I finally gotten my iPhone 5 last Saturday and had been an active user since. Though this is my first iPhone, I am pretty familiar with majority of the functions of an iPhone. Of course, since this is iPhone 5 with IOS6, there are a few changes to the phone that most will need to adapt.
I would say iPhone definitely excites me with all the hype and stuff. Unfortunately, Singapore's network provider is not helping me enjoying what an iPhone should give. I am currently using M1 (previously known as Mobile 1) and had nothing but bad comments on the disappointing experience. LTE (an initialism of Long Term Evolution),which should be activated within hours, needed a week (so say the Customer Service officer through phone) to be activated. Hence, I need to make do with the usual 3G network, which is actually fine for me. What saddens me was the fact that the 3G network is getting worse and wherever i go, the network is poor. I had no idea whose fault it is, whether it is the handset or the network provider. M1 told my sister that LTE was activated for her number and if she is still experiencing lousy network, it is the handset issue, which is refering to the 1 week old iPhone 5.
I will observe the network tomorrow and if it is still weak... (weaker than 3G network) I shall give the M1 customer service officer a hard time. I am now relying on my wifi to send Whatsapp messages, get on Facebook, and play games. If local authorities happens to see my blog post, i really hope something can be done. Honestly, I had no idea where I can feedback to if M1 fails to provide their subscribers with minimum service.
Other than network, i only realise that iPhone 5 battery is not really long lasting as promoted. The battery charges pretty fast (20mins for almost 30%) but it drained fast as well, without LTE. Do share with me the experience if you are facing the same issue, or my handset (and maybe with my sis) was spoilt (together).