Sunday, January 23, 2005

weekend shop review

McDonald's (Queensway/SengKang)
Service: 7/10 (QN) & 8/10 (SK)
C.Fries: 10/10(QN) & 5/10 (SK)
      It was absolutely fantastic... The new curly fries sold in Mac tasted delicious, so does the whole properity meal... I simpl love it @ Queensway... Hence i bought one today in SK... totally disappointed... Not as tasty...

Queensway Clothings (Overall)
Service: 8/10
Clothes: 7/10
      The rating so high mainly due to the two shops i went to... #02-05 which do not have a brand on the shop head... produce great service... There was this new boy who smiles and always so friendly... and standing near the front... he earns almost 10 pts... but due to other shops.. Service could not get full mark from me... as for clothes... i notice a few not bad but price was not stated and some was not that cheap...

CompassPoint Eyewear (Service)
Nanyang Optical: 0/10
EastChamp Optics: 9/10
      Can you imagine u walk into the shop where no body serves you? I could easily give them negatives but since there is one customer being noticed & served by one of the three shopkeepers (including the boss)... i give them a zero... EasChamp was totally different story... They provide excellent service and there was a teamwork felt in their service... so there was no problem for me to give them 9pts...