Chicken OR Egg
Chicken & Egg, which came first? haha... a lame but interesting questions which no one have the answer, isn't it? No matter how researchers research, its seems that there is no solid base explanation. But life is the same, isn't it? Sometimes we don't seems to get the answers to our questions. Of course, Egg is an answer... Chicken is also an answer. But Man will not accept things which does not have proof. Scientists, researchers only accept things that have been scientifically proven. They don't even believe in Spiritual.There are many questions in my head. No one can provide me satisfying answers. They can tell me what to do, whom to be with, who to ask... But i still don't accept the answer. No not that i stubborn. But i just somehow need more convincing answer isn't it? i believe that only when the time is ripe, the answers will float up in my mind... Till then queries after queries... questions after questions...
Currently still trying to get my database done. I have a feeling that I CAN DO IT. But something is just not right. I can't seems to focus on my work or there isn't a motivation i guess, or maybe, i'm distracted by the stuff i'm more interested in... Hmm... As for dinner, Chicken Or Egg?