Tuesday, June 17, 2003

   How would you define 'FRIENDS'? Simple yet un-explainable questions... Its strange for me as i believe that true friends are more important than anything else... So glad i have a few groups of buddies. I know its kind of girlish or mushy but... i do miss them... all my friends... Miss the days when we are still very young and 'innocent'... where FUN are more important, where money are not our concern... Miss those days when we just mixed around and chat... gossips... teasing each other...
  Of course in between those days, quarrels did happened... but at the end of the day, we still love each other, cares for each other... Really have to thank GOD for blessing all my true friends... making them safe and sound... Be it my poly friends, Sec Sch friends or even NTUC friends... all of them always show care and tolerance to a wilful and short-tempered boy... (that's me)... I actually, embarrass-ly, 'cried' when i am so touched to receive mails from Jannah, Phyo... Then just like today, I'm so happy to hear the voices of the 3 Js (Jannah, Jian Long, Jenson)...
  Even though tired and sick, i managed to struggle through the day. I guess that's what i call FRIEND. Its fated that they will call you or msg you when you are down, and pull you up when you are down.... Miss them 'SIA'~