Tuesday, February 04, 2014

Changing Mind, Changing Life

Time for a change, might be a good thing...

Days after the arrival of Lunar New Year, I am facing the first issue. When there are more than one, there are bound to have some issues and different opinion. But I decided to approach it with an open-mind. There is no use arguing or fighting for what I believe in. Maybe the next time, I will do it alone. High chance. =D

I was expecting to control my budget for my trip yet my traveling mate think it will be 'well spent'. I wonder. Not that I am against the activities, I am just not very comfortable at the rate we will be spending. Due to the activities, the trip from a relax trip, now become a 'very fulfilling' trip! haha. Now we will be facing a challenge of re-adjusting our schedule to fit in all the activities. I have no choice but to remove some activity but yet my mate think that I should not give up. Let's see how things will turn out then. =x

Changing my mindset and accepting any ideas are part of the new tasks for me. I tends to turn down idea which I feel not feasible, but now, I decided to give others a chance to prove me wrong. It will open up to more ideas and plan. Right? =)