Sunday, April 10, 2005

Sagittarius in Love
November 22-December 21

Sagittarius treats love like any other adventure in their lives and embraces the opportunities to discover new plateaus in the experience of love, lust and passion. They are funny, charming, gregarious and usually highly intelligent begins who make genuinely enjoyable company and are captivating in their sparkling personalities.

They have big dreams and far reaching goals and they easily share what their minds are experiencing often forgetting that for some words are meant to become reality.

Sagittarius is not always capable of bringing reality to their words and such is the way it is meant to be. They infuse us with inspiration and allow us to see all the possibilities in the world around us.

In close personal relationships that can often cause troubles as they promise more than they can deliver....or....have changes of emotions that put them into completely different mind sets from one day to another.

They are active and vibrant and expect their loved ones to enjoy the same kind of physical adventures. They are appearance conscious and their wit is one of their greatest assets...