Sunday, December 21, 2008

happy 24th birthday

      Its been a hectic week. But i am busily happy and happily busy. I went to 4 birthday celebrations so far and receive LOTS of gifts... range from expensive watch to clothes, unique cards to celebrations. It seems to be one of the most celebrated year of my life. Special thanks to the technology we are having and Facebook.

      Though i still miss out a few notable wishes, but i long have given up wanting these people to wish me. If someone really cares about you, he/she will sms you on your birthday at least or even 1-2 days before or after. Still, i really happy this year.

      Nat & XY took days to organise my birthday party on 19th Dec. Though only two of them, it had been happening and it may turn out to be my most embarrassing birthday celebrations ever. Standing on a chair, in the center of the restaurant (Fish & Co.) was a feat for me. At least, i did not fall down from the chair. *laugh* The efforts was heartwarming. But hey, i am not someone who expect ALOT for my birthday present. Alright, maybe a little... haha...

      On 20th December, it was my annual poly gathering, which also made a permanant fixture to remember our late Jeremy. Jocelyn made me a blueberry cheesecake and brought her son, Javier along. I was delighted. Her cheesecake was not too cheesy that make me feel sick, its simply delicious. Her son was also cute and i was like nanny to him or, like my friends commented, father & son. His father was attending company's dinner. *phew* So i can play alot with his son. *laugh*

      I would like to thanks the following people who wished me via all kinds of medium & also some worth mentionings:

Tony, Shihui, Belfred, Ashton, Amy, Jannah, Pearly, Brother, Yongda, Liying, Chang Cai, Tee Rong, Aunt Geline, Rick, Tun Min, Baojie, Jack Heng, Wei Ping, Wei Ming, John, Bernard

Belinda, Deming, ZhongJin, Diana W., Shuyi, Timothy, HangMing, Jia Jing, Adrielle, Cheryl, Weiqiang, Guan Long, Yaoyu, Marcus, GuanMing & Agnes, Tui Khajorn, Derui

Give me a call:
Wonder Twins (Hao & Wen), Junyan

Wish me before/actual day personally:
Sister, Jianqiang, Teckhui, Joey, Aunt Annie, Phyu Phyu, Cai lei, Natalia, Elaine, Dingze, Xinyi, Yuyan, Jiahui

Belated Wishes:
Jocelyn, Jianlong, John Liew, Yiliang, Aris, David Tang, XiuDian, SongXian, Ivy

MSN me: (may left out some)

First to SMS me: Belinda Lim
Last to SMS me: Bernard Lim
First to facebook me: Zhongjin
Last to facebook me: Guan Ming

Special Mentions:
The ONLY one to send me a gift in 'Friends For Sale': Deming
The ONLY one to send me a gift/greetings in 'Pet Society': ZhongJin
The ONLY one to bake a cake for me: Jocelyn
The ONLY one to throw cake on my face: Jianqiang
The ONLY two to make me paiseh in public: Nat & XY
Youngest Person to celebrate with me: Javier (2+years old)
Wished me before & after 19th: Xinyi (sms fail to be 1st or last)
Most Expensive Gift: Guess Watch
Most Surprise Wishes: Junyan, Weiming & Bernard Lim
Biggest Celebration: TopOne+Fish&Co Celebration

      I really enjoy my birthday celebrations. Each one is unique in their own ways... There will be one more to go... hopefully will be one of the enjoyable one too... hmm what will i get from that celebration then... *laugh*

Sunday, December 07, 2008


这四天的秘密集训的地点一直保密着,现在就让我公开这完美的基地。我们的秘密进修的地点就是位于兀兰的共和理工学院,简称RP (Republic Polytechnic)。环境悠闲,充满艺术感的建筑在我踏入校院的第一步,便深深的被吸引了。在第二天,便带了相机去拍照,但因为重点还是在课业上,所以并没有走完整个校园,把每个角落给派下来。那里的食物也不赖,中国餐和西餐都各有千秋。

说实在的,那里的图书馆并不像其他图书馆一样的宁静。这图书馆有钢琴,迷你展览厅,咖啡厅(Cafe Galilee)等设施。其实我反到觉得只有在房里,才称得上是用来读书的。走在图书馆的走廊,不难发现在那的学生都在玩网路游戏(e.g. Dota/CS),看漫画,看电影之类的活动。太浪费那么好的环境了。感觉上最棒的事,几乎每个桌面都有一个电源,也许因为这样,学生们才'善加利用'。第二天,竟然有学生在‘Reading Room' 里睡觉,打呼,真拿他们没办法。好吧,让你们看看我拍摄的成果吧:

first impression

tall buildings

The Water Droplet

Stadium & Sports Hall

Adventure Learning Center

Pond in the Middle of the Building

Beautiful Corridors

Beautiful Corridors

Interior of Library

The Reading Room

Our 'Tools'


我在国大的第一个学期终于在星期五,四点左右圆满的落幕。其实并没想象中的那么圆满,没有所谓的fairytale ending,而我当时的眼睛充满了泪光。五,六年前发生的状况,再一次的在国大考场上从演。考试时,脑子一片空白,看着考纸,明明算是张满容易懂的问题,我却无法回答。

星期五是考我最后一张,同时也算是最难的一张: 数学。我足足花了三天的leaves来准备,没想到还是于事无补。实在太失望了。95%明年会需要再读这课。最后一次考试不及格应该是中学时期吧。Poly最多也只有Common test,一颗考不及格,但大考总是能过关。现在只能在一旁祈祷,相信Moderation的威力。



Saturday, November 29, 2008

Thursday, November 27, 2008

One Down

     My first ever exam paper for my NUS degree ended on a low. Alright, may not be that low, still far from my expectation. My theory wasn't that good. Hence, i have a little problem with programming theory (Qn1). Things get slightly better on the section 2 (3 choose 2). Special thanks to my lecture mates for informing the lecturer that i missed out an important announcement while i went to the toilet. That could cause me alot of marks. So, THANKS~!

     Feeling tired, disappointed and low... Jun Hao tries to console me and make me believe that i will not be doing that badly. He also lost some marks but still brace himself for the next paper. My most confident paper, Employee Mgmt in Singapore. Programming was the 2nd more confident paper, yet some part of me is telling me that i may not do well in the rest of the papers as well. I decided to take whole week off to study despite having risk of losing my AWS. Heck~! who cares~! Study is my priority now.

     No one to be blame if i get bad results as even till now, i do not have the mood to study yet. A little fly that lost his direction, i guess. Not resting well, need to keep my body fit for my fitness test. Target date for IPPT is on 6th dec, a day after my maths paper.

     Now... time to go for a short run before i hit my bed... haha... or maybe an hour of study or two. ciaoz~!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


回话凌乱着 在这个时刻
我想起喷泉旁的白鸽 甜蜜散落了
情绪莫名的拉扯 我还爱你呢
而你断断续续唱着歌 假装没事了

时间过了 走了 爱情面临选择
你冷了 倦了 我哭了
离开时的不快乐 你用卡片手写着
有些爱只给到这 真的痛了

怎么了 你累了 说好的 幸福呢
我懂了 不说了 爱淡了 梦远了
开心与不开心一一细数着 你再不舍
那些爱过的感觉都太深刻 我都还记得

你不等了 说好的 幸福呢
我错了 泪干了 放手了 后悔了

你的回话凌乱着 在这个时刻
我想起喷泉旁的白鸽 甜蜜散落了
情绪莫名的拉扯 我还爱你呢
而你断断续续唱着歌 假装没事了
时间过了 走了 爱情面临选择
你冷了 倦了 我哭了
离开时的不快乐 你用卡片手写着
有些爱只给到这 真的痛了

怎么了 你累了 说好的 幸福呢
我懂了 不说了 爱淡了 梦远了
开心与不开心一一细数着 你再不舍
那些爱过的感觉都太深刻 我都还记得
你不等了 说好的 幸福呢
我错了 泪干了 放手了 后悔了

怎么了 你累了 说好的 幸福呢
我懂了 不说了 爱淡了 梦远了

你不等了 说好的 幸福呢
我错了 泪干了 放手了 后悔了

Sunday, November 16, 2008


今天,我花了几个小时绞尽脑汁,想办法完成我的Programming Lab3。从昨晚就一 直无法解决的三个问题,今天解决了两个。一个是昨晚深夜时分解开的,而另一个 是几分钟前刚解开的。你无法想象我所拥有的那种喜悦,无法用言语形容的成就感。 顿时间,激动的快要跳起来了,但快乐似乎是短暂的。

因为还有一个朋友跟我一样在想同样的问题,当我一解开了后,第一时间就SMS他。 表面上,我好像是那个比较强的那个,但看起来是我太高估自己的实力了。当我收 到他网上的回复时,我脸上的笑容刹时间转换成失望。这已经不是第一次了。我只 是以为能帮到他们些什么,一解决问题,第一时间就通知他们,结果往往是他们已 经解决了,我反而是比他们晚完成的。真的很伤人。为什么他做出答案不会马上告 诉我呢?害我还浪费许多时间去想。

也许我的职业是FA (Failure Analyst)吧,每当他们的程序出现问题时,都会请我 替他们检查。通常他们的失误都是些很小的问题,逻辑上的问题或因为对Programming的 写法不够了解。我常常得一个人帮两到三个人,搁下我自己的程序,帮他们在同样 时间内检查。有时一想到这点,还蛮佩服自己的,竟然真的能解决他们的问题,把 拥有不同问题的程序,都一一变成能跑的了。

虽然我常说我对Programming还蛮有兴趣的,但要把我脑里的逻辑写成程序,并非易 事。别担心,虽然沮丧,但我还是得把最后一个难题给解决掉,不是吗?对自己的程 度的确出现了质疑,只好加把尽,在考试时,证明给自己看,其实我也不差吗。


I had decided to give credits to whoever did their job during my course of study and penalise those who simply come and earn our money. Hence i wrote a description on why my Employee Management's tutor should be nominated. My english isn't good, but hope they understand what i wrote.

     Ms Siew Beng bring us a different insight on the topic of Employee Management in Singapore. She will not only make us think about the employee’s perspective, but also the employer’s perspective. She also encourage us to use our working experience as an examples in the numerous topics that we went through. This allow us to apply what we learn to the real world, bridging the gap between the academic and real working world.

     She will also share with us her experience, what she read from news or learnt from her students and friends. Because of her real life examples, i get to understand the module easily. Her timely choice of video also make her lessons much more interesting. She has the ability to make us think and discuss the different topics in different session, encouraging us to voice out our opinion and participate in class discussion. I feel that i had a better understanding of HR in Singapore context. She focus on local context but still did not neglect the global influence of the foreign countries, like USA.

     By making us do an essay write up on a news article relating to what we had learned, we get to read more newspaper. Most of the time, she will discuss with those students who reached before lesson time about the current affairs. This increases our interest in what is happening in the society today. She made the lessons more interesting and not as dry as many would have expected. This module was known to be more theory base and i usually find myself hard to cope with this type of module, hence credit must be given to Ms Siew Beng for making me enjoy her lessons etc. I look forward to every Friday's lesson.

     She offer her help whenever is needed and act more like a friend, rather than teacher. She is there to listen to us whenever we need to. She also leads by example. She present herself in a proper manner, speak proper language and able to manage her students adequately. Some students in our class tends to be loud, but she was able to control them and give other students a chance to speak up. She showed us what human management is all about.

     Due to work commitments, most of us did not revise our notes after each lesson. Hence, she make it a point to make us recap on what we had learnt previous week and create a linkage with the previous topic whenever we start a new one. Thus everything just falls into place so naturally. Her slides was made in a way that we will concentrate on her teaching rather than merely read through her slides.

     After the lesson, i feel that i am more capable of doing presentation or voice out my concerns/opinion whenever is needed. I also have a better understanding of my employer's views on issues and what is my role in my company. Hence, I decided to nominate her for this award that she deserves greatly.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

brain usage

Your Brain Usage Profile:

Auditory : 42%
Visual : 57%
Left : 33%
Right : 66%

Wee, you possess an interesting balance of hemispheric and sensory characteristics, with a slight right-brain dominance and a slight preference for visual processing.

Since neither of these is completely centered, you lack the indecision and second-guessing associated with other patterns. You have a distinct preference for creativity and intuition with seemingly sufficient verbal skills to be able to translate in any meaningful way to yourself and others.

You tend to see things in "wholes" without surrendering the ability to attend to details. You can give them sufficient notice to be able to utitlize and incorporate them as part of an overall pattern.

In the same way, while you are active and process information simultaneously, you demonstrate a capacity for sequencing as well as reflection which allows for some "inner dialogue."

All in all, you are likely to be quite content with yourself and your style although at times it will not necessarily be appreciated by others. You have sufficient confidence to not second-guess yourself, but rather to use your critical faculties in a way that enhances, rather than limits, your creativity.

You can learn in either mode although far more efficiently within the visual mode. It is likely that in listening to conversations or lecture materials you simultaneously translate into pictures which enhance and elaborate on the meaning.

It is most likely that you will gravitate towards those endeavors which are predominantly visual but include some logic or structuring. You may either work particularly hard at cultivating your auditory skills or risk "missing out" on being able to efficiently process what you learn. Your own intuitive skills will at times interfere with your capacity to listen to others, which is something else you may need to take into account.


连续两天吃好料,快胖死了~! 昨天,去了Cafe Cartel吃了一大盘猪排骨 和Zin给得鸡扒。吃腻了公司的食物,所以想出外吃些 不同的。最近胃口较差,若留在公司吃的话,我也许只吃水果而已。吃完后,肚子 好胀啊~!

今天而去了changi village吃些普通的食物。因为今天是Nicole的 最后第二天,所以便驾车到公司,好在午餐时能到外头吃,她请客嘛!是我们一直 叫她请,她才勉为其难的请的。哈哈!我相信她不介意的,我们对她还算不错吧。 在这短短的三个月内(她从Array FA shift member转到normal shift,和我一样是应 为在读书),我们挺照顾他的。

我们吃的都是些"sinful"的食物。都是些本地的食物,例如:Hokkien Mee和 蚝煎。吃得肚子很"满足"。哈哈!


Sunday, November 09, 2008

Food for thoughts

my HR tutor give us a small note on our last lesson by her. she was a great teacher and i really like attending her lessons. not once did i find her lesson bored, hope all my teacher are as good as her...

Do more than exist, live.
Do more than touch, feel.
Do more than look, observe.
Do more than read, absorb.
Do more than listen, understand.
Do more than think, ponder.
Do more than talk, say something.

- John Ho. Rhoades

Friday, November 07, 2008






现在的工作是看shift member所做的研究报告,如果他们做错或做不好,应该纠正。就因这样,感觉上,我变得很惹人厌。总是觉得我没kyu那么好命,有人帮忙和support。或许这就是男人与女人的区别吧,他们反过来希望我减轻他们的工作。我从来没真正的埋怨,把该做的工作都做好,就只希望我不是"只会说,不会做"的人。I always tried to lead by example. 但也许是我做的不够多,不够好吧,才会有现在这种 下场。

或许是我太敏感了,因为发太多的e-mail,对大伙儿的要求如对自己的要求一样高,搞到大家都不开心。最近觉得team c对我的态度欠佳,黄鑫对我说话有时大声了一点,phyu和我说话的语气更是气人。还好我忍的住,否则我一定直接讲回去了。



Tuesday, November 04, 2008


跑步的的确确是一项超棒的运动。数年前,我应为寂寞,孤独,而把那伤感转移到 跑到上。当然主要原因还是因为我太胖了,但每当我在慢跑时,脑海常会有很多画 面,问题。只有在这一个人的时候,我才会面对内心深处的另一个自己。常聆听别 人的怨言的我,总该听听自己吧!哈哈。


其实,了解我的人都应该知道我跑步的速度。我并非男飞人,也不是短跑健将。我 一向来都以慢跑来减肥。曾经看过某媒体的广告,里头说要减肥要跑得慢,但要久, 否则脂肪还没减,肌肉先出来了。这样一来,腿会变更粗的。这次的慢跑让我想了 我要的是什么,心里想什么。 其中一件事,既然是应为一个朋友。其实这并不是第一次发生的事情了,所以我这 次没以往的激动。我伤心,我难过,眼泪却往往没流出来。这次的我比较轻松一点。 所谓曾玩火被烫伤的人,哪里还敢碰火呢?在大家听了一头雾水之前,我先间说发生 了什么事吧。

进几个星期,有一位我一向来蛮重视的哥们,完完全全失去了踪迹。让我伤心失望 的那天起,便联络不上了。但他却常在facebook里,有updates,有新的朋友,等等。 也许友情的合约早已过期了,忘了更新。没关系。我不再难过。看以后咱们是否还 有做朋友的缘分吧。至少因为他,我认识了多一个会珍惜我的朋友。

再见了,这遗失的友谊。我相信我会过得更好。不会像上次Bryan那件事一样的难过 的。


Sunday, November 02, 2008

LOUSY SERVICE: Emicakes & Famous Amos

Singapore want to be a great tourism Hub? Its going to be a tough transition. We have to start from heartland. I went to 3 shops today, none meet my basic expectations from service line. Alright, maybe being in service line myself years ago, i am expecting something. But am i asking for a lot? I don't think so.

Smiles, Attention, Politeness. This are 3 basic requirement from service sector workers. Let's talk about Famous Amos first. The lady at the counter have the 'you-owe-me-a-life' face. i will not even think about patronizing this store if i see this kind of face. Honestly, this was the 2nd time i went there. Not for me, but for my sister. Last year, same thing happens and it is from a different person, mind you. We suppose to get the cookie at 12pm. We went and they don't even know where they put the cookie. When you expect them to find it, guess what, they did not do it at all.

The lady cashier did not even come and apologize, it was another guy who came and apologize, requesting us to return in 1/2h time. That lady cashier show the attitude to ALL customers. When we return to collect the cookie, her face is still the same. If i know the person name, i would lodge a complain to the office le.

Heart Cake in a Tin
Famous Amos's Cookie
(wordings are different from purchase)
Comics Connection
During the 1/2h, we went to Comics Connection to shop. When we ask for help, no help was offered but at least this guy politely say, "We do not kept any in the store." Then his attention immediately focus on another customer, who seems to be purchasing quite a lot. Then the cashier was very slow, offer no apology and no SMILE again. Lousy service, even if she is new, she should show some sense of urgency. She was like 'i-had-my-whole-life-doing-this' kind of attitude.

I have been eyeing on their mini-cakes for months. But due to the pricing, i was pondering about the idea. Today, i finally go and buy. Today, being the first, will definitely be my last time going there. I bought 4 mini-delights & 1 mini-oreo cheesecake. First the service, the whole store is serving one customer while letting others wait. 1 was writing a receipt, 1 was preparing the candles, 1 was hidden inside (don't know do what) while one is happily chit-chatting with the customer. I was waiting patiently, then one shock thing happens. This lady simply walked past me and talk to a indian lady customer and ask her what she want. I was standing there dumbfounded.

I don't blame this Indian lady, but i feel this is not the right attitude in service line. You make customer wait and then without offering any apology, cut away me and ask what another customer want. I swallow my anger and i did my purchase. So far, i ate 2. The Mini-oreo cheesecake, that taste like oreo-cream cake, and the Tiramisu, which have no alcohol taste but full of cream. Forget it, i am not going to buy from Famous Amos or Emicakes

Tiramisu Delight
Mini Oreo
Just for your information, i have not even start commenting on Swensen's & a saloon in Compass Point. One thing for sure, not all expensive things are good. At least, i am proud to say my cheesecake taste more like a cheesecake than the Emicakes and my service last time is way better than these stores. Uniquely Singapore? Ya, sure its unique enough. Tourism Hub? Dream on...

Sagittarius Employee Profile


The Sagittarian employee is head strong, cheerful, and willing to help. They exude self-confidence and take on tasks like there's no tomorrow. They are willing to tackle even the toughest of projects as long as it is challenging and gets them out of the routine. Lucky for them, their shining personalities and honest enthusiasm seem like a bright spot in the office otherwise co-workers might begin to build animosity towards someone so arrogant and extravagant.

Their tendency to exaggerate and take on more then they can handle usually results in missed deadlines and dropping the ball-not because they are lazy of procrastinate, but because their enthusiasm just gets the better of them sometimes. Don't let their nonchalance fool you-they really do care about what they are doing. They just have an easy-going attitude that allows them to keep on smiling even when they just messed up big time.

Just because they are flexible and easy-going doesn't mean they won't tell you exactly how they feel-what is working for them and what isn't. And they won't just blindly take orders - they need to understand the method and reason behind the process.

If you are trying to motivate your Sagittarian employee, be sure to feed them plenty of challenging new projects and hint that some business trips might be on the horizon once deadlines are met.

And whatever you do, try not to question their intentions- it is the quickest way to make them upset. They aren't capable of deceit.

Sunday, October 12, 2008

a busy week

      Its a crazy week. Apart from A*Mei's concert on SAT, there are other events that keep me busy this week. The three main ones:

  • Mum & Dad Birthday Dinner
  • HR Presentation
  • AFPD Retro Night

    Birthday Dinner

          My sister do up a small 'poster' for my mum on SUN and i decided to do one for my dad too. Or else, it seems 'unfair'. *laugh* But it is hard to do one just as good as my sis. I am known to be 'copier' & 'modifier' than 'creator'. Hence, i went online and search for ideas.

    The two 'posters' on fridge

          But i guess my parents really enjoy that night, since we seldom had a chance to sit down to have a dinner, not to say go out and have one. We went JUMBO in East Coast. i wasn't a seafood lover, so the food was just ok to me...

    HR Presentation

          We went for a FINAL rehearsal on Thursday to see how much time we took and to get everyone get the flow of the presentation. Unfortunately, Ning Yi couldn't make it, again. Yes, she was the one we all worried most. On the actual presentation, we all panic and she appears to be the least prepared one. But still, overall seems pretty well-received. What makes me most happy was being mentioned in one of the peer-feedback form and was praised for my part in closing the presentation. I was so happy the whole night. Now left the actual report to submit.

    Retro Nite 2008

          My company dinner was held yesterday at Downtown East's ballroom. Food was bad, ambiance was so-so, service was bad. But still, we did enjoy ourselves. I was being sabotaged to go on stage to be one of the 6 "Most Theme-dressed". 3 male & 3 female. To win the big prize, we had to do a little catwalk and dance. I missed out being the best but i'm glad i didn't. I was a little shaking on stage before my turn.

          Wanna see my photos of all these events? Visit

  • Sunday, October 05, 2008

    张惠妹 A*Star Tour

    张惠妹简直是太棒了!无论是声音,舞蹈,舞台美丽,感染力,或是她与现场的粉丝 们的交流,没有一点可以让我挑的。一等一的视觉与听觉的享受。从我开始听他的 歌后就一直想去现场看她的表演,但种种原因而都没去。这次的演唱会,我完全没 有后悔,真是一个五,不,是六星级的演唱会。现场的气氛,感觉,真的很难用言 语完完全全的形容出来。当她演绎劲歌热舞时,身体不知劲的动了起来。当她用她那沙沙但动人肺腑的声音 唱慢歌时,眼眶变湿湿了,整个人起鸡皮疙瘩。现场所有的人的心跳,都跟着她的 声音而起伏。当时的我真的有一点感动,全场的观众竟然能唱出她所有的歌曲。唱 的很大声,连A*mei都忍不住想哭了。有一首歌她甚至坐在舞台的中央,听现场的观 众高声唱。如果我有她五成的魅力,那该多好啊!哈哈!好啦,不做白日梦了。

    A*mei也是继张学友后,第二位歌手因循众要求,以安可的方式,一年内两度回到狮 城开唱。距离上一场演唱会还不到一年时间,但演唱会门票依然卖得火红,约一万 个观众席上,依然座无虚席。一些两度捧场的热情歌迷,还投入地站起身来,随著 阿妹奔放的歌声摇摆。星期六的狂热和忘情,响彻了新加坡室内体育馆。
    我一生只去了两次演唱会,上回是林俊杰的。很遗憾,我看了JJ 的表演,特别的失 望,宁可听他的CD算了。因为我完全感觉不到现场的气氛,他似乎太做作了,即使 声音再完美,他没有带动现场的能力,我差点都睡着了。比起林俊杰,A*mei根本是 不同等级的表演。下次若A*mei再次回到新加坡,我一定买进一点的坐位来欣赏她无 法抵挡的光彩。

    Tuesday, September 30, 2008

    Formula 1 Singapore GP

          Congratulations to Singapore for hosting such a dramatic race of F1. Honestly, i expect the charming Hamilton to win despite Massa started in pole position. Unfortunately, Hamilton has this air of arrogance, or should i say over-confidence, in him that cause him to lose. If not that Ferrari had a bad day, i am sure McLaren will not be laughing at the end of the day.

          Singapore scores through a boast in branding Singapore into world famous city. F1 did not lose out either. I am sure now almost the whole Singapore know a little bit about F1... Ferrari... McLaren... Renault... and their sponsors... The first night race is really something Singapore can boast about. Even Malaysia will not be hosting night race next year, stating it to be too costly. Singapore wowed everyone by putting F1 into a busy shopping/office district and remove it in just a few days. I am impressed too...

          Just finished my part in my HR group project, i also edited one of my friend's part. Look at the time now. *looking at the clock* it is 12.54am, already. I will do the compilation tomorrow (or should be tonight). I pinned lots of hope and expectation in this report & presentation. Hope i don't falter last minute. Apart from English, i am sure that this report is informative enough. Up next will be my individual report to be done by Wednesday. Before focusing on Maths & Programming. Presentation will be held next week, pray hard for me guys~!


          i had a hard time learning mathematics. Though it was used to be one of my no-problemo module in poly, it is the worst module i had this semester. Lack of practice and lousy Tutorial Lecturer are just some of the factors that causing my day. Need to work triple hard if i were to survive in the University. Just a pass will not quench my thirst for good grades. All the best, Xiao Liang


          Fitness drop, Gaining weights, Want to lose weights... Its the same old thing. But i am glad i managed to run a little despite my legs not yet fully recover... still feel the pain but i managed to run a round of neighborhood. Need to revive my training plans before i book for IPPT. 3 more months left...

          Had some ideas of revamping this blog, but guess will not happen soon... due to the lack of time. but will definitely come out with a new theme.

    Tuesday, September 16, 2008

    One Down

         Finally, finish one programming report. Although it is still far from perfect, i guess i could do no more than that. Level too low. *laugh* Largely due to 5 years of absence in programming. Anyway, there are more to go. 2 HRM reports, 2 programming, 1 maths lab. Anymore? Hope not. *laugh*

         Its tiring, but i guess i enjoy the process. I enjoy studying. The feeling of getting your report done is great. I miss the feelings. Hope i don't get back the fear for exam soon. *laugh* Study in NUS get me to experience a few things i never did before. In poly, i study full-time & work part-time. Now, i working full-time & study part-time. A brand new experience. Because of Human Management module, i am 'forced' to read more newspaper instead of the sports section. I also did an interview with my group mates. But unfortunately i made a costly mistakes, forget to press the record button.

         I was supposed to record down the conversation using my mp3 player. But the first half (which contains the most info) was not recorded, i believed that i forget to press record. Hopefully i still remember what he say. Its a new experience, i don't think i will get another chance. I am currently feeling enthusiastic about my studies.

    A small change in me

         Over the weekend, i did a little shopping. Get myself 2 Tees, 1 jeans, 1 belt and a haircut. I also dye my white hair into brown. Not attention-seeking colour, but enough to cover my white hair. I like the new colour, even though the hair style did not change. *laugh* If you get to see my hair, hope it give you a refreshing look.

         Unfortunately, not all things look good. Over the last few weeks, i was disappointed by someone. Now, i was down with flu. Not that severe but it last for days, especially after lacking of sleep. Its strange. When i feel my knee was okay for resuming the exercise, i felt tired & sick. When can i really keep my fitness... *looking at calendar* i still haven't clear my IPPT~!!!!!

         *Yawn* Time to sleep. Nights everyone~!

    Thursday, September 04, 2008

    everything has change

         one month of leave. am i really resting? do everyone feel that i am really enjoying my time? alright, i don't deny i really have time, even if not enough, one month is quite long. but i feel that i have a lot of things i wanted or expected to achieve but yet, failed to achieve last month. due to weather, due to tiredness, due to lack of discipline, due to school. many factors to explain, but anyway, who cares?

    back at work

         now that i am back at work, i feel that the working environment had change within this month. or is it that i felt that i changed over the month. i no longer as relax, happy or carefree apart from chatting with team b & thinyu. i felt that i officially out of team a. i am not in their group anymore. maybe its due to cailei. seems that we are not as close as last time. but mark & james are still warm and chat with me. maybe i become more quiet. but after msn-ing with mark. i guess its not only i change. the environment, indeed, had changed.

         this is the catalyst that make mark resigning so early, much earlier than expected. he also no longer feel happy working here. maybe due to stress, due to people. i used to stay on because of the people in our level. but now, i stayed for the promise i made to boyes since he really uphold his promises and give me what he promised me. he also quite good to me. i enjoy working under him, less stress even if i have to attend morning meeting now, because i know, he will be there to back me up.

    studies make thing worse

         maybe now that i have to juggle both work & studies, i have lesser personal time. weekdays, 3 days of school, 2 days of OT to cover up early exit. weekend, on the other hand, will be used for projects etc. even after work/study, i stayed awake till 1am to do my assignment. not that my assignment is that tough, but still need time to understand, revise & do. only today, i give myself time off to go online not doing work, after lessons.

         suddenly feel tired. just tired. i don't feel stress at work this week due to the fact that angie on leave. but yet i am not as joyful, just relieved. i need time to adjust to the life i am in now, i guess. hope tomorrow will be a better day.

    Wednesday, August 27, 2008


    Last week of leaves, yet i feel i did not enjoy or zero accomplishment. After thinking back, its 23years of life without any major accomplishment. What am i good at? what am i strong at? Sorry guys, with much time spent on traveling to & fro NUS, its hard for me not to reflect.Jack of MOST trade, master of NONE.

    I guess i am good at singing, even if many beg to differ. *laugh* But i am not great in it. That goes to bowling as well. Baking, Drawing... all my interests seem to be OK level only. I... feel a little insecure in my abilities. I guess, that is the problem in me which make me unable to achieve any success in life? Alright... stop all this... I will go on thinking about my life later in MRT. *laugh*

    Pretty Impressive

    After such a long time since i last visit, i must say that i was impressed. Not by their website, but by the Super Reds club site. Visit. Out of the 10 club's sites i visited, this appeals to me most. I was impressed that a small club (compared to the SAFFC & Home Utd), their website are fully updated and overall, give a very professional outlook. In their players profile, every individual player have a very professionally taken photograph. It shows that how serious they are. They have their great ambitions being listed there too. I may being swayed over to be a Super Reds fans after SengKang Punggol FC couldn't even have a website of their own. Yes, they are the only local team among 12 s-league clubs that do not even have their own club site. The other s-league club is Dalian Siwu. I think their parent club have a website which i visited before.

    Woodlands did not update their site frequently, which i believe is newly created, as a lot of features are titled 'coming soon'. Balestier Khalsa was not bad but a little boring with the colors they used, alignment problem as well (maybe due to Mozilla that i am using). Their player's photos are a little not professional enough. Albirex(S), on the other hand, provide professional player's photo as well. Geylang, Tampines, Home Utd, SAFFC are rather disappointing. Their websites are too simple and it seems that the format had been used for years. Young Lions & Gombak are in the middle of new-style & old-school style. On whole, to attract fans, an impressive web is required apart from the style of play on field. S-league is obviously not even semi-pro yet. Jiayou Jiayou~!

    Missy Donuts

    I was impressed by another item yesterday. It was donuts from Missy Donuts. I bought box of 12. What had truly impress me was not their toppings or flavors, but the main plain donuts. The donuts are soft when i bite on it. The taste & texture simply make me want to have more. I totally forget about the toppings i was eating, the rest was forgettable. Its not that the topping was awful but its simply does not have any lasting taste or impressive enough compared to other donuts store. But i like this particular option, Chocolate Sweet Heart. The mini hearts on the chocolate was simply too cute to resist... hehe.

    missy donuts
    Missy Donuts Collections
    Chocolate Sweet Heart
    My Favorite: Chocolate Sweet Heart
    Visit Missy Donuts

    After Ming Zhong (Fated to love), i now starting to watch the basketball-themed, Hot Shot. The highly rated idol drama starring Jerry Yan (F4), Show Luo & Wu Zhun (Fahrenheit). Jerry's expression was so cute in it... Got chance, go watch it.

    Sunday, August 24, 2008

    NDP Parade Vs Olympics Ceremony

         If Beijing Olympics ceremony is considered as a world class standard, what ratings would you give Singapore's National Day Parade (NDP)? The Biggest celebrations of Singapore annually. An event where the whole nation celebrates and many even queues for tickets in the past.

         I watched bits of Olympics Opening Ceremony & bits of National Day Parade 2008, i am watching now the whole Closing Ceremony. Why i give this year a miss and not even wanted to watch the replay? The reason is simple, it is simply not attractive enough. Compared to the world event, our very own National Day is no where near their standard. A First world country with a 3rd class National Day celebrations. To be honest, i am not even expecting Singapore to have an event which required such a BIG number of participants. But at least the standards, the coordination, the choreography must be to a certain standard?

         I am proud to be Singaporean, I watched almost every year's parade & even participate in 2005's edition. NDP, for years, focus a lot on colors. Every individual participant can wear UGLY uniforms but yet they are colorful. It may look good at some point but overall, it always not enough to keep me glued to the TV. It get messy during the celebrations. I understand that Singapore focus on Racial harmony, focus on old & young. But coordination should be the most important criteria, isn't it? The main reason could be the director of the show. I was part of the participation crew, remember?

         I still remember that despite the fact that we started our rehearsal since May or June. Every week's rehearsal was a different one. We keep changing our routine, our formations till the very last week. Even the NE show is different from the actual Parade. How can you expect the performers to be good?

         Olympics Ceremony is very different. Every individual participant's costume is very detailed and not very colorful. But overall, it give a great impact... Some even commented that it was as if we are watching a movie, since the director was Zhang Yimou, but isn't that great? for a movie to be LIVE and no cuts or NG. I noticed during the performance, every participants are having the pride on their face, no tiredness and all are in great coordination. I tried to catch any bad apple, but unfortunately, i couldn't. Congrats to Beijing, People's Republic of China. You guys did a great job. Now... Will our YOG can be as good as that? Will see in 2 years time.

    Wednesday, August 20, 2008

    what makes a man

         i had an interesting conversation with Nat & Xinyi. For many times, i had been on the defense of the ladies against those male chauvinistic pig (MCP). For once, i am able to be in a conversation as a man, despite not being regarded as a man. Its a sad case but i have to resign to this. I'm overpowered. Alright, i did express my view as a guy when some lady friends face problem in relationship... But this time, we are chatting on MAN as a general term.

    Why interesting?

         No. Not because its about us, guys. No. Not because i am interested in guys. But it makes me reflect on my conduct and changes over the years. I am no longer a gentleman by their definition. I can't deny that i do have some 'gentleman' reactions/actions, over these years. But sad to admit, i no longer who i used to be. I am not bragging, but i am really a good guy or gentleman by their definitions, years back. Alright, its not the first time i mention about this and i am sure you guys long been bored over this topic. But to me, self-reflection is important. So one can improve. Besides, who know best about yourself? You? People around you?

    Good Boy No More

         No. I no longer, always, request for sms from my lady friends when they reached home. No. I no longer show enthusiasm in helping lady friends. No. I no longer offer help to carry things for lady friends, that often. No. I no longer the goody-boy-next-door who willing to give all out to assist a friend. Do I?

         I had to admit that I am not who I used to be. Always around to offer a helping hand whenever there is a need. Put others ahead of self. In short, I became selfish. Not to an extent that may cause people to hate me, but to have this defensing wall around me to prevent myself from getting hurt. But I guess, this wall hurt those around me without me notice it. Making me losing close friends. In the end, I had times where I felt that I had things to share(whine) about and yet, no one to turn to. I will take this opportunity to say apologize to whoever may be hurt due to my changes. Sorry.

    The problem with man

         Ladies always wanted guys to be gentleman. Do this... do that... But to be honest, sometimes it is not we do not want to, but there are reasons for us not showing. (Alright, this view do not represent those REAL MCP out there.) There are times when we don't wish to go that extra mile in case any misconception that we have some interest in you. There are times when we realize that we should offer help, its too late or some get snapped. Every individual have their own reason. So I guess, its not right to judge a guy's gentleman-ness according to your definitions. If you are really looking for this guy that can score full marks in all aspects, forget about relationship. This guy should now be extinct.

         Of course, as a man, we should be a gentleman. Maybe most of us are not as detailed as we could be. But simple gestures, I am sure ladies out there will appreciate. Hold the door for the ladies. Ladies first (in some situations). Escorting ladies back home or to the bus-stop. The examples can go on and on. In short, be a gentleman from the bottom of your heart. It will come naturally. Ladies do have eyes to see if you are faking or you meant your actions.

    Actions speak louder than words

         Its easier to say than done. Even i understand this statement, i couldn't do what i feel like. May be i am a thinker. Or simply, coward to do it. There are times when i feel like saying things or showing my love, i couldn't do it. Expressing myself is still an obstacle for me. Example, i know my parents meant well and i really love them. But hey, don't expect me go over and say: " Dad, Mum, I love you!" That is too much for me. Its hard for me. Actions or words, i did try. Maybe not hard enough. I need to learn how to express myself. Oh, yes... and try to be a real gentleman and not gentle man only.

    Sunday, August 17, 2008

    bad bad day

         i was real pissed today. i know i shouldn't but its been a while since i feel so piss... Thanks to what have been happening today. First and foremost, i was denied the use of the PC because my sister selfishly brought her buddy back again... hence i had to be kicked out of the room. I was tired, hence get a little angry... then came the news that my mp3 charging cable was missing. All denying that they took it. I couldn't search for it since its highly possible to be in my sis's room. Then, guess what... the trigger of my madness came. The news that i maybe transfer back to be under my previous supervisor was broke up to me. Its from a reliable source.

         What i wasn't happy was, if everything was true, then they did not respect my decision or my views. I wasn't informed officially that i was replaced by a person from Array side. So what if she did have more knowledge in Array then me (i doubt it is really true)... So what if i am much more capable in Cell side than her... they couldn't put me where they like just like that. At least XY,who was in the same situation as me before, was informed about the decision before she was transferred. That is why i gone berserk upon hearing the news.

         Yes i found the cable after that. It was misplaced by someone. But to let off the steam, i decide to go for a run. I was having such a HUGE headache that i was forced to reduce my speed and really cool off... But after the run, the tiredness did make me feel less angry. I guess those people who ran pass me will see the Sa Qi on my face. Anyway, now feeling better but will see what they do to me when i go back. Who knows, maybe i will start to look for a new job. Its a matter of time since i already planned to do so next year, earliest.

         On a lighter note, Singapore won her first OLYMPIC medal since 48years ago by Tan Howe Liang, a weight-lifter. To those who still believe its 'CHINA TEAM 2' that won the silver instead, i only can say "f**k off". They are truly Singaporean. Much more Singaporean than those who only bitched about how bad Singapore are or those who want to leave Singapore for good. So if you had this kind of view in mind, don't try to mention in front of me. For those who still don't know me well, i am very patriotic. Thanks.

         Once again, congrats to Team Singapore Women Table Tennis Team: Li Jiawei, Wang Yuegu & Feng Tianwei. Congratulations~!

    Thursday, August 14, 2008

    Alcoholics' Temptations

    What a day to spend my time~! Alright, i had to admit that this aren't that rosy to start up with. Being woke up by someone at 8+ am to know that she forgotten to bring my HDD to work. I was supposed to meet her for dinner. Then came another sms from the person that i am suppose to buy an used textbook for my Uni. What a great start~! I cooled off in having a dip in the pool & get 'heated' up again under the sun. Yes, i went for a short swim and a tan. Last 2 days of gym still left my arm & chest-muscle aching. Hence, reduce the exercise load seems to be the logical idea for me... (or simply finding excuse)     Despite not able to get my HDD, i still met up with her for a dinner. What do we have for dinner? Its Shin Kushiya @Vivo City. 2nd time in a Japanese restaurant in a week. I was at Ministry Of Food @Marina Square on Wednesday. Both serves good food. But honestly, i prefer the latter. Maybe due to the food we ordered? I wasn't into BBQ food but i like Japanese curry, which i ordered in MOF. I also had a dessert at MOF. Their Matcha Shake was superbly delicious. Its more thick compared to Bishan Library's Green Tea Peppermint Moo. The taste of Matcha was strong, the texture was smooth & thick... it topped up with Ice-cream. Upon drinking it, you will be wanting for more...
    Matcha Shake
    Ministry of Food - Reviews
         Before leaving Vivo City, we visited Chocolat Factory. And, yes, from the name of the store, you won't get any prize of guessing right what was selling there. C-H-O-C-O-L-A-T-E-S! Alright, to those ladies out there, the guy tending the shop wasn't bad looking, well-groomed, speak fluently english & chinese. May not be hunk, but after looking a while, pretty cute. So Xinyi, there isn't a need to take back your words. *laugh* Anyway, I was eye-ing on this particular item they are selling. The Pocket Tube. It came in 3 flavors. Guess what, i got all 3 of them. Once a while, i guess its alright to let spoil myself.
    All from Chocolat Factory
    THe Pocket Tubes
    Not satisfied with the Pocket Tubes, i was attracted to the variety of chocolates they are offering. Of course, normal chocolate will not tempt me that much. I like to try new things. They offer 9 choices of chocolates that actually contains alcohol. You read me right. A-L-C-O-H-O-L. It may not be special with chocolates with alcohol. But hey, i seldom get to buy this type of chocolates, not to say having 9 types at one go. There i go again, i bought all 9 pieces (it was sold in terms of grams). I spent about 70+ in that shop. I will try the chocolate tomorrow since its way too late to have any chocolates at this time. Not after a sinful outing today.

    My alcohol-flavored chocolates (pack inside)

    Leaving the Vivo City, how can we end our day without desserts. No, i did not have it in Shin Kushiya, despite the fact that i wanted to try on their black sesame flavored ice-cream. So we ended up on Ice3 (pronounce as ice cube) instead. If you are a follower of my blog, i mentioned it before. Today, i tried on 2 new flavors ice-cream mud-pies & a few new flavors of ice-cream in scoop form. Its not new offering, but for me, first time taste them.

    Eyes Wide Open Mudpie
    Mocha ice cream drenched with chocolate fudge & dusted with Milo® powder & chocolate chips. Its a little bitter for those sweet-tooth. That's largely due to the powder i supposed. It doesn't taste totally like Milo powder, or maybe i did not really try to eat it at home like that. The powder seems to be of abit of coffee-bitterness & Milo-sweetness combinations. Overall taste? Not bad

    Alcoholics' Anonymous Mud Pie®
         You must really go try this if you ever step into one of the Ice3 stores in Singapore. Read the description of the website:

    "The best mudpie in Singapore.
    The only mudpie awarded platinum rating in Sweetest Things, Singapore's Best desserts
    Jam deliriously delicious Rum & Raisin ic cream on an Oreo® crust, squash it with a tonne of raisins & almond flakes, & then pour over with butterscotch syrup for a euphoric indulgence that's barely within legal limits!"

    Its no wonder why they were awarded the platinum rating. The taste is REALLY good. I fall in love with raisins (those with rum). It is a heavenly combination. No wonder, Rum N' Raisin is a hit in Singapore. This is the first time i really taste it in Singapore. Swensen's now offer a HALAL flavor, hence i doubt it project the real taste. Ice3's offering really make me begs for more. I totally forgotten about my exercise when i ate it. Its been a long time since an ice-cream make me go ga-ga. In short, don't trust my words, go taste it yourself. You will not be disappointed.

    Visit Ice3 Website

    Monday, August 11, 2008


          3 buffets in 1 week. I am gaining pounds after pounds. 2x Sakura International & 1x Hotpot. Its is coincidence that all happens to be in the same week. One for chalet, One for National Day L-12 Gathering, while One to mark our 2nd year of ORD. Really must start strenuous exercise scheme in order to prepare myself for 2 events. IPPT & Standard Chartered Run.

    L-12 National Day Gathering

          Edo organized an outing for Lounge 12(L-12, a group of friends from Signal Institute) on the actual day of Singapore birthday. I was shocked to know that he selected the most crowded place in Singapore (on that day) - The Marina Square. But all turns out well. I wasn't stuck in the crowd, something i hate most. We enjoy ourselves despite not having the best food there. I actually need to vomit to feel better after the buffet. *laugh* Not all L-12 people went. Those present was Edo, Jianqiang, Dingze, Teck, Kek and, surprisingly, Kang. Due to some unhappiness within the group, Kang was not expected to be there. But i am glad he did. It will be great IF all 12 managed to turn out. We'll see if it can happen then.

    4th Jaguar II Annual Gathering

          One day after National Day, happens to be my army ORD date. Hence, there is another gathering going on. We (BMTC platoon mates) make it a point to gather every year on this day. This year turn out to be a little disappointing. In the past years, the gathering was largely made up by Section 1 since the main organizer is Tee Rong. I merely in charge of other sections. This year, many of the section 1 "put aeroplane". I also lost my contact numbers with the rest of my platoon mates. Hence, i managed to informed via Facebook, Friendster, Email. Only Jon, Tim are contactable via handphone. Despite this, we still have a rather cool chatting session, catching up with each other. Attendees of the event? Teerong, WeiZhi, Joseph & Tim. Unfortunately, we forget to take some pictures. Nevermind, there are many years to come. Next outing will be a bigger one~!!!

    IPPT & Standard Chartered Run

          Yes, i am not mad with me going for the marathon. But definitely hard work awaits. Its still not confirmed that i will be running since i had not join yet. But i will be working towards it by going for more frequent run. This will be in conjunction with my IPPT training & my aim to lose weight. Its been a long time since i wanted to go this kind of run. But lack of company & losing fitness after army, have been the main reasons for me not joining the runs. I will work hard for it. So, cheer me on~!

    Thursday, August 07, 2008

    Back to ABC

          I went NUS on Monday & Wednesday night. It was my first 2 lessons after 4 years. I was tired upon there, a little bored, but definitely excited. Tired, largely due to the fact that i had these lectures in between my chalet. Bored. Until now, the lecturers went through basics, which i learned 4 years ago, so i merely take it as a refreshing course. Excited. Imagine Wee Liang back to school. COOL~! Alright, its simply rubbish. *laugh*

          To be honest, it is real cool to have my lessons started. The traveling is real troublesome. I was home only at 11pm from NUS. The journey was tiring. But i guess, i will get used to it soon. At least my lecturers did not simply follow the notes & read it out. So i guess, its good in this sense.

          The essential modules this semester happens to be 2 of the modules that i am pretty confident with during my poly days. Hence, i believe that i should be able to cope. But of course, i will not let this get into my head and perform badly in the end. I will strive hard.

          Just side track a little, i finally get my birthday present from Kangwei after so many months. Its a watch. Pretty cool, something i like very much. I always wanted to get a watch but didn't find anyone suitable. Don't dare to get expensive one, as i can get it scratched easily. Don't dare to get too nice one, scared my fat fore-arm will not present the watch nice enough. But when i heard the mystery gift is watch. I was really looking forward to it. Its real COOL... thanks, Xiao Di. I guess, its worth waiting after all...

    2007 Birthday Gift
    The cool DELVINA watch from Xiao Di

    August Chalet

          I'm really tired... but... i am happy... Just return from chalet yesterday. Though, to be honest, i had expected a little more than what we had over the two days... Never thought that i had a little bit of unhappiness in this chalet... But that was a very small portion, as majority of the time... we are enjoying ourselves... I am sure it is a wanted break for all of us from the tiring work/study life.

          We watched a movie, played Deal or No Deal, UNO, PSP Battle of Naruto Tournament, Kbox Marathon, Bowling, Watch "No-Sunrise", Had great food... oh ya, how could i possibly forget about the exercise-cum-fun arcade game of ghost hitting (forget the actual name). It seems to be quite few activities for 3D2N chalet. Its largely due to the fact that we could only start the chalet on Day1 late night & ends on Day 3 morning. There are time constraint due to our own schedule.

          Maybe i simply highlight 3 events from the list and offer a little explanation on our activities. Watch No-Sunrise. Normally, people will go to beach just to watch sunrise. Its one of the more romantic event IF it turns out well with the right person besides you. BUT unfortunately, we waited for about half an hour or more at the beach there and yet, what we get to see was dark sky. Only during day break, we saw the sky lighted up at other area but the dark/red clouds still covering the sun-rise. A little disappointed for some of us, but at least, it didn't rain. Hence i call this even "Watch No-Sunrise". Isn't it cool?

          Hitting the Ghost - Arcade. It was, indeed, an addictive game. Initially, we simply laugh it off when Nat introduce us to the game. After we actually played with it. We totally lose control. No longer care about our image, we simply living in our own world. Imagine this. Right at the door step of the Arcade, a group of young adults playing a cute game, creating a hoo-haa, attracting a small crowd. We don't even dare to turn back and look at the crowd. That is disgracing. I was even caught in a camera. Special Thanks to Xinyi & Xiao Di, Kangwei. Unfortunately, the video will not be released to the public. *laugh* (Those who had a copy, HEARD THAT???)

          After that game, we had our whole body aching, even till now. I actually slept till 11+, this morning. I was awaken by a call from my friend. It was fun. Hey guys, remember to hit the gym before we go down to strike back the game. Oh ya, out of the mini-games, at least me & Nat managed to hit the #1 spot for a game or two. An achievement leh... We played this energy consuming game after bowling. So, you can imagine the tiredness we had, upon standing in front of the game station despite having lots of enthusiasm.

          BOWLING. All four personal best records was broken in the two games we played. First, Xiao Di broke his personal records with 119pinfalls. That was his first game ever in his entire life, so breaking it was easy. But still, for a first-timer, he was good. I remember i merely scored 70+ on my first game. Up next, Xinyi also scored her personal best. (i will updates the scores after getting the photos back) Follow by Nat. All 3 broke the records in the first game, while i was still a distance away from my personal best. But in game two, i was surprised by myself too. A few misses, but managed to get to my best result ever. 179 pinfalls (if i not wrong). Though not high for many pro-bowlers, its high enough for me, the amateur one.

          Initially, Kangwei still say he don't want to play. After the game, he say "let's play again next time". The power of fun is really hard to resist. For me, i also have the feel to continue bowling.

    Saturday, July 26, 2008

    Colorectal cancer

          There are many things happening recently... At work, i had been on normal shift for about a month. My current supervisor was good to me, willing to part his knowledge and analysing skills to me... Me no longer as panic as i used to be during morning meeting. Initially, i felt being controlled by my previous supervisor. A little unhappy over her doings, but now it seems she finally accept the fact that i no longer under her control. She could no longer control me, my OT etc.

          But somehow, i felt pretty lonely now at work. I am used to be in a team. Maybe workload decreases a little, maybe lesser interaction with my team-mates, i feel that i no longer part of them. Despite the fact that they still ask me out, i felt that things no longer the same. Its saddening but i have to accept this fact. I am no longer shift member or team leader. The interaction decrease is logical. Just that, i realise that i do not really have close friends with me le... maybe last time, due to running shift, my friends are mostly shift members. Going out also with them. Now... things are different.

          My health wasn't that good either. Last friday, i suddenly had a pain at my tummy. This pain comes occasionally. This pain was simply an alarm to me. Last week, i experience another time of having my stool filled with blood. Its more compared to previous encounter. I am a little worried about this. After sharing with my collegues, one of them pointed out that its symptom sounds a little like Colon Cancer. No harm having a check up despite the hassle i will have to go through. I may down to polyclinic next week for them to refer me to the hospital for check up.

          The month of august is another milestone of my life. I will be going for University studies starting this week, i will be 2 years after army life, it will also be 2 yrs of staying in this company of mine. At the same time, i will be taking a month of rest to recover my body, hope to slim down... at the same time, adapt the new field i will be studying in... Its a do-or-die month. Most importantly is my health... Hopefully, by the end of the month, i can say i have some accomplishment.

          First up will be tomorrow's chalet. After my PK being canceled, tomorrow will be the only event i look forward to this month. I will also be attending school tomorrow. Hope that i can enjoy this month as much as i could.

    Saturday, July 05, 2008

    movie spree

          Hancock.. Get Smart... 2 movies in 3 days... Both are rather good movie... if you had a chance... catch it... its nice... relaxing... funny... with story line... haha... its especially great when you have a group audiences watching the movie with you... They laugh ... the shout... they clap... haha... 3 cheers to those who are in the cinema with my friends and i...

          Its been a long time since i baked cookies... so... decided to step into the kitchen once again and try out some old recipe out of my Braddel Recipe book... Though looks & crispy-ness is just nice... i did not get the taste i wanted... BUT i will work harder... Here are some of the photos of my creations... Enjoy... haha...

    In The Oven...

    Freshly Baked...

    Take A Close Look...

    Spot the 'LOVE'?

    Cookies in Jar...

    Ready to Serve...

          Can you smell the fragrant of freshly baked cookies? *sniff sniff*

    Monday, June 30, 2008

    Fuping hosipitalised

          Its been kind of strange recently. Another friend of mine is now hospitalised, awaiting for operations. But being brain operation, there is a certain risk of the operation. His mum is strong, facing a child feeling tired & frustrated over sitting on bed for months. Lack of shower... Fuping slims down a lot. He looks more energetic yet... his speech became more blur. He could not recognise me. But i am not sad as he can still remember HangMing, Weiping, Liquan & their friend Wen Hao. I know him for the shortest time, among the 5 of us.

          His memory loss was worrying. He couldn't remember things that we just told him... couldn't remember which day it is that day... forgotten he got his driving license... psp... couldn't even remember he replied my sms. I kept receiving his sms replying to the same sms i sent him on FRI. Watching him really make me feel down. But seeing his mum being so strong, who am i to be sad and down? we tried to encourage him to think positively. If everything goes according to plan, he can operate on Thurs & go home the week after.

          All i could do now is pray & pray for him to recover soon. Sleeping in hospital for 2 months isn't fun. Not allowed to leave his bed is worse~! All my friends out there, take care of yourself. I do not wish to see any more people get into this kind of situations. Teak care~!

    Body Aching

          Arghhh~!! My body is aching~! That was thanks to the fully packed schedule over the past 3 days. Over the last few days, i baked a cake with a friend, went to chalet overnight, helped my friend move house, visit a friend in hospital, before going to work... I am real tired now... can't get enough sleep & couldn't sleep in the day again...

          Jin requested my help once again to celebrate his 6 month anniversary with his girlfriend as he planned to bake a cake himself for his love one. Hence, he required my kitchen & my assistance despite the fact that it has been an awful long time since i last bake something, not to say cake. We opted for the ready mix ingredients that required us to add in fresh ingredients only. We did alright~! But i would prefer the cake itself to be more tastier. Maybe the mixture wasn't supposed to be sweet as its pictured with those cream. Anyway, i woke up damn early to go NTUC to get his stuff hence did not get enough sleep and almost fall sick. Popping 2 Panadol Cold did help a little.

          Up next... 2D1N Chalet & BBQ. Being the team on OFF that day, my supervisor made full use of us from checking in to getting the food ready. After getting the food from the carpark to the chalet, we had merely an hour of rest before starting our 'work' again. Whole night walking from the entrance of the chalet to our chalet. It may sounds near but it is definitely NOT NEAR~!!! Our chalet was situated inside Block L which is the innermost block of the whole chalet compound. Hence, walking in and out of the chalet is a tiring job. My leg was aching. But still i enjoyed the night a lot, forgetting those minor upsets. This was specially due to the hyper on CELL FA members. Doods came late but did most of the job from BBQ-ing to photo taking & even make me go into his reality TV program live... Interviewing us about our recent pay raise, bonus & comments about our bosses.

          Team A are fun loving people. My daughter, Cai Lei, was crazy and hyper active. This was her first chalet ever and was so excited over it. Right from the start when we stepped into the room, she jumped... rolled... hopped... laughed... erm... basically anything you can think of a child getting excited. Mark & Bo Bo makes up the rest of my shift team members. We had our intimidating times... I am sure that you will think those at the BBQ are ALL GAYS~!!! as we did took alot of photos, having fun... totally forget about our image. That is what FUN is all about. I was so shy that day, getting kissed... or even have a food in between Mark's & my mouth. *laugh* But soon the embarrassment was turned into sporting play.

          We did KTV at night over in the newly built shopping mall at the Downtown East. Sing our lungs out, jumping around... 5 person (TEAM A~!!) occupying a 15-persons room. IMAGINE~! Oh yeah~!!! Its like we are having our very own concert there... too much room to fool around. That was fun. Before the ktv, we even spend some time at the Arcade. It was okay though. Quite a while since i last went to an arcade. After the KTV, we are so tired. BUT most of us did not sleep after reaching back in our room. We played pokers, playing PSPs, and even managed to catch the romantic, beautiful sunrises. Its real nice... Too bad, photos aren't ready to be posted up. Even if it was ready, i will need to filter those protected contents. *laugh*

          Only slept for 1-2 hours that night, we went bowling in the morning... of course, we enjoyed ourselves as we fight for glory. As usual, i was not the MVP. i couldn't last for 3 games. Too tired. Whole body aching... While most of them get to rest after the lunch, i had to go and help Cai Lei to move her stuff over the new house. I was forced to do it... Sadly, but managed to catch some sleep over at her place while she was packing. Her friends are friendly and make me feel welcomed. Get home only at 12am to FINALLY ends my non-rest days. Its tiring, but i really enjoyed my few days with them.... If time permits... maybe we will do it AGAIN~!

    Sunday, June 22, 2008

    Interrupted Weekends

          Aching all over... That's what you get when you starting doing some sports after months of absence... I went bowling yesterday. It supposed to be fun... it is quite ok but... i feel a little demoralized over the fact that i lost the feel i had in bowling... The movement was still okay... but the swing & the control is no longer there... the ball did not end on the place i wanted... or is it because my analysing skills have gone... But its okay, maybe due to my lack of sleep? maybe due to lack of practice? haha... finding excuses for myself over here. At least i managed to hold off Jack's challenge and maintained 2nd spot... merely... May bring my ball over to Jack's working place to re-condition and also rent a locker there... since we normally play there.

          Last few days did not have my rest properly, my team mates called at the wrong time and cause me to be a little upset. Okay, she was facing some problems... and i am there for her lar... but my sleep was interrupted... Movie was interrupted... and keep on sms-ing me... haha... i scolded her... haha... make me spent time with her till wee hours... but i dragged Mark down... hehe... So still okay, someone to be there walking with me home. Though not to my house, but almost half the journey... Hence not lonely... haha.. i am really beat when walking home... real tired...

          Watched the movie, You Don't Mess With the Zohan, with Dingze & Jack after the bowling. It was entertaining... but a little too much... erm... nonsense? But overall, still okay... kinda interesting to see such a movie to be on our big screen... Guess its stretching our limits for movie screening... The short clip asking us to turn off our handphones by Money No Enough II was kinda interesting. Though i do not like Mark Lee but he and Henry Thia was funny enough... haha... Remember to catch this ads in the movie theater.

          My once-in-a-while weekend off ended with a gathering between Kangwei, Vivian & Xinyi. Kangwei looks better & more handsome with this hair'do while vivian looks as radiant as ever... its been a long time since i last saw this two... This time round, both are less hyper as before... maybe all are tired at our own life... I tried hard to up the beat... but slowly lost the power... How to be hyper over 4 hours (or 3) when all people around you aren't doing the same? Xinyi needs to remove her negative ions soon... haha.. a little too much for me to handle le... No hard feelings but hey, my positive ions are almost neutralised thanks to your negative ones... haha... If continues like that ah... i had to think thrice if i am meeting you up < le hor... And i am serious about this... sometimes, i really feel tired when looking at her most-of-the-time-the-world-owe-me-money face...

          Anyway, its time for me to grumble over my weight again... haha.. really feel my fats again today... I had been NATO (No Action Talks Only) recently... need to find the motivations & start soon... Aiight, Time for me to force myself for a run now...

    Beautiful Seeds

         Here's an advertisement from my xiao di. He is currently selling some clothes via this webby. But unfortunately its only ladies line... And the clothes are specially selected by his lady partner... so have a look... :-)

    In conjunction with Great Singapore Sales.
    Free normal postage with every purchase!
    Free registered postage with $60 and above! =)

    Tuesday, June 17, 2008


    这两天我过的还蛮不错的,还蛮有意义的。我表弟Berwin,在上个星期得了‘水豆’号称Chicken Pox。也因为这点,他无法和他家人一同到Genting去玩。这对一个六岁的小孩来说是个多么残忍的事情啊! 因此我决定下去陪陪他。从Ashton手上拿了PSP后,便从兀兰直往Pasir Ris。

    当然,他见到我并没有马上开心起来,脸超级黑。在不断的跟他说话,烦他后,他终于开始有些回应。当我静静的在一旁做着时,他时不时会传头偷偷眇我一下下。我当然也假装没注意到他,继续静静地看着荧光屏,看他在玩的游戏。哈哈,我表弟可爱吧?也许他觉得内疚吧。结果真的如我所料,他因为太闷,没人陪他,而闷闷 不乐的。

    这孩子还挺会装酷的。当我问他要不要玩我刚买的PSP时,猜猜他说什么?哈哈,他竟然说"随便"。你说,气不气人啊?哈哈。竟然是新买的,我当然需要把他安装好才能使用。在我安装的当儿,他还传过来看了看,也许怕灯光不足(房间没开灯,没开窗,联窗帘也拉上了),他有尝试掀开一点窗帘,但还是没用,因为玻璃并不是 透明的。好啦!之后心情当然变好了。玩游戏常赢我,能不开心吗?我可是‘老玩同’好不好!我当然有让让他啊,但我得承认他也不赖啦...

    第二天果然不同在我还没到的时候,向我阿姨问起了我,是否会来他家。见到我也显得开心多了。不过我妈和阿姨好过分哦!要用我来骗他吃他不喜欢吃的马蹄和喝他不喜欢的Barley Drink。联我都觉得不甜的饮料,他=哪里可能喜欢,是吗?



    恭喜‘星光3’的黄静伦,为国争光,进入五强。最近看了两期的PK赛,发现了一位很不错的选手来PK。来自‘原视音雄榜’的曾静玟,令我打掉眼镜。歌声似Ella, A*Mei的动人,音域,所唱的歌曲能打动人心。听了都会想哭。难怪能成功的PK掉两名‘星光3’的选手,我很看好她。希望在‘原视音雄榜’能胜出。对了,她有点象第一届‘校园Superstar’里的Geraldine。很棒哦!

    Wednesday, June 11, 2008

    The third one... farewell...

    What's going on with the world today? At an age of 24, i should be attending weddings, graduations, celebrations etc. But yet, i heard news about death... China world-shakening earthquakes... Myanmar tragic typhoon... and now... the news about the departure of my friend, Hazel Xu. Its pretty saddening. Having my third friend leaving us within 2 years or less. But i long learned to move on... live on...

    To be honest, i do not have the rights to be that upset. Maybe a little bit about me & her. Both of us are primary school friends. To be exact, we are classmates for only 2 years. That's after primary 4 streaming exam, where i was in one of the worst EM2 classes. I do not have any problems with any of my classmates then... so of course, we soon became good friends.... you know? those friends whom they always tease each other? I remember being called by her 'Ta Tou Tic Toc'. Its a name from a character in mediacorp serials then... This was the most clear impression of her in my mind. I tends to forget people when too long never meet up as people do change. As for her, i still can remember this. It shows that we do have some good times together... But that was then...

    After moving on from primary school, we all got separated into different schools. We do not have technology like Handphone then... that we could update each other via sms... we need to call up each other etc. Hence, slowly we lost contacts... i never met any primary school friends since my secondary school days... even if i do saw one or two, i will not have the courage to call them. I was pretty 'zhi bei' then... largely due to my failures in getting good results in PSLE or secondary or even due to my size... haha... might be due to the reason of not meeting up, i did not feel as devastated as i heard about the late Jeremy or even the late MingHui. But who can really take it when you know someone you know passed away, needless to say someone you used to be close with.

    After moving on from primary school, we all got separated into different schools. We do not have technology like Handphone then... that we could update each other via sms... we need to call up each other etc. Hence, slowly we lost contacts... i never met any primary school friends since my secondary school days... even if i do saw one or two, i will not have the courage to call them. I was pretty 'zhi bei' then... largely due to my failures in getting good results in PSLE or secondary or even due to my size... haha... might be due to the reason of not meeting up, i did not feel as devastated as i heard about the late Jeremy or even the late MingHui. But who can really take it when you know someone you know passed away, needless to say someone you used to be close with.

    Life is always so unpredictable. Why be affected by things you couldn't change? Don't get that affected. Live your own life. Be sad only for your own failures, but only be sad for awhile. Time wait for no one... The world will not stop rotating for you... even for one split second. We need to get up and move on... Live life to the fullest. Who know when i will be gone from this world? Make an impact on the people around you. Positive impact. Help others, be their listeners, do whatever you can within your abilities. Only then, when we leave this world, we can be proud and say, there is some great achievements in my living life. not merely some qualifications or awards...

    As for Hazel, i will remember those times we had together. Though its a pity that we did not meet up for years... but still the memories are fresh in my mind. The three days you spent in hospital may be the toughest times you had in this world, but i hope at the minute your heart beats stop... you leave with a peace of mind... no regrets in this world... if fate permits... hope that next life, we can be friends still... Thanks for the memories...

    Rest in peace, Hazel...

    Friday, May 23, 2008

    Cook emerge Winner

         In the Battle of Davids, Cook emerge as the winner over Archuleta in American Idol 7. The finals performance was pretty good... both are worthy winner. I support David Cook as he is simply more versatile compared to David Archuleta who can only belt ballad or inspirational kind of music. Hence, my vote went to David Cook. I will consider buying both of their albums... should they release...

         The finale was slightly less impressive than the Wednesday night show. The result show had the past winners, contestants & celebrities on stage to perform. Most were so-so for me... Not good enough to impress me or keep me stick to the tv. Maybe its the song choice too... rather unpopular choices. The singing from Top 12 of this season simply showed us that both Davids deserve their spots. American made the right choice this season. Impressive... A record of 97.5 million votes were cast by the American. Last season had 74 million votes recorded on the grand finals.

         On the sporting field... Manchester beat Chelsea by pentalties... They drew 1-1 after extra time. Frank Lampard & C. Ronaldo score for their respective team. Will Arsenal win some trophy next season? I will hope so...

    Monday, May 19, 2008

    clarify speculations

          I wasn't feeling that good recently... was feeling some dilemma last week... hence whatever i do... i simply feel tired. I have to admit, i am feeling rather down or lost here & there... but to clear things up, i need to clarify one thing. It coincidently happens days after knowing Terence being attached, hence causing speculations that i am feeling down because of him. Aiight~ maybe indirectly, that incident was one of the minor reason... but hey, when i say he is my No.1. Its purely entertainment. For those who think otherwise, i shall not waste my time clarify again.

          Terence IS one of my better friends who listened to be during a period of time when no one believes me. He saw what i saw then... in my shoes... hence i was able to move on... Hence to him, i have pure respect. If he being my #1, is because of i love him... then... i have lots of lovers then... with some having girlfriends or wife by their side. We are just fooling around, CgM's girlfriend even know me by person.

          The reason why i did not choose to reveal what i am thinking is largely due to the fact that there are too many things connected to it. Not one or two words will be able to explain, plus... i do not have someone who i can 100% open my heart with yet... currently, 60% is already hard to find... Some already been removed in my list *laugh*. Contracts ended...

          But on the brighter side of this incident, i learned more emotions. Maybe due to some movies i watched recently, i learned how to put more emotions or i could put more emotions into songs i sung. Went KTV last week, and sang a few songs that i never did before. I was so glad with my 'performance'. Not sure how others think though, i was particularly impressed by myself *laugh* when i sang "Fu Huo" (Revived) & "Lei" (Tears) by Lin Yu Zhong & Mi Lu Bing respectively. Those who have chance in going ktv with me... watch out for a better interpretations of the songs i will be singing...

    Sunday, May 11, 2008

    The Promiscuous One

         Spontaneous. High appeal. Rare to find. Great when found. Loves being in long relationships. So much love to give. A loner most of the time. Loses patience easily and will not take crap. If in a bad mood stay FAR away. Gets offended easily and remembers the offense forever. Loves deeply but at times will not show it feels it is a sign of weakness. Has many fears but will not show it. VERY private person. Defends loved ones will all their abilities. Can be childish often. Not one to mess with. Very pretty. Very romantic. Nice to everyone they meet. Their Love is one of a kind. Silly, fun and sweet. Have own unique appeal. Most caring person you will ever meet! Amazing in bed..!!! Not the kind of person you want to mess with- you might end up crying.

    my #1 is now gone...

         Have it happens to you before? When you see people around you get hitched... get into a relationship... again and again... yet... it seems forever to be your turn? What's worst... your siblings falling in love with someone you had a crushed for a very wrong time... Life been annoying, isn't it?

         Thankfully, this did not happen to me... or should i say, the last part didn't. I just watched 27 Dresses. A fun, lovely story that showcase one lovely girl who went to 27 wedding as maid of honour... assisting 27 brides in their weddings. All different themed. Yet her boss, someone she had a crushed with, falls for her sister at first sight. A rather simple yet not that simple movie... rather fun watching. Maybe because of the news i heard from Terence make me feel more for the main actress...

         Yeah, as i said earlier on, people around me get hitched, get into a relationship... or even break up and get a new one... All so fast that i almost lost to keep track. I should be happy that Terence found someone he love. But some part of me feel sad... Hey, he is my #1 in 3SIG, you know? *laugh* Honestly, he caught me in surprise. He wasn't one that i would expect to get a girlfriend first (among 12 of us). But definitely, one of the better catch among us. So... maybe i shouldn't be that surprise after all... at least i am now his mistress... *laugh*

         Feeling a little low... but hey, i am fine actually. Since its myself who can't accept another person in my life. I love myself more than anyone else. *laugh* But to be honest, i did change a little over the years... After watching those Taiwan's Idol Drama... those movies... i was actually being moved... but still the special one is not in my life yet... so maybe, i am fated to wait or.... simply be single... Bachelor wasn't a bad idea...

         Some part of me had this little confidence telling me that i should able to succeed should i had someone in my mind. Hence, i keep trying to increase my market value of myself by slimming down... or find clothes that suits me... though keep failing, i never give up trying.

    Wednesday, April 23, 2008

    Vietnamese Cuisine

          Sedup~! Despite having flu for the past few days causing me to lose my appetite in food, i enjoyed my dinner yesterday night. It was my 'papa' Tony's Birthday celebration. A group of us, namely Kyu Kyu, CaiLei, James & me were treated with a variety of Vietnamese food. The food was pretty tasty... Especially the salad... The sauce tasted just right. Not too sour... not too sweet... nice... so do other food like lamb, chicken etc.

          Food is one thing, the company of them was important too, isn't it? We had a good time chit-chatting. Enjoying the food. And photo-taking~!!! I even get to smoke a cigarette. The first cigarette of my life... Oops... don't tell my parents. *laugh* Alright... alright... i simply posed with that cigarette that i hold for Tony. I'm a good boy, aiight? Will pose some of the suave photos when i grab hold of them. One of the picture was commented that i look a little bit handsome... just that tiny winy bit.

          After that, was our KTV session @marina square. One of the few times i actually get to sing English songs, since some of us are non-Chinese. Tony and Kyu left earlier... Leaving the Team A to sing awhile more. Its been a long time since i enjoy so much... my first time going out with Kyu & Tony... i will definitely miss Kyu after she leaving. Oh ya, i will be replacing her position.

          Right now, i feel so tired... that's after a swim in a pool. Strange... i felt rather weak and 'light. I couldn't really swim in a straight line, never happened before and felt my body was light when i alighted from the bus... haha. guess i'm too tired and weak... haha...

    Thursday, April 17, 2008

    American Idol 7

    David Archuleta... David Cook... David Hernandez... All these names are so foreign to me... before i started to tune in to this week show. Haymar had been promoting her Mr David Cook, citing that he is cute... "Guys with talent are cute". While Huang Xin is trying hard making me believe that AI7 is actually having great talents... He even discuss with Thinyu...
          I watched one episode or half an episode via the ppstream. It wasn't impressive at all. Hence, i had a hard time accepting his views... but after being tempted and give AI7 one last chance on TV, i am impressed now. Maybe its Mariah Carey's songs that do wonders... its Mariah Carey's week, by the way.... Most contestants do impress me... but i would say, i only fall for two performance... that was the two Davids that was remaining... David Cook & David Archuleta...

    David Hernandez was voted off during the Top 12... Hence, didn't catch his performance on TV. But saw his performance online in Top 12. He made news after revealing that he posed nude before and his photos was seen online. Anyway, The other Davids did Mariah proud. David Cook's rendition of 'Always Be My Baby' was unique and sounded so original that i almost found Mariah Carey's version was merely so-so. David Archuleta's 'Hero' touched the hearts of million of viewers. You can definitely hear his sincerity through the way he interpreted the song. It was also pretty original. But the former one is more unique. Both receive my 'wow' & salutes...

    I went on to listen to David A.'s previous week performance, 'Angel'. That was simply awesome. Go catch their performance in or download from their fansite. I did download some too... haha... now i guess i am back an AI fan after skipping season 4,5 due to army commitment & season 6 due to lack of interest.

    David Archuleta
    David Cook
    Sidetrack a little from AI7, i have decided to stay in engineering line, not electronics line though. Its was a rather easy decision. I made it in a day time. I also will not be quiting my current job, but will be changing to normal shift. Job scope will differ slightly but more adaptable than if i job-hop. My supervisor also agree to give me flexibility working hours for studies... That is leaving slightly early for school or taking leaves in preparation for exams. But money wise... it will be a huge drop compared to my salary now. Its ok, i just need to spend a lot lesser. Lesser entertainment for me, i guess... Hope there is an increment this year. A huge one.
          Am i really sound like a PRC? haha... though that's a complement. I was mistaken as a PRC once again. This time round by a Singaporean. Previously, i have people from different department or nationality, thinking that i am from China. When i asked why do they think so, they say when i speak the language, there is an accent in it. Hmm... slightly different from Singaporeans' way of speaking. But was commented that i look older now than i first joined the company. Looking forward to a month rest in July or August. Taking leave to rejuvenate myself. Do what i wanted to do~!!!

    Last but not least, a shout out to those still have doubts in my nationality and name... i am a TYPICAL SINGAPOREAN with the name of WEI(3) LIANG(4) & not WEI(3) LIANG(2) or WILLIAM~!!! hahaha

    Tuesday, April 08, 2008

    Get To Know Yourself Better

    Your view on yourself:

    You are intelligent, honest and sweet. You are friendly to everybody and don't like conflict. Because you're so cheerful and fun people are naturally attracted to you and like to talk to you.

    The type of girlfriend/boyfriend you are looking for:

    You like serious, smart and determined people. You don't judge a book by its cover, so good-looking people aren't necessarily your style. This makes you an attractive person in many people's eyes.

    Your readiness to commit to a relationship:

    You prefer to get to know a person very well before deciding whether you will commit to the relationship.

    The seriousness of your love:

    You are very serious about relationships and aren't interested in wasting time with people you don't really like. If you meet the right person, you will fall deeply and beautifully in love.

    Your views on education

    Education is very important in life. You want to study hard and learn as much as you can.

    The right job for you:

    You're a practical person and will choose a secure job with a steady income. Knowing what you like to do is important. Find a regular job doing just that and you'll be set for life.

    How do you view success:

    You are afraid of failure and scared to have a go at the career you would like to have in case you don't succeed. Don't give up when you haven't yet even started! Be courageous.

    What are you most afraid of:

    You are afraid of having no one to rely on in times of trouble. You don't ever want to be unable to take care of yourself. Independence is important to you.

    Who is your true self:

    You are mature, reasonable, honest and give good advice. People ask for your comments on all sorts of different issues. Sometimes you might find yourself in a dilemma when trapped with a problem, which your heart rather than your head needs to solve.

    The QuizBox