Thursday, December 27, 2012

my saviour - for music

My CREATIVE earphone was spoiled. One side does not give out any more sound, which is pretty common for me. haha. Don't ask my how i do it, 'coz I DON'T KNOW! haha... maybe due to constant pulling or whatsoever. But to save money, i continue to use it for like months. In the end... something happens today! It went AWOL! haha...

So i decided to shop for a new one during my lunch hour... walking around in Harvey Norman in Millennia Walk but everyone seems pricey! The cheapest and more reliable brand is CREATIVE, yes again, at around $16.90. SONIC GEAR offer earphone with nano plug and for PC-Chat, not sure what is that, at $12.90 & 17.90. I thought I should go to Suntec City's electronic store to take a look and compare. Stupid me, my colleague reminds me that the one at Suntec City is also Harvey Norman! -.-" In the end, we went to the IT area (don't know what it is called) and take a look!

Thankfully, i found something cheap yet with a stronger branding! SONY! YEAH! Hence, i get SONY MDR-E9LP/D Headphones (below) at $13.90! Not sure if the specs is good, but who cares? My earphone always turn out to be one side soundless! So, this is consider good enough for me. How bad can SONY's earphone be?

I actually saw another thing that attract my attention. Speakers for music sharing in chalets or overseas. Since i am considering bringing it overseas, I really need something more portable and affordable one. I saw SONIC GEAR's tatoo series speakers (below) to be rather affordable at less than $20! Imagine that! But both need power supply which i need to consider again and again.... Should i buy? Hmm...

Wednesday, December 26, 2012

good boy $12 hair cut

I was so busy that i did not cut my hair. Ended spotting the long and messy hairdo for the past few days... Everyday must use gel to prevent my hair from 'auto stand' from the side. haha... So decided to have a hair cut in Millennia Walk during lunch. Don't I look like a good boy now? =)

I went QB House but it cost $12 to have the hair cut! $12 leh! I spent $8 in Seng Kang Bus Interchange but here... $12! haha... But turn out that it seems to be a good cut and the hairdresser are polite, customer-oriented... he even let me know he is going to the toilet and need me to wait a while, politely! He also has a small chat about soccer when he see that i am wearing ARSENAL jacket. Nice chap, nice service... I may return again! =)

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

追逐梦想. Chasing Dreams




从小已有接受乐器的熏陶,从一位小小的钢琴学生到今日的创作音乐人兼歌手。为了梦想,为了找寻想要的一切,她决定再次回到学校上课,找寻那未知的不足,有望会有不一样的领悟,更上一层楼。现在的她,已经发行一张个人专辑和一张与好友组团(White Noise Quartet)现场录制的专辑。她就是Juliet冯欣慧。同时她也是我之前上歌唱音乐课的导师。非常欣赏她的歌声,对音乐的执着,对学生的严峻。至今,还一直与不同的音乐人合作,希望能擦出不一样的火花。现在的她也知道自己的喜好,专长,往爵士音乐迈进。


因为拍摄MV,我们现在属于面博(或脸书)朋友。也因为这样,慢慢从他所上载的图片及旁述中了解他的一生。说实在的,我对他并非有很深的了解,但看得出他很努力的追梦。一个与Juliet截然不同的梦。应该是在2010年吧,他前往澳大利亚寻找糖果师傅,为了只是圆了自己那小小的梦。今年,他在准备开阔自己的一片天的当儿,也环游了很多个地方,把自家品牌带到亚洲不同的国家,也将LollyTalkRocky Kay的诞生宣告世界!其实好想为Rocky画些图案以表现支持!我所說的他就是球元。


對於自己有無比的自信,對自己的作品有無比的自豪,這就是第三位我要介紹的Joseph Picture的Joseph。雖然對自己的作品有一定的驕傲,但他還是不停的向他的大師不停的學習,力求進步。我對與他的堅持與追求進步感到很欣賞。有多少人能因為自己的喜好和夢想加油呢?永別於前兩位,他現在還擁有著一個正業,同時兼顧工作與興趣。真的讓人很敬佩!

以上的幾位讓我抱著'守夢想前進'的念頭! 加油啊,偉亮!

Friday, December 14, 2012

does age matter?

No, i am not talking about in a relationship.

I am referring to the amount of respect one should get when he/she get older. I can clearly remember that when i was young, age matters to me A LOT. I give respect to whoever older than me. It could be only one year older and i will be like, 'they must be a lot more knowledgeable than me'. Ok, to be honest, i find that the statement is a little over, over respect. But hey, i am a young kid then!

Nowadays, from what i observe, it is not age than command respect one should deserve. Alright, we should respect the elderly and those elders. I am just saying that, if our age is not much of a different, even if it is 6 years difference, we should give respect to people who deserves them. Their ability or action will speak louder than their resume. Hence, I felt that i respect many younger than me. On the other hand, I may not respect some who are older than me!

Face it, that's life. If you want to gain any respect, show people why you deserves them. Show people respect, to be respected. =)

Friday, December 07, 2012







Tuesday, December 04, 2012

Sick Boy

I am sick. First sore throat, then flu and cough. Thankfully, i don't feel feverish!

I have returned to my office after 3 weeks break from work, 'serving my nation'.

I am not used to it and i expect a tough time refreshing what i had learnt but forget during the reservist. Nevertheless I can only hope for the best =)