Saturday, February 28, 2004

common test

     Finally, I will not have to touch Flash MX at least for a few months? Years? The embedded gang finished their presentation, so I am now more relax. Fine… not really since the Common Test is coming soon….

     Thursday’s Communication Skills was a good one. I will never expect myself to do so well. Credits must go to the panel of interviewers who helped my throughout. So I am so touched *sob sob* haha… I actually have wet palms when I finish the interviews. Luckily, the teacher say I am quite good on every aspect of my interview. I am so so so HAPPY! *laugh loudly*. Resume and cover letter also scored very well.

     With Common test up next in my calendar, I need to buck up and study. Sleeping throughout the semester did not help me much, so I think I really need to study hard.