ashton, Elaine, Joey, JQ

如果沒有你我在哪里 又有甚么可惜?

Monday, March 14, 2011

Nirwana Bintan

After weeks of planning, on and off discussion, we finally set off to Bintan on 13th March and returned on 14th. Despite frustrating planning going on, we still managed to enjoy ourselves in the land of beautiful scenery!
My DSLR Camera's lens was spoilt when we were at the jetty. Knowing my love for photography, Rick passed me his camera and made me the official photographer! haha... Thankfully, I asked him to bring his, the night before setting off. With his camera on hand, I am still feeling bad and shy about taking control of his cam. But things changed once I stepped onto Bintan!
Mesmerised by the beautiful beach scenery in front of my eyes, I began to snap my way to our resort! Since we have almost half an hour before checking in, we took a stroll down the beach behind the Nirwana Beach Club. Man, I kept Rick’s camera working hard! But hey, the photos turned out to be amazing! I am so proud of my work and was inspired to take more great pictures! I am so happy that my friends ‘Like’ them after posting on to Facebook.
There is nothing easier to explain the beauty of the beach, other than using the photos I took.

Despite good service & beautiful scenery, the prices of the food are expensive! The total tax is up to 20% or more! The beach was also been dirtied by black oil that can stick stubbornly onto your legs… It’s a great trip as I enjoy the whole 2D1N stay with the bunch of people from my work despite doing nothing much but walking down the beach! Haha.

Wednesday, March 09, 2011














不要垂頭喪氣﹐ 不要輕易放棄。




不要心灰意冷﹐ 不要愁眉不展。
