Monday, July 07, 2003

Without Life...

     Finishing my last two design, i finally posted a Gallery #3. Still thinking of whether i want to scan my young picture to the web. Hmm... Anyway, i'll come to a decision slightly later.

     Today has been a boring day. There are work to do yet i can't seem to find the solution. Then whole day was like looking at blogs, doing quizes, designing. *sigh* Not that i do not like all these stuffs, its just that i'm not the kind of person who can sit still. I need to move around, chat with friends etc. So i guess that cause me some boredom here. So dead....

     Sometimes, i do wish to work in an adminstrating environment. Face computers, playing my favorite games etc... But, i guess, this is not for me. I can't sit still. I suddenly miss NTUC. As i always have something to do there. Even though it might be tough, the environment is positive. How i wish my life can be more exciting... more unpredictable... and more FUN!!!! $600? hard to earn... *sigh*