Friday, April 29, 2016


200 days challenge.

This will be the new challenge for myself... The challenge? Lose 10kg in 200 days. 

This was inspired by the 2011 Korean Drama, Dream High! Kim Pil-sook (IU) took the challenge and successfully slimed down, shedding 30kg in 200 days. I know this is actually a drama, and it can be not that realistic. That is why I give myself a more realistic target. If I am able to shed more kilos, why not? Right?
I have been gaining weights and getting more lethargic recently. I think it is time to put a stop to it. Since I reduced my marathon runs, I should restart my usual runs and do some skipping. From the show, one of the exercise IU's character did was skipping. I will resume this skipping daily and aim to do at least 30 minutes daily. I am sure this will be a good start!

Meal wise, it will be the usual saying... "Have breakfast like a King, Lunch like a Prince, Dinner like a Pauper." Not sure if it works, will try to reduce my intake as well. 
