Sunday, December 21, 2008

happy 24th birthday

      Its been a hectic week. But i am busily happy and happily busy. I went to 4 birthday celebrations so far and receive LOTS of gifts... range from expensive watch to clothes, unique cards to celebrations. It seems to be one of the most celebrated year of my life. Special thanks to the technology we are having and Facebook.

      Though i still miss out a few notable wishes, but i long have given up wanting these people to wish me. If someone really cares about you, he/she will sms you on your birthday at least or even 1-2 days before or after. Still, i really happy this year.

      Nat & XY took days to organise my birthday party on 19th Dec. Though only two of them, it had been happening and it may turn out to be my most embarrassing birthday celebrations ever. Standing on a chair, in the center of the restaurant (Fish & Co.) was a feat for me. At least, i did not fall down from the chair. *laugh* The efforts was heartwarming. But hey, i am not someone who expect ALOT for my birthday present. Alright, maybe a little... haha...

      On 20th December, it was my annual poly gathering, which also made a permanant fixture to remember our late Jeremy. Jocelyn made me a blueberry cheesecake and brought her son, Javier along. I was delighted. Her cheesecake was not too cheesy that make me feel sick, its simply delicious. Her son was also cute and i was like nanny to him or, like my friends commented, father & son. His father was attending company's dinner. *phew* So i can play alot with his son. *laugh*

      I would like to thanks the following people who wished me via all kinds of medium & also some worth mentionings:

Tony, Shihui, Belfred, Ashton, Amy, Jannah, Pearly, Brother, Yongda, Liying, Chang Cai, Tee Rong, Aunt Geline, Rick, Tun Min, Baojie, Jack Heng, Wei Ping, Wei Ming, John, Bernard

Belinda, Deming, ZhongJin, Diana W., Shuyi, Timothy, HangMing, Jia Jing, Adrielle, Cheryl, Weiqiang, Guan Long, Yaoyu, Marcus, GuanMing & Agnes, Tui Khajorn, Derui

Give me a call:
Wonder Twins (Hao & Wen), Junyan

Wish me before/actual day personally:
Sister, Jianqiang, Teckhui, Joey, Aunt Annie, Phyu Phyu, Cai lei, Natalia, Elaine, Dingze, Xinyi, Yuyan, Jiahui

Belated Wishes:
Jocelyn, Jianlong, John Liew, Yiliang, Aris, David Tang, XiuDian, SongXian, Ivy

MSN me: (may left out some)

First to SMS me: Belinda Lim
Last to SMS me: Bernard Lim
First to facebook me: Zhongjin
Last to facebook me: Guan Ming

Special Mentions:
The ONLY one to send me a gift in 'Friends For Sale': Deming
The ONLY one to send me a gift/greetings in 'Pet Society': ZhongJin
The ONLY one to bake a cake for me: Jocelyn
The ONLY one to throw cake on my face: Jianqiang
The ONLY two to make me paiseh in public: Nat & XY
Youngest Person to celebrate with me: Javier (2+years old)
Wished me before & after 19th: Xinyi (sms fail to be 1st or last)
Most Expensive Gift: Guess Watch
Most Surprise Wishes: Junyan, Weiming & Bernard Lim
Biggest Celebration: TopOne+Fish&Co Celebration

      I really enjoy my birthday celebrations. Each one is unique in their own ways... There will be one more to go... hopefully will be one of the enjoyable one too... hmm what will i get from that celebration then... *laugh*

Sunday, December 07, 2008


这四天的秘密集训的地点一直保密着,现在就让我公开这完美的基地。我们的秘密进修的地点就是位于兀兰的共和理工学院,简称RP (Republic Polytechnic)。环境悠闲,充满艺术感的建筑在我踏入校院的第一步,便深深的被吸引了。在第二天,便带了相机去拍照,但因为重点还是在课业上,所以并没有走完整个校园,把每个角落给派下来。那里的食物也不赖,中国餐和西餐都各有千秋。

说实在的,那里的图书馆并不像其他图书馆一样的宁静。这图书馆有钢琴,迷你展览厅,咖啡厅(Cafe Galilee)等设施。其实我反到觉得只有在房里,才称得上是用来读书的。走在图书馆的走廊,不难发现在那的学生都在玩网路游戏(e.g. Dota/CS),看漫画,看电影之类的活动。太浪费那么好的环境了。感觉上最棒的事,几乎每个桌面都有一个电源,也许因为这样,学生们才'善加利用'。第二天,竟然有学生在‘Reading Room' 里睡觉,打呼,真拿他们没办法。好吧,让你们看看我拍摄的成果吧:

first impression

tall buildings

The Water Droplet

Stadium & Sports Hall

Adventure Learning Center

Pond in the Middle of the Building

Beautiful Corridors

Beautiful Corridors

Interior of Library

The Reading Room

Our 'Tools'


我在国大的第一个学期终于在星期五,四点左右圆满的落幕。其实并没想象中的那么圆满,没有所谓的fairytale ending,而我当时的眼睛充满了泪光。五,六年前发生的状况,再一次的在国大考场上从演。考试时,脑子一片空白,看着考纸,明明算是张满容易懂的问题,我却无法回答。

星期五是考我最后一张,同时也算是最难的一张: 数学。我足足花了三天的leaves来准备,没想到还是于事无补。实在太失望了。95%明年会需要再读这课。最后一次考试不及格应该是中学时期吧。Poly最多也只有Common test,一颗考不及格,但大考总是能过关。现在只能在一旁祈祷,相信Moderation的威力。

