when my BMT finally begins...
Not really a busy week apart from yesterday... This whole week was rather slack... normal training... no SOC... 2 route march... which cause my muscle to over-strain (excused running, jumping & marching for 4 days) but Friday was the most busy day...Since early morning, we drew arms... then we have to fall in for a M-16 LIVE firing demostration (organised by Hawk Coy) before returning for lunch... After lunch... we prepared for our IPPT Categorised Test 2... which was poseponed later due to bad weather... After dinner, we fall in once again and march to the venue where the Rifle ceremony will be held... to officially claim our rifle... At night before lights off, we were called to remove the soccer poles to one side of the field... Then we really can rest...
Afraid of screwing up the ceremony... it went well for me... one of the few which never forget to greet my PC and say 'thank you' while returning to my platoon's position... So i was rather relieved... But i do not know why... i feel rather sad with the fact that my chin-up show no improvement... hope that i can break the ZERO soon...